never passed out but went into like a heavy eyed zoning out kinda thing i fell asleep after words minutes when she was done squeezing.
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never passed out but went into like a heavy eyed zoning out kinda thing i fell asleep after words minutes when she was done squeezing.
Passed out once: it was after our third intercourse of the evening, she had been squeezing my balls during all the penetration; when I ejaculated, I went limp very quickly and went out of her; she got angry and kept crushing my balls with all her might. I passed out.
She told me afterwards I had been out four a couple of minutes, and that she had stopped squeezing for all that time. But now that I was awake, she resumed squeezing and that gave me an immediate new hard-on!
This is my ultimate fantasy. I have tried to find women to do this and failed. I would love to see or experience such a thing. I imagine a man getting grabbed and not realising at first that he is in serious trouble maybe in a domestic dispute and when he realises he is severely weakened and begs the woman as he slowly loses strength and his eyelids start to flutter and his eyes roll as his passes out.
Has anyone seen this happen?
She really seems to know what she is doing and it looks like she enjoys it pretty much. Exactly my favour...
Lovely vid.
yeah she's hot and i love the way she pulls his balls with her thumb and forefinger, leaving her other fingers ready to squeeze :)
Hi everyone ...
New here ... but DEFINETLY into ball busting, slapping, grabbing, and anything else that gets my attention ...:)
This entire forum looks very good and I have only started to explore it.
So anyway .... HI !!
Belive me, no 1 wants to have their balls squeezed to the point or even near what would make u pass out, all u need is 1 bad experience/assault/accident/sickness to open your eyes that, but when ur into femdom, especialy BB, grabing squeezing etc , its just seeing it happening to some 1 else an fantasising from there sometime placing yourself as the protagonist , for me and for many other ppl its more about the how the women, the perversion , who we were tought to belive were '' white as snow '' pure good ''( lol total BS) , dirty their morals and bring them selves down to a sometime borderline evil state of being, just love seeing them having fun, even if i know its horrably wrong some times,( i mean if its not wanted it can easely be equal or worse then a regular **** on how it affects/tromatized ,some time unconsiously,for life,the victims who usualy are too ashamed to seek help, feeling responsible and broken). But still, i just LOVE! when women grabs me by the Nuts , reaching from behind,cupping , handeling, squeezing just enough so that i feel powerless, or rather at her total mercy , its doesnt happen enough , but squeezing my nuts is something i have alot of difficuly approaching with women i have gone out with, a lil too ashamed of it,
also im afraid sometime to ask the wrong women lol, 1 bad day at work and u can say adios to your nuts sometimes lol belive me angry psycotic women dont care if their mad.
I know that alot of guys are ashamed of their BB , castrations fantasies, wandering WTF is wrong with them, but for most theese ppl, ( hapened to me ;) they had to UNCONSIOUSLY SEXUALIZE the ''ACTs''( of some an assault from a women they were victim of , or simply have been tromastised by theese ideas of ********** and all the horror u see in the News or on the Web ( like the girl who tore/ripped off her ex's balls with her hand n tried to swallow it cuz he didnt want to fuck her at a party and only got 2 years)etc ...sometimes its the only way to'' Survive ''and be able to go on wihout brealing down this is especialy tru for guy whos get assaulted at a yonger age , sometime the phycological, moral damage fallows your and affect your whole life and the relations your have with ppl ... it doesnt help how in our society for some years guys ( and girls ) been brought up thinking that guys are evil bastard that cheat **** n kill, and that women are all good, great human beings and smell nice all the time... after a while of hearing that from the Media , their teachers and other sources in their lives ppl start to belive that crap, guys start thinking that there suposedd to be bad or that most guys are bad, we end up worrying so much about how we or other men threat the women, but they dont even have a 10th of the consideration we have for them, , toward us .... no wonder most ****** and recognized sociopaths n serial killers are guys... Victims, who turn aggresors, making more victims, the never ending cycle of pain and destruction...
all this said( hell, that was alot more information then i intended to give out )
even if i know its wrong , i love seeing the look on theese women when the grab, cup amd squeeze those nuts with a borderline evil grin lol
id realy like to find a good women who likes to be in charge of my stuff ;) id keep her for my self for ever ;)
Heres a good video of 2 ''good'' women having fun ( man this man has some Rly flexible balls, almost scary at times ) : has a cute russian 20 year old treating her man to a good session, ends with a grab
theres 5-6 others great 1s on that website
( i love when she tells him'' u keep coming in here to fuck me, but this is all u will ever get !'')
( i might of said a bit too much but belive me theres much much more to it, just dont feel like writting a book n killing evert 1s buzz lol )
I love balltwisting action. These women have a good time twisting it round.
Must be one of the best clips I have seen in a long time.
In case you wish to download, here is: megaupload.
More from Kinky Kicks
Need more twisting video's ! :thumbup
It's long-and that's a good thing. There is grabbing, twisting, kicking, kneeing, and slapping. Best clip I've seen in awhile. Cfnm. If there were only a ****** orgasm with post orgasmic stimulation, it would be perfect. She manages to get rid of that hard-on for him with the punishment she dishes out. Great!
This may have been posted already, but I find it so exciting that I don't think anybody will mind seeing it again.
it's not so easy to escape from a chair!
Every now and then I come across some nice ballbusting in mainstream porn. Here are a couple of trailers.
Both clips are good, but the last line from the second video is the awesome.
The second clip was briliant, much more subtle than most. Exactly what I would enjoy. Much better than the usual beat the crap out of the guys balls with whatever comes to hand. The whole thing about balls is that they are very sensitive and easily hurt by just a flick from a finger by a very slight woman, no need for grinding of teeth and maximum effort. This clip was right on, lets have more like this.
This is Sandy - it was posted before but has a dead link. She girl talks about how she enjoys the ultimate power in busting and owning a man's balls.
Video: 48 MB; 3 min 10 sec
Karate girl ballbust and ballsqueeze guy [50MB]