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Who give me a ballsac how this. I'd like to squeezing them hanging on the Wall
Yes yes ,,,, post that Vid. in every Topic now :machine: :soomad:cussing: :confused:
Give me your cut off ballsacs.....i squeeze them
you cut off ?
i want a hot girl cut off them
Shave your ballsac and then I cut the eggs for you and hang them on the wall, how in the vid before...sent me some Pics of your Fantasy Ideas.
More hot!!
Dunno if u like those pics , or if this would be the right thread for it xD tell me if u wanna more ^^
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Девочка прокалывает яйца насквозь:
asian various cuts
Gracias fastriker aunque ya la habia comentado en otro post, el pene se ve refalso, eso fue lo unico que fallo en esa esa de la pelicula de titulo "Curry algo" no me acuerdo del titulo exacto, saludos.
les dejo estos dos links:
I Spit on Your Grave 3: Vengeance is Mine (2015)
That was a very intense scene! I enjoyed how she slow grinded on his cock and teased him to get it hard first before she cut it off!!! Minus the other torture I would gladly let that hot asian chick tease and grind my penis to get it hard before she cuts it off. I would prefer her to make the cut with gardening shears or scissors of course. Also, I would like to know what she would with it once she removed it. Would she just flush it down toilet, throw it on the floor and completely crush it with her high heels, throw it out the window of her moving car, cook and eat it, roast it over a fire just because, feed it to an animal, or place it in a jar of formaldehyde for her own keeping. How would you guys or girls like that moment to play out if it were you on the table?
que tal este video:
Steel I would like it if she put the thang in a jar
bloody cock kicking
Attachment 21668
Life is Just Better
Pictures of a guy who really cut off his cock!! On the site where I found them, the guy said he used wound seal throughout the moments of slowly cutting off his cock. He mentioned that about once he got about 3/4 through his cock it started to bunch up as If the tissue didn't know what to do with itself. The picture where you see his cock sitting on the napkin is only a few minutes after completely cutting it off. He put his penis in a sandwich bag and put it in the frozen for a couple days. The picture you see of his penis in the bowl is it thawing out. He then decided to boil his penis, and while boiling it he said it grew/plump up about 1-2 inches. He then decided to cut it half to see what it looked. The guy then commented that he wished he would've just preserved it like he planned on doing initially. If you refer back in this forum you will where a user named finally posted the pics of the cock boiling over time in the pot.
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there's a couple thousand images in the STARLESS collection, but the ones of most interest to us are on pages 39 & 40: