Давят и бьют по яичкам, BW090:
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Давят и бьют по яичкам, BW090:
"Dr. Lancaster, who was present at the post mortem, we have no reason to doubt that the death of Kalan was due to the injuries done to his testicles, and not to disease or other cause. And the evidence, as well as the admissions of his wife, Kaliyani, the prisoner, make it clear that it was she who caused those injuries by squeezing the testicles with her hand
On opening the scrotum, the testicles, or glands proper were found to be "very much bruised and reduced to a pulpy condition"
He considered that the injury to the testicles was the cause of Kalan's death, and added that, even if the man had been in sound health, the injury would have caused his death. The Hospital Assistant says that the testicles were "almost absolute pulp. No solid parts remained," and was positive that shock from injury to the testicles was the sole cause of death"
"the Sessions Judge first holds that the accused is not guilty of culpable-homicide not amounting to murder, because she did not intend to cause death
Here the facts are that in a sudden quarrel with the deceased man the accused woman seized him by the testicles and squeezed them with considerable force and for a considerable time"
Respondents Nos. 1 and 2 were mother and daughter. When the deceased was going out, respondent No. 1 put her leg across the legs of the deceased, as a result of which he fell down on his back. Respondent No. 2 immediately caught hold of both the hands of the deceased and respondent No. 1 is stated to have squeezed his testicles and pulled them. Eventually the deceased succumbed to the injury.
manslaughter killing - two female prisoners applied force to their
respective husbands testicles thereby causing severe pain and
neurogenic shock resulting in death - unusual and dangerous form of
killing - need to impose strong punitive and deterrent sentence -
appropriate sentence - 6 years and 6 1/2 years imprisonment in hard
labour respectively - Criminal Code Ch No 262, S. 302.
She responded by kicking him around the genital area. According to
the prisoner, the kick was not targeted at his testicles. The kick in
fact landed on his testicles. As a result, the deceased fell down in
a state of shock and comma. They rushed him to the hospital but he
died that same night. The medical post mortem report shows that there
was bruising on both testicles. There was no other abnormality found
on his body
They took him to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. According
to the Medical Post Mortem Report, whilst all other parts of his body
were found to be normal, the left testicle was smashed. The cause of
death was Neurogenic Shock.
Papro Kawagle of Nombuna village near Kerewagi died shortly after an acrimonious argument with his wife. Kundiawa police confirmed the incident saying that the body of the teacher, a staff member of Kerewagi High School, is now at the morgue in Kundiawa hospital. The wife has surrendered to police.
An Indian Border Guard died after a woman tenant squeezed his
testicles following an argument over scarce water. Pammi Tiwari, 32,
grabbed Inderpal after he objected to her washing clothes in his
block of tenements, citing a water shortage. South China Morning
Post, 9 May 1994
Hubby dies after wife squeezes his testicles so hard, he passes out.
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia -- A woman in Cambodia has given herself up to authorities after accidentally killing her husband in a scuffle in which she squeezed his testicles until he fainted, a newspaper reported.
A 22-year-old Chiweshe man died instantly after a 50-year-old woman he attempted to **** overpowered him when she tugged at his genitals. He allegedly started fondling Maramba in an attempt to be intimate with her. She maintained her calm and pretended she was accepting the advances. When Kazingizi had relaxed and thought he was having it his way, Maramba went for the most delicate part of his body. The elderly woman suddenly grabbed Kazingizi's genitals and started pulling them until he lost consciousness. Maramba continued pulling until Kazingizi died on the spot.
"Dr. Lancaster, who was present at the post mortem, we have no reason to doubt that the death of Kalan was due to the injuries done to his testicles, and not to disease or other cause. And the evidence, as well as the admissions of his wife, Kaliyani, the prisoner, make it clear that it was she who caused those injuries by squeezing the testicles with her hand
On opening the scrotum, the testicles, or glands proper were found to be "very much bruised and reduced to a pulpy condition"
He considered that the injury to the testicles was the cause of Kalan's death, and added that, even if the man had been in sound health, the injury would have caused his death. The Hospital Assistant says that the testicles were "almost absolute pulp. No solid parts remained," and was positive that shock from injury to the testicles was the sole cause of death"
"the Sessions Judge first holds that the accused is not guilty of culpable-homicide not amounting to murder, because she did not intend to cause death
Here the facts are that in a sudden quarrel with the deceased man the accused woman seized him by the testicles and squeezed them with considerable force and for a considerable time"
Respondents Nos. 1 and 2 were mother and daughter. When the deceased was going out, respondent No. 1 put her leg across the legs of the deceased, as a result of which he fell down on his back. Respondent No. 2 immediately caught hold of both the hands of the deceased and respondent No. 1 is stated to have squeezed his testicles and pulled them. Eventually the deceased succumbed to the injury.
manslaughter killing - two female prisoners applied force to their
respective husbands testicles thereby causing severe pain and
neurogenic shock resulting in death - unusual and dangerous form of
killing - need to impose strong punitive and deterrent sentence -
appropriate sentence - 6 years and 6 1/2 years imprisonment in hard
labour respectively - Criminal Code Ch No 262, S. 302.
She responded by kicking him around the genital area. According to
the prisoner, the kick was not targeted at his testicles. The kick in
fact landed on his testicles. As a result, the deceased fell down in
a state of shock and comma. They rushed him to the hospital but he
died that same night. The medical post mortem report shows that there
was bruising on both testicles. There was no other abnormality found
on his body
They took him to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. According
to the Medical Post Mortem Report, whilst all other parts of his body
were found to be normal, the left testicle was smashed. The cause of
death was Neurogenic Shock.
Papro Kawagle of Nombuna village near Kerewagi died shortly after an acrimonious argument with his wife. Kundiawa police confirmed the incident saying that the body of the teacher, a staff member of Kerewagi High School, is now at the morgue in Kundiawa hospital. The wife has surrendered to police.
An Indian Border Guard died after a woman tenant squeezed his
testicles following an argument over scarce water. Pammi Tiwari, 32,
grabbed Inderpal after he objected to her washing clothes in his
block of tenements, citing a water shortage. South China Morning
Post, 9 May 1994
Hubby dies after wife squeezes his testicles so hard, he passes out.
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia -- A woman in Cambodia has given herself up to authorities after accidentally killing her husband in a scuffle in which she squeezed his testicles until he fainted, a newspaper reported.
A 22-year-old Chiweshe man died instantly after a 50-year-old woman he attempted to **** overpowered him when she tugged at his genitals. He allegedly started fondling Maramba in an attempt to be intimate with her. She maintained her calm and pretended she was accepting the advances. When Kazingizi had relaxed and thought he was having it his way, Maramba went for the most delicate part of his body. The elderly woman suddenly grabbed Kazingizi's genitals and started pulling them until he lost consciousness. Maramba continued pulling until Kazingizi died on the spot.
Бьют, давят и сжимают яички, BW097:
Man, i love when i'm fucking, and my wife hold or grab my balls ... I go crazy! :bananad:
Holy Shit! Look at size of these balls! Some guys seems bulls! I like so much big balls, is so beautiful!
Does anyone have the old Knackers sample clip with Heather where she's pulling him by his balls after he tries to cop a feel?
sorry if its a repost
few nice pictures :)
my new uploads
Grabs are always my favorite. I love just the thought of it.
Let me say that I love this thread. This is definitely the gateway for ballbusting bliss with your girlfriend. She started with grabbing and fell in love with the squeezing my dangling parts. I highly recommend this for anyone trying to introduce their women into the ballbusting world. Great thread.
My favorite technique as well by far.
It's easy to judge other people. I see two people having a good time together.
Okay they are extremely fat, but posting icons like this http://queerid.com/images/smilies/puke.gif is ridiculous.
I could even imagine myself doing that woman, but I have to admit not by preference.
The woman in this little film, though a little heavy, is working very hard to give pleasure. It looks as though she's getting tired but doesn't give up and continues to hurt this pair of testicles. I enjoyed watching this woman work on his balls. She obviously wasn't doing this as a job.
I give her high marks on her attitude.
It's not the "skinny forum" either. As someone who doesn't have a skinny fetish like you, I wouldn't look twice at Roksana if she weren't busting. She's too skinny for me. Not everyone has exactly your fetishes, so don't expect that everything posted is going to be exactly to your taste. That doesn't mean that it's reasonable to act like a dick about a clip just because it doesn't get you horny. If after the video, the next commenters had posted "She's a little heavy for my taste", then no one would have argued. But saying things like "barf" and "fatties" is just rude. So although people -can- say what they want to say, sometimes they shouldn't say what they want to say and instead should be polite.
Aren't we all just missing the point? There were balls being busted. :jumpsmile
sure, now they feel great since the only one supporting them says "okay, they are extremely fat". also, i dont have skinny "fetish", I like most everyone, like fit girls. not knockin the fat girls busting, but it serves as a warning for people when someone says something like that. if you're into check it out, if you dont dig the bigguns stay away, if you obese and insensitive dont post your fat self in a video on the internet