i'm loving this topic.. keep posting !
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i'm loving this topic.. keep posting !
I was thinking why not arrange a ball busting party. if you live in England than do one there or where ever you live what do you think? I would go.
ps can some one tell me how to post pictures on this site please.
Where do you find these pictures. they are fantastic, looking at them just gives me more ideas for ballbusting stories. thank you.
Hi little bob. I am new to this thread and just wrote it and posted it where i was looking. If you can tell me a better place to mention my good idea please could you tell me thank you.:bananad:
Just click the "New thread" button.
here is a shortcut: http://femaledom.com/forum/newthread...newthread&f=81
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Here is a good one : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOBo5_-G8cc
Two girls grab and pull!
И боллбастинг и сжатия яичек:
Thornapple Kryssss4 and Cyrus - thanks for posting those pix. I like some BB after a hot bath, when mine hang low, sadly not as big as in your pix!
Bridgette B. pretending to squeeze some guy's balls.
The video is quite light, but she's fucking gorgeous.
Quite a lot of ball squeezing here by an asian girl, Mistress K. Really hot.
Itīs a fantastic topic! I hope to see more of it!
Thanks for these great pictures!!!!:bananad:
A few pics from the web.
Wow. This is awesome!! Thanks for the contribution. ^_^
Nice set of pictures. I like the first two and last the best.
Squeezing is pretty amazing! One of the best ways for a woman to have power over a man. Putting pressure on his poor, tender testicles.
I especially like how she can dictate just how much pain she wants to make him feel, and how long the worst of it is going to last!
I am definately more a fan of grabs/squeezes than other busting methods, like the guy above me says your partner has much more control over the level of pain. Plus if she's only using one hand she can put the other to a different use ;p - I also think it's easier to approach the subject of an erotic squeeze than it is to ask them to kick you!
Roksana ballbusting и хватает и давит яйца:
Thanks a lot for the grat Pictures
ya dont say??
I love to do the grabbing, i love to have a guy tied up and and in every which way squeeze til they say my name multiple times, or possible draw tears, i just don't really know how to post one of my loong stories that i've made some of these fools experience . . . ha. tell me more. i totally can relate to doing the squeezing, i usually am the dominating woman in the relationship!!!
always a favorite
Blonde pic is great. Thanks
i really would like to see some more from tamahimeden!! squeezing!!