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The last ones are from an artist called Hisano:
This one SO needs a translation!
Awesome! Which comic is this from?
Sexy heroic fantasy webcomic Alfie by InCase finally featured so mild ballplay.
Something weird is happening with the forum links, just google it.
Not sure where to post this, guess I'll just stash it here. Any suggestions as to more appropriate thread/forum, please let me know. Also any thoughts along this line, PM me, thanks. Might incorporate into future works.
Warning - Gore:
I'm Ocigart again, and I just decided to try Patreon and draw Ballbusting stuffs! I would love for you to become Patreons and give me support on this project. :thumbup
Patreon will get exclusive content, but I will keep doing some updating on Pixiv (@ocigart), Deviantart (@ocigart), Tumblr (@ocigart) and Twitter (@ocigart2).
I can't remember when I did that one, exactly... Did I upload it to 4chan? or it was on another forum? Anyway, it's supposed to be a fanart of one the great master Knave's works: Jamie Get Her Jugs. I surely recommend to buy this one if you haven't yet.
I updated it on a digital:
Thanks to all of you and... happy ballbusting!
Great to see you back in action! I've joined your campaign - your art is too good to pass up!
Also, def agree that Jamie Get Her Jugs is one of Knave's best. That fanart is fantastic.
Link fixed:
No idea. I got it from here: