Here is one I found.
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Here is one I found.
Thank you pet, my friend. You helped me a lot.;)Quote:
Did you say something, or was it just words? It doesn't make any sense.
HKG7 great pictures, please more. pulling them out is shown fine :D- I wonder if you made them with poser?
It's not that I'm a fan of ********** or related extreme CBT, but I came across this small clip. Mind you, it's mainly special effects. But still it had me turning my head away from viewing it at times. Hope this is what fuels some of us members in here.
PS. It's from a movie/DVD call "Torched" released in 2004
I've seen historic woodcuts in the past of castrations and a lot of times the instrument to be used was a knife shaped like a small sickle. Can anyone tell me which edge is the cutting edge, the inner or outer? I'm working on a photo manip which I hope to upload soon and I want to get it right.
tnx slim
hello, girl i'm slave like a ********** for girl
write me if you go to italian holiday, i'm here for happy
sorry my english
I can get the sound but not the video. Is there a way to properly download this?
Hi everyone
As I see more and more on this thread, I have to admit that I have a growing interest in this sort of thing. I still prefer the idea of removing a guy's dick rather than his nuts, but I didn't realise how much I enjoy that concept.
I would of course NEVER do it in real life (short of doing it as a last resort means of self-defence), and don't relish the idea of it being done to innocent males.
There are two methods I really find interesting.
I always found the idea of fire as a means of torturing the dick to be appealing. Secondly (and only recently) I find the idea of an animal or creature being used to be quite fascinating too. That's why those pics I posted (and the subsequent others posted by another person) appealed to me. Sadly, that's probably the extent of such available material.
But if anyone knows any pics/videos on either of these themes, it would be great!
I have threatened my boyfriend recently with both of these concepts, and it gets him nice and ... well, just how I like him! :)
it's funny that you should mention fire because when i was younger i had this crazy fantasy of having a condom filled with oil (like cooking oil or some other) put over my dick and then having that heated it with either like a lighter or some kind of torch, this would just drive me crazy.
i still have some fantasies of being ********* (none that i would like to become a reality just for the record) but they mainly involve having my dick and balls in a "cock box" and then basically having them crushed by a ladies foot, either bare foot or in heels.
photo-manipulations are not so easy with animals and fire is even more complicated.
In any case it depends on the material.
The more there IS in the original pics, the better will be the result.
It's for example not easy to put something into someone's hand. It's always better to replace a complete hand, object an all, or manipulate just the background than try and put something between the fingers. Objects from different pics have different light and you never get that to fit in where you want it.
If I had suitable pics of hands with weapons I could probably make them look like being (on the brink to be -) used on a males "best part". :)
Just examples...:
These posts reminded me...I was camping recently at a clothing optional resort. In the middle of the camp ground was a pond that had four or five small gators in it (less than 2 feet long). The girl I was with was just fascinated with the idea of one of the gators biting a guy's dick. She also had some theory about the Y chromosome being in a thin slice of the penis...but I was too drunk to concentrate on what she was saying.
hello girl,
help me, rapid..... i cant' look che clip,
is a money site ? where is a clip of cut balls
sorry my english
hello all group
ok, I hope I don't screw this up. It's my first born.
msms : Thanks for responding to my post. Yet, I've taken this one step further. I went ahead and ordered the DVD, "Torched." It has been released in America under a new title, "Hell Hath No Fury." I saw the part I wanted to see and was kinda disappointed. The preview I found and posted in this forum is all there is to that DVD. Nothing more was found related to CBT. Yet the girl/actress did dominate the ****** she had in her grip. I also discovered that the original movie is from Europe. The preview/DVD is an American version. I'm now tempted to order the original movie, "Torched" the director's uncut version.
So I was surfing youtube and found something interesting, hopefully they wont catch this one soon.:Baahaha:
Hi every one!:)
This story has a great part where a rat eats a man's penis. Here is a sample and the link to the entire story is below also. Is is great, but not for thr "faint of heart".
As Pearl fingered herself with one
hand, she held up a cage with a large rat inside and showed
it to lance. Mai Lin said, “ You ****** bastard will be
********* by the mouth of this rat. Pearl placed the rodent
into a large burlap sack and quickly closed the top and
wrapped it around the base of Lances sex organ. Trapped
inside the bag with the penis and scrotum of Lance, the rat
started biting fiercely, as Lance screamed in pan and shock.
The ladies enjoyed the show as the bag filled with blood.
After about seven minutes of this torture, Kim removed
the sack. All that was left of Lances cock and ball area were
a few veins hanging limply from the hole on his groin. Moaning
Lance slowly bled to death as life drained from his crotch.
Kim stabbed the bag and killed the rodent and dumped the
rat into a jar with Lances dog tags wrapped around it.
Although Mai Lin often used this technique on other
prisoners she interrogated and tortured in the jungle, the
other girls had never witnessed it before. All were quite
impressed with her method. General Van Pao placed
the jar next to the other trophies the women collected
Just found these on my hdd while cleaning up. The third one is not
really ********** but it's nice anyway :)
Speaking of the third picture, does anyone now what kind of device this
man is using and what's it called? I tried to find some information on the
internet but no results. If it is some imaginary tool of the cartoonist I'd be
very disappointed ;)