Nice picture!!
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Nice picture!!
did anybody see that fucked up guy from the WU TANG CLAN , he got high on PCP then cut his own dick off then jumped off a building......and lived , and his dick couldn't be put back on so now he has no dick and is still fucked up in the brain from PCP
this is the greatest anti-drug message i have ever seen ever
I don't like advertising but you might like my collection. Cum have a look:
I had been trying to stop wanting this for a long time but the urge wont go away. I think it is a preorgasim fantacy for a lot of guys (to be demembered by a woman) but Im ginuinely interested in making it a reality. I have been for years. I have a few requirements though- She has to be sure we work as a couple and she likes a dickless man. She must be sure she has no regrets. I must be hopelessly devoted and in love with her. She must actually have a ginuine interest in removing my cock. She must be willing to tollerate me being sexually frustrated to the max. Think hours on end of sensual foreplay and frustrated unsatisfied grinding against one another. With her knowing i gave up my sexual gratification/fulfillment to her. You know it has to be personal. I wouldnt want just anyone doing it. Ive actually met two women that claimed to be seriously willing, but If im going to loose my member then I want the situation to at least meet my requirements. I dont live with regrets. Ive done a lot of research. Its doable. Just wish more women were into it.
To Shelly- I love the idea of whomever gets the 'prize' getting to tell others and tease about what she won. I think I would be proud of being made smooth by my one and only...well she would have to be, to win the prize! ;)
I would pay any amount of money to have lilshelly do this to me, except I want her to leave the band on till my cock falls off with itAttachment 20791Attachment 20792Attachment 20793 :)
Man went to hospital for circumcision and awoke to find penis amputated, according to Jefferson County lawsuit
having a fuckload of lawsuit cash would be awesome , but not having a dick would take the awesomeness out of it
anyway...there is this episode of STRANGE SEX where they talk to a penis amutee and ask what it's like and stuff the episode is called "losing my manhood" it may be on youtube but i'm not sure
that guy from WU TANG CLAN who cut his own dick off while high on pcp was
interviewed and said with a stump he could get hard
Response Post : if you think my cock should be removed with bands say "Yes", if you think I should keep it attached to my body say "No"Attachment 20799
I'd let this girl hold a knife to my cock too
Me and Emily have been creative again (or so we hope others think as well) in our latest clip at
See images:
Attachment 20801
Attachment 20802
Attachment 20803
Attachment 20804Attachment 20805Attachment 20806Attachment 20807Attachment 20808 I'd love to have my dick and balls cut off and get turned into a girl like this
This videos so sexy
This vids even hotter
nice vids collection*-updated.html ad on the link (theme-**********) in * part
Hey Shelly. You ran out of storage space so I can't reply to you in PM..:)
I get the feeling Shelly gets more attention than she wants, but she seems like such a sweet girl she still repllies to most of her PMs. She is one of very few girls that share our interest in this. Ive found a few willing to clip my member, but they are just into it because its my interest. Shelly actually reciprocates the interest and in the most appealing way. My point is that we should appreciate her being here. Its a hope and a dream to meet someone like her someday and give her the opportunity to take my member.
Has anyone looked into banding, to compress the nerves in the base of the penis untill its dull enough to cut off? It seems like the way to go because I think. A person may go into shock if it were cut off as is...
Yep, that was pretty hot. I'd love to see more vids responding to those same questions but couldn't find any. I'm sure they are out there but since YouTube removed the feature that links response videos to the video they are responding to it is hard to find related responses.
I found this video in someone's playlist that had Penis Voyage in it. It's not a response to the survey, but it's still pretty good:
Great vid, I have an older one like that I can't find the link for, the girl had a dildo and a pair of scissors; short dark hair, anyone have that link?
We Femen from Ukraine and for long time, we showed breasts to protest
against prostitution in Europe.
But man is just laughing about us and poor girls are abused in brothels
everywhere by ugly,old and fat men.
No girl wants to be hooker, man ****** woman to be hooker with male
Girls have dreams and dreams are not being sex-slaves!
But despite of feminism, prostitution not forbidden worldwide and man
just makes fun of us and our protest with
bare breasts not successful.
Therefore we are looking for man to cut off his cock, his balls or both
in front of camera. We then post video
on Youtube and show world, that prostitution is ****.
We not let man bleed to death, we have female doctor to treat wounds.
Please man, think of girls being enslaved by evil man and be ****** to
have sex with ugly, old and fat man.
Write to :
emasculation @ - if we can cut off your penis
********** @ - if we can can off your testicles
eunuchs @ - if we can cut off your penis and your testicles
Please help us to free poor girl from Ukraine and end prostitution once
and for all.
We also have group on Google, please look below. Girl is human and you
man must think about girl and girl
having dreams and not wanting sex with ugly, old and fat man for money.
Girl wants to study and to learn and
have career. Girl not wants to die of AIDS because of ugly, old and fat man.
So even if you hate women, think of poor girl and donate your genitals
for good cause.
Femen Ukraine
Hi guys, just wanted to share a conversation I over heard two ladies talking about in class tonight. The two women were jokingly talking about cutting off a man's penis and what they would do with it after cutting it off. Little did they know it was turning me on. One said she would cut it off and have her and her girlfriends stomp on it in heels, and once they got bored with stomping it that she would pour a corrosive agent on it and watch it decompose slowly over time in her garage. The other woman said once she cuts it off that she would just take a picture of it and throw it away in the garbage. Then weeks later send him the picture of his severed cock asking him if he misses it and wants to know where it is. At that point she would then tell him it's in a land field with the garbage where it belongs!! If it were my penis that they cut off, I would prefer them to just flush it down the toilet right in front of me. What would you have preferred that they do with your penis? Feel free to weigh in!!!
The topic of cock removal is a huge fetish of mine. So I created a few captioned images that are in line with fantasies I have had.
Please be advised it is NSFW or minors and is on a porn site. I do not own the images and some have been manipulated.
Here is the link to the full gallery :
I love this vid so massage his cut oft ballsac
I'll seriously consider it...
Cock, Balls & Scrotum cut Off.
I'd like to have this ballsac in my Hands and...