Down under drawing program
Hey cutponies I recently obtained a special graphics program the enable me to veiw pictures from the Northern Hemishpere properly so there is no need post upside down pictures for me, Cheers!
Great, that's going to save me a lot of work
Originally Posted by curious
Hey cutponies I recently obtained a special graphics program the enable me to veiw pictures from the Northern Hemishpere properly so there is no need post upside down pictures for me, Cheers!
Just for that, I'll do another Black Bitch ********** a man, just for you. Please give me a scenario (Domme party, harem duties, revenge, etc)
Ciao Kemo Sabe:bananawin
You raise a lot of points
Originally Posted by spidermale
Wow, imagine that...youve already bbeen ********* and sent to the harem, the girls love that youve been fixed so you have a new life that isnt so bad. Then they cut off your penis!! nice. How about a female doctor and a nurse explaining to a guy that hes going to be *********?
There is no point turning a boy into a harem-eunuch unless you do a thorough job! When Silvia cut my penis off it ended my games with the harem-girls, eh.
Originally Posted by spidermale
I guess you could say Im a kid..but that depends greatly on the age of others.
Anybody 35 or under is a Kid, eh.
Originally Posted by spidermale
Domergue? Ruth from This Island Earth? I did not know that.
Yes and she was sexier in her evening dress in the dinner scene than most women are naked. If you have the movie on VHS or DVD, freeze frame on the hyperbaric chamber scene. She's seen nude for ONE whole frame.
Originally Posted by spidermale
I have more of a crush on(I think her name is Luna) the daughter from Forbidden Planet.
Altaira, not Luna. Played by Anne Francis. With one of the immortal lines of cinema "What's a bathing suit?" eh.
Originally Posted by spidermale
If it were say around 1996 and they were going to do a movie on Ms Page, who would be better, Jennifer Connelly or Angelina Jolie? Im afraid that now, both being mothers, it just isnt the same anymore.
Neither, both are too exotic looking. Betty Page was the "Girl next Door" type. Fast forward to 2006, Aug. "The Notorious Bettie Page" just premiered at selected theatres. Gretchen Mol stars. Yes, they spell it the way you do. More people are familiar with her as the cartoon character. Did you like my bondage Bettie Pages? eh
Originally Posted by spidermale
Ever hear of Fairuza Baulk? and theres another girl I cant think of the name of right now, but the two of them are trying to bring back the pin up/vamp look. And Im digging it.
Of course "The Craft", as for the other, there are several, eh. Avril Lapigne? Yes the girls of the pinup heyday were definiteley more curvaceous than most of today's stars, eh.
that was a pretty hot pic, thanks
I cant think of the other girls name but its definitely not avril levigne. she used to be in a show with fred savage in the mid 90s and she did a low budget picture in the future with dennis hopper about space truckers. which i primarily watched for her, then i found out the pirates in the movie have a habit of taking the crew of the trucks they hijack and mailing the cocks back to the family:) I like all aspects of betty page i just like her character of Bettie the best. Last I heard she had retired to florida and didnt know how many people have been worshipping her these last 30 or so years. The only copy of this island earth i have is the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version, I wonder if that frame is still in there. The scene in the chamber is still in the movie but i wonder if they edited out that frame.
BP Hubba Hubba.. Perfect body!
Originally Posted by spidermale
I cant think of the other girls name but its definitely not avril levigne. she used to be in a show with fred savage in the mid 90s and she did a low budget picture in the future with dennis hopper about space truckers. which i primarily watched for her, then i found out the pirates in the movie have a habit of taking the crew of the trucks they hijack and mailing the cocks back to the family:)
Debbie Mazar, of course!
Originally Posted by spidermale
I like all aspects of betty page i just like her character of Bettie the best. Last I heard she had retired to florida and didnt know how many people have been worshipping her these last 30 or so years.
And not worried that she hadn't reiceved any royalties. Did you know that she had worked as an English teach? Has an M.A
Originally Posted by spidermale
The only copy of this island earth I have is the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version, I wonder if that frame is still in there. The scene in the chamber is still in the movie but I wonder if they edited out that frame.
Walk through frame by frame as you start to see the X-ray effect
I think that would be a great toon
Any one else agree? how come it seems like interest in this thread is dying off? I hope others will chime in with their ideas soon. I also think you should do a series of toons based on what youve been telling me in PMs.