OK - I did recognize it as Japanese, but no idea of the content. I know it will be witty and relevant!:D As far as the pirates go, I believe I am the one hanging upside down, but they all look like they are having fun!:bananad:
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OK - I did recognize it as Japanese, but no idea of the content. I know it will be witty and relevant!:D As far as the pirates go, I believe I am the one hanging upside down, but they all look like they are having fun!:bananad:
Skipperbob-"Thank you very much Lady Nozomi"Quote:
Originally Posted by skipperbob
Ballbuster-"You're very welcome, little skipperbob" -" I did it Professor!"
Lady with Fan-"Indeed you did Miss No"
The one hanging upside down can't be you because;Quote:
Originally Posted by skipperbob
(1) He's ********* and you're into ballbusting,eh
(2) He has too much hair, (sorry),eh!
The other two hanging can't be you, because, look carefully now> They're Girls, eh
You're not the masked one under the pirate queen's( red headed, purple girdle) boot, because he's different than the one in the other picture, and I said pictures (plural), eh!
You're not the beheaded one because;
(1) I wouldn't kill a good friend,eh
(2) That too is a girl, eh
You're not the one under the one eyed piratess's boot because (sorry) He's obviously a young man young, (sorry), eh
So you have to be the one being busted over the cannon.eh Another clue is that that piratess is a woman of colour, and you prefer non-caucasians, eh!
Ciao Kemo-Sabe
Ok you got me!:) But hey, you calling me old and bald!:soomad I guess the truth hurts sometimes! Thanks again!:thumbup
The woman in Post 824 is Diana Rigg* not Diana Prince**,eh
This Is Diana Prince
(as seen by Clark Kent***, now there was a real gent),eh.
Notice there is no resemblence between these pictures and my 'toon,eh!
Speaking of Clark Kent, did you see "Superman Returns"?,eh WOW!,eh
And while we're on the subject, eh. What do
Fleur de Lys
Flashback and
Have in common?, eh!. (not just comic superheroes,heroines, eh)
I won't draw any more 'toons untill someone at least tries to answer,eh
Doo-loo-too-too-doo-loo-too-too!, eh*Emma Peel
** Wonder Woman
*** Superman
Sorry cutponies - I'm not up on my superheroes! eh? Never heard of "Fleur de Lys" or "Flashback", I've lived a sheltered life! eh?:( I'll take a wild guess - they are all Canadian!:Baahaha: What the @#&* do I know? eh?:wooow
Hey eh? USA and Canada - finals, World Lacrosse Championships! eh?
P.S. Most of the USA team played at Syracuse, coach is from Syracuse!
Question: What great NFL players best sport was lacrosse? eh?
Joe Shuster, The co-creator of Superman was Canadian, so Superman is a least partly Canadian. On the 50th anniversary of his creation both your post office and mine issued commemorative stamps, same picture. The third time we'd had done that together. The other 2 times? eh
200 birthday of Benjamin Franklin. He was once Postmaster-General of Canada. eh
100th birthday of Winnie-The-Pooh. Yes he was a real bear. And He was Canadian. His full name was Winnipeg (Smokey was also a real bear). eh
The other three are Canadian characters in the Marvel Comics universe. Our laws are such that if a publication has at least 50 % Canadian Content it gets a tax break. The comics are printed here (cheaper paper), and enough of the artists are Canadian, that if 8% of the characters are Canadian it qualifies for the break. So who did they get to portray Wolverine in the movies? Hugh Jackman, an Australian ARGHHHH! eh
Hand cranked Ghetto Blasters (I'm not joking), Spacesuits, Telephones, Insulin, Zippers, Pablum, Radio (Marconi could only dot-dot-dash, Fesenden could "Good mawning America"), Electric light bulb (but Edison's was better and cheaper), Chocolate bars, This (the internet), and Televison are all Canadian inventions eh. What would life be without them?
So I'm now open for requests again, fans, eh!
:bananad: :bananajum
Thanks to skipperbob :ibow4u:, eh
I do know that Jim Brown played lacrosse in the football off-season to stay in shape, and 'tho an amateur he was devastating. I know, I saw him play once. eh (and this was after he retired as a football-player). It was an exhibition game he played for a children's charity while he was up here being filmed for some location scenes for "Ice Station Zebra" (Geeze that Dates me, eh. Did I ever tell you I had a pet named Rex;- T. rex? eh)Quote:
Originally Posted by skipperbob
Is he the one you were thinking of? eh
Never saw him play football, tho', eh
as for Ben Franklin -typo -200 should read 300
Marconi? While this is excessively off-topic, TESLA invented radio. Thanks to Serbia for Tesla, and you do him much wrong by implying that Marconi had anything to do with it.Quote:
Originally Posted by cutponies
As to Canadian superheroes, how well did Alpha Flight ever do there? It just never got much of a readership here... Think Vindicator might make a good ballbreaker? I just can't see Snobird as being into BB... Then there is Aurora... Yeah, she might, but, yanno, wouldn't you rather see Vindicator busting balls than Aurora?
Oh, with regards to radio -- what are you saying, was Armstrong Canadian?
Yes Tesla developed the theoretical basis for Radio transmission, (indeed much more in the field of electromagnetism, some 700 patents) and was completing an actual receiver/transmitter, far superior to Marconi's( Tesla's was tuneable, Marconi's wasn't) when Marconi made his famous signal from Ireland to Newfoundland. Grey and Edison had more advanced designs for telephones and were working on workable devices when Bell made his famous "Mr. Watson, come here , I want you" call,. Stupidly Grey fought Bell in court and inevitably lost, wereas Edison sold Bell his designs, which he incorported into the first production models. Marconi was also a superb salesman and marketer, wereas Tesla was something of an introvert.Quote:
Originally Posted by Trouble
It's a question of who crossed the finish line first, not who had the better idea. Such is life!
Reginald Fessenden ( typo in previous) was the first to transmit a voice wirelessly, and incredibly while a special transmitter was needed, anyone with a tuneable morse wireless receiver could receive his signals.
Trivia- Marconi's research and development was very expenisive, needing corporate or government sponsorship. The Italian government wasn't interested, but the Irish government was. Along with the Irish Distiller "Jameson" they financed almost all his work.
How did he manage that coup?
He went to the sole owner of Jameson's Irish Whisky, one Anna, and said"
" I need 100,000,000 lire, Mom"
Doo-loo-too-too-doo-loo-too-too! eh
I always thought Telsa was Hungarian, but you're right.And considering the various subjects we've covered here, I don't think one CAN get off-topic, eh
Alpha flight bombed. I'm really more into removing than busting, but, my choice would be Aurora among those you listed. Diana Prince would be first among the comic heroines, and Cher my first among real people.eh!
Well, I went to the trouble of learning Italian for Sylvia, eh. No point in wasting all that work, eh
Note skipperbob guest stars, eh
Thanks cutponies! I wondered why I woke up today with sore nuts!:D
You were right about Jim Brown. Now I will date myself - I saw him play at Syracuse - like a man among boys!:ibow4u: I was such a fan that I would root for him wherever he went in the NFL - thus I am a lifelong Cleveland Browns fan! Greatest running back in NFL history!:thumbup eh?
Sorry, off topic! Bad skipperbob:soomad Have some more ideas for nice pics!
i'm again with you!Quote:
Originally Posted by cutponies
i love this pice
Yes, and only You, Fittizzioh, and Myself know what they're saying , eh!Quote:
Originally Posted by silvia_lati
How's my Italian?
Not bad for a guy who couldn't even spell Ciao 2 weeks ago, eh
Could the Pirate Queen, the one with the boy under her boot, be your older sister? I do detect a family resemblence. eh
Ciao Kemo Sabes:bananawin
Does that mean that I (meaniing you ) have some ideas, or does it mean do you (meaning I) have any ideas?Quote:
Originally Posted by skipperbobi
doo- ah hell my fingers are worn out see previous post. I need a smiley for doo-loo etc, and one for Mwhoo-etc, eh.
:bananawin (notice no Ciao Kemo-Sabes, like I said my fingers are worn out) eh!
Oh, while we're on the subject- Silvia Lati, as seen By Clark Kent, eh!