What would you think, feel, and do if that really happened for real?
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What would you think, feel, and do if that really happened for real?
looking deep into her eyes as she performs ********** surgery on you, as she cuts your nuts out, and your manhood is destroyed at her hands!
Or perhaps she wouldn't be wearing a surgical mask. You are being *********, your balls are being cut out and you know it is being done by a woman!
Would you like to find this girl standing over you holding your balls in one hand and a scalpel in her other hand?
Just what is it about surgical ********** performed by a woman?
Do you worship the castratrix? Do you worship women surgeons?
I have tried to figure out just what it is about surgical ********** performed by a woman.
Why the woman surgeon
Why any woman who does or has done a ********** or castrations seems like Goddess to me.
I have no explanation, I just know what I feel.
"I have no explanation, I just know what I feel."
Very well put.
The following pics are my image of the castratrix. A beautiful woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows as she castrates me.
Guys imagine this girl slowly, painfully, sadisticly cutting your balls out!
Imagine your agony at her hands as she castrates you and your manhood is destroyed at her hands!
Imagine having your last erection and cuming for the last time ever as this girl slowly painfully sadisticly cuts your nuts out with the dominance and omnipotence of The Goddess!