Sorry Inqy, but I actually don't. Just had the one is all...!
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Sorry Inqy, but I actually don't. Just had the one is all...!
Not to worry. Yer doin just great as it is. :)
Inqy, check your PM. Julie, you might want to make some space in your PM! :)
OK Julie,
I’m off to sort my life out (lord knows it needs sorting out). I’ll leave you with these links to pics. Sounds like Jiggy will keep ya happy until I return :).
Tit torture in da woods:
She wears red whip welts and a hooly hooly skirt: (OK so I lied about the skirt)
Skewered tits and sewn up cunt:
Clamped and vacccumed:
Tortured Asian:
Stinging nettles to the cunt:
Clamped cunt & nailed tits:
Clamped nipples:
Weighted cunt:
Cunt vs. bolt-croppers and cunt vs chainsaw (hardly a fair fight):
OK Julie,
I’m back for a short while only. I’d better get this thread back where it belongs; So LETS GET BUSTING CUNTS. As you say yourself, there’s not to much ‘real’ CB out there so lets begin with a few cartoons :) I’ve altered a bunch of these first ones (but not so as to remove any marks from the original artist). All it took was some digital slight of hand (or I guess that should be move of foot). Enjoy,
Some more toons....
Inqy breaks into song…….. “Those magnificent men and their cunt busting machines….” NNoo I can’t take any more! Just post the bloody pictures already!
Mouse traps on pussy:
Another wired pussy:
Some great old hogtied movies where she’s pulled around by her tits on a plastic sheet :)
Hey Julie, Is it a turn off to see men hurt women?
I only ask as there's a lot of that kinda artwork out there.
Some artists seems to include Femdom too (I guess these are more to your liking?)
I've got some nice 'real' photos to post too. But I guess they'll have to wait.:asleep
I have no problem watching men cause pain to girls. I have had some of my best orgasms watching my bf kick and knee my gf into oblivion :) The problem I have with the very few good vids I have seen on the net is that the men are ALWAYS in the way of what is happening, like its THEM that everyone wants to see :( They are also just too methodical about it and dont appear to be having any fun what so ever, unlike when a woman is dishing out the pain on either a guy or a girl. The men actually appear rather bored with what they are doing and THAT is what the turn off for me is. If I had the money and resourses, what I would dearly LOVE to do is maker a Calimeangirls site in reverse (Hi Tam:) ) Where the girls were kicking each other and were guys would do some kicking too, IF I could find a guy willing to kick hard enough :)
Some of these cartoons would be a good 'story board' for a CB site. If ANYONE ever grows big enough balls to set one up. Its way more popular than people think, just way more 'undergraound' than BB :(
Julie :bananad: :bananad:
I'm gonna have to find something you don't like! How about rats up the cunt?
Oh, don't you remember the thread that started with Julie posting her desire to have more sites that featured rats crawling up some certain crevices? Well, of course you don't, I made it up, but that's not the point. The point is that Julie is the King, Queen, Duke, and Duchess of Perv (which is right next to York). Heck, if Tamakeri had a video for $9.98 that featured Julie, stripped down, greased up, and rats implanted by ham-fisted tractor drivers (who enjoyed it and were no bored and methodical), I'd shell out the clams, set up my drool bucket, and let Julie's image take me away.... Mmmmmmm. Yeah.Quote:
Originally Posted by Inq