Elementary my dear Dr. Spidermale
Originally Posted by spidermale
Betty and Veronica are two girls from the pages of Archie comics...Im enjoying your artwork, not just because of the content, but also because of the work itself! You almost have a Jack Kirby/Steve Ditko approach to shading, and I love that the anatomy is realistic and not out of proportion. And that Bettie Page, wow. Who is Miss Domergue? Not Familiar with her.
When she was every Man/Boys wet dream in the late 40's to late 50's she was Betty Page. We Patriarchs (Sounds better than Old Guys) remember her as such. When Dave Stevens painted her as a character in the rocketeer in 1982, and started that unprecedented revival, He spelled her name Bettie Paige, and later Bettie Page, as do you.
Hence I deduce from the evidence that you are a Neotonyte (Sounds better than Kid)
I like tying her up. She liked to be tied uo. There was a Lesbo-Bondage tilt to some of her early work. As you can see in the third pic. It's the queen she should fear, not me. I've been rendered, uh, incapable!
Of course, You Wanted to See MEN hanged, eh
Originally Posted by phantomflier
How about western style punishment of cattle rustlers?
After all this is a Femdom forum. eh! You're aware of the legend regarding hanged men? eh! So they have to be naked so we can see whether or not it's true.eh! And the executioners? Well if the victims are naked, It's only right that the cowgirls be nude too. Eh! . But if they're naked, how can we tell that they're cowgirls?eh! Of course we can tell that they're girls! eh! Didn't Mommy or Daddy tell you about the birds and the bees?