Sorry for only posting links. My computer is down and I gotta use my iPod touch. Shitty. But it gets the job done >:) ...kinda.
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Sorry for only posting links. My computer is down and I gotta use my iPod touch. Shitty. But it gets the job done >:) ...kinda.
Hey there, sorry I kinda disappeared for a bit. I've been drawing, but none of it is turning out any good, so I think I'll go back to writing. I had a lot more fun with the writing...
Anyway, just popping in with a quick question for Snoodle. Did you notice your stories on the Eunuch Archive jump from chapter 6 to 8? Was that just a mix-up with the numbers, or was 7 rejected from the site for some reason? I've had stories rejected before, it sucks, they don't tell you anything. Anyway, just wondering, 'cause I don't wanna miss out on any of your stuff. :D
Just do it
But why use the shears when teeth provide a much more visceral feeling?
Don't open pic with shears as has a virus per my PC
LOL, puns make me happy. ;).
But srsly.
When there's a line of men and shemales that long waiting to get their deserved treatment... it's time to bring out the heavy artilery.
Kick the shit out of their package as they come in the door, then put the tip of the dick in a vise, take out the shears... SNIP. Move on to the next one.
By the end of the day, there should be a healthy harvest of dicks to ship off to restaurants for a splendid profit. Because if a penis sells for $3.50, I say cut them off in bulk!
Nuts though... Keep em on until they start selling ;). Nothing is hotter than someone with balls and no dick.
Plenty of ballbusting, never a single feeling of pleasure
Like it, great post dude!!
Oh my god, this thread has changed my views entirely. I'd kill for a pair of balls to bust. I want to know what it feels like, you know?
Oh hell. Speaking of brutally mutilating the human genitalia, this is a chart that states that only one state in the United States uses the absolutely correct plural form of "You".
WHAT????? I never had any idea that I could care less about the fact that only one state uses you properly in a place that I'm trying to find porn to Jack it to.
It's time for the shemale ballbusting game...
1) Who would you choose to bust (#1, #2, #3, or #4)?
2) Why?
3) How would you bust them?
Here are today's contestants:
#1, of course!
She is attractive... but her balls are begging to be removed. Assuming permanent damage isn't allowed, I would take them into my mouth and suck on them... making the entire scrotum a hickey. Then, I would bite and soften them, making them swell and ache for days. Then of course I would give her a hand job, allowing her to cum only when she promises to let me liberate her of her package one day... finally removing all stimulation just as she begins to cum, a knee to the hyper-sensitive balls to strike the point.
This is a great phantasy, love shemals doing ballbusting so much...
#1's balls are totally perfect and cute. She is definitely the best. I would love to do everything with her. She is megasuperduperhot.
#2 is OK. Cute face but the body isn't convincing :P. I'd still beat her nuts to oblivion though.
#3 deserves a HARD thwap in those lowhangers. I'd make sure they both pop by the time I'm done.
#4... I would squeeze those nuts so hard, she'd scream in agony as she wishes she didnt have them. It's because of those that she cannot be a true woman, and must be a shemale. I can fix that.
definatly number 1 and 4 hawtness :3
I also declare Snoodle and ErikaBB nuts for scrotums :bananad: