I know there is something much deeper that I'm searching for in all this.
Something I have said before is that very often when someone has a deep seated fantasy, like my femdom ********** fantasies including the strong sleeve fetish that goes with them, there is something that person is searching for through that fantasy, something deeper than just what appears on the surface of it.
I have been trying to figure out and understand what it is I'm really searching for through my deep seated and strong femdom ********** fantasy, my fantasies of being surgically ********* by a woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows, then being made by her to be her very own personal eunuch slave ********* at her hands and made by her to personally serve her and worship her forever as Goddess.
I have also been trying to figure out and understand what I should do to find and fulfill what it is I'm really searching for here.
I would appreciate any thoughts, ideas, suggestions, and so on that others here can give me on what I'm searching for here and how to find it. Again, I have never gotten many thoughts, insights, and so on from women. I would really appreciate some replies from women because I feel women can give me some insights that men cannot.
Going to a mental health professional or "shrink" is not a good answer to find what I need to find and understand. Too often mental health professionals are too limited by some standard thinking and standard answers that don't really answer anything here.
Probably a dominatrix who has experience working with ********** fantasies would be the best one to answer my questions.
But I would appreciate hearing the insights of others on this, and again, especially from women and women's insights.
I would still like some idea of what it's really like
I know I keep asking, but I really would like some idea, hopefully from a eunuch or a castratrix, of what it is really like for a man to experience being ********* by a woman.
What is it really like for a man to lay there helpless on an operating table with a beautiful woman standing over him watching her as she rolls up her sleeves knowing she is going to ******** him and his manhood is about to be destroyed at her hands?
What is it really like physically, mentally and emotionally, and sexually while being ********* by a woman? To look up at her and to watch and feel it as she cuts out his testicles and his manhood is destroyed at her hands?
What would it really be like afterword if she kept him for herself to be her personal eunuch slave/pet ******* him to personally serve her and worship her as Goddess for the rest of his life?
I really want to know and the best person to tell me what it's like would be a eunuch whose ********** was performed by a woman especially by the woman who is his mistress, or also a castratrix who has actually performed the ********** on her slave and made him to personally serve her and worship her as Goddess.
I hope someone like this will answer me please. Thank you.
God is Female and The Castratrix is God
I have an inner and personal spirituality that says "God is Female and The Castratrix is God," and this is part of what guides me in the direction I'm going.
Natali please answer my questions please.
Natali, please tell us how you do it and what it is like for the man while you are ********** him. Please answer the questions I have asked here, I really want to know and so do others here. Thank you.
Originally Posted by Castratrix's pet
In the stories I wrote on Eunuch Archive (Eunuch.org) under the username Hereunuch, I tried to describe what I thought the man was going through and experiencing while the women were ********** him.
I would really like to know what others think. What would it really be like?
What would it really be like for me or for any man to be laying tied or strapped down helpless to a table looking up at a beautiful young woman watching her as she rolls up her sleeves rolling them up above her elbows knowing that she is going to cut his nuts out?
What would it be like when she takes his balls in her hands to finish prepping him for **********?
What would it be like for him while she is ********** him? Would he have an erection, would he cum and what would that be like? How much pain would he have, would he feel sexual arousal, would he feel intense fear and panic, would he feel helplessness and hopelessness, would he worship the woman who is performing the ********** on him? Physically, emotionally, and sexually what would it be like for him seeing, feeling, and experiencing it as a woman surgically castrates him?
Afterword, what would it be like for him to be a eunuch and personally serving and worshipping the woman who had performed the ********** on him and at whose hands his manhood had been destroyed?
What does anyone think about that?
I would like to see a video or hear an audio where women discuss ********** and talk about ********** a man. To hear women talking about this.
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