Thanks Dude, you perfectly understood! :D
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In all honesty I confess that I used to be against having guys work with us that were overweight. But the joys of working as a producer in this environment is that you come to realise that many people in this world have vastly different onions, likes and dislikes. I got requests for custom scenes requesting the biggest / fattest guy possible, and the image below is an appropriately themed image from one of our best selling clips form a few years back, and it features and even fatter guy!
As a producer I tend to produce what I like personally. However, I have to sometimes take a step back and realize that just because I like something, it doesn't necessarily mean all of our potential audience will!
The moral is that just because one person is grossly disgusted by seeing a fat guy in a scene there is more than likely another guy that either gets off on this, or doesn't care less either way.
The same goes for fat girls, thin girls, girls with tattoos (my personal hate) etc..
I personal can't stand the appearance of Mistress Dometria for instance. I find her excessive ink and husky voice a massive turn off. However, their are some guys who think that she is the best thing since sliced bread!
I believe that I have made my point and will leave it at that and try and steer this topic back in the right direction.
^^^ "Onions" = "Opinions"
Doh! :o
You are not the only one, I also dislike heavily tattooed women.
But it appears there is a facebook page about this:
And 1575 people like it.
I am sure alot of people must like sexual play with faeces (poop sex), otherwise there would not be so many websites on this topic online.
But does this mean I should not post critical comments if you produce and share ballbusting clips here that include poop sex ?
Before you get any ideas, let me tell you now: I am not interested. :D
But on the other hand, I am sure 'Dude' would be very interested in buying such clips, so do your thing ! :Baahaha:
Nope, not my all, but I heard your mom is reaaally into it.
I just think that if someone says what's in the clip, you can decide for yourself, like the clips you post, are all about farm animals getting castreted or sucked off or w/e, I don't click the links, because I know you are a sick sick asshole, so I just don't click it, but I don't go around ( until now) and telling you ytou should kill yourself for your personel opinions or sexual orientation ( but you should, you should defenitly kill yourself, or I'll do it for you, but we already established you are a weak cunt that's too afraid too say the stuff you say directly into my face, but I don't blame you, you wouldn't stand a chance)
hope this works. and by hope this works i mean getting back to what this thread and whole forum is about.
I'm not sure ifthis has been posted before, but it does involve a fair amount of grabbing and squeezing by two girls while the guy is tied down:)
Thanks Darkwing. Very hot. Thanks for sharing.
Pair of Balls for Each Hand - YES! :bananajum
When a girl grabs a boy by his balls and squeezes hard, she is taking control of him, thus establishing the female superiority over men. For me, this is amplified when a single girl simultaneously grabs two naked men by their balls and squeezes hard - it's an awesome demonstration of female superiority. Here are some examples (thanks to Sharon of for allowing these to be posted - she really understands what makes for good ball squeezing):
Links below thumbs have full images:
Does anyone else have any imagery of one girl vs. two pair of balls?
Tribute to Sharon of
I thought it was worth noting that the whole reason we can meet here and post on this matter is because of a woman, Sharon, who owns this board and, who loves this theme as much as we do.
My first introduction to the concept of a woman taking control of a man through owning his balls was from her. Sharon always presents the man completely stark naked to a beautiful girl, who is always clothed. She has indicated that this emphasizes the naked vulnerability the man has to the beautiful, unobtainable woman, who establishes her superiority over him by reaching down and forcefully grabbing his naked balls and squeezing so hard he writhes in pain. Sharon shares our enjoyment in this - she loves the dominance of her gender over ours, particularly through our presenting her gender that which most defines our manhood, our balls, and they in turn take them in the palms of their hands and use them to put us in our rightful place while concurrently bringing them great enjoyment. And giving them enjoyment is our reward for enduring the pain and humiliation they force upon us as they squeeze our naked balls hard making us squirm and cry as they laugh with pleasure.
She has enjoyed bringing us these images through a portfolio of over 130,000 photos featuring 187 beautiful girls. So to pay her the tribute, I'm posting a few examples of ones that really show why her's is the best site for this theme she enjoys as much as we do, and so that some of you that have never joined will finally do so to giver he the support she really deserves
(there are literally, thousands, so this is just a sample):
So...thank you Sharon for being the Queen of Ball Squeezing and all that you've brought us! :ibow4u:
yeah, thanks darkwing, i hadn't seen that before! wasn't a fan of the girls, but i loved how they were obviously really curious... playing away... thanks again!
Love this one!
That is one of those hot babes from baywatch: Yasmine Bleeth.
Like most people she looks less attractive on police mugshots:
This is more than 10 years ago. She is 44 now, but I bet she would like to cut your balls if you would call her old.Quote:
Originally Posted by the smoking gun
nice thread squeezing is my favorite method ^^
Excellent post, thank you!
I think given those photos, and I'm guessing here, but she'd love this fetish, and, given an opportunity, I'd bet she'd love to kick anyone of us in our balls just for the enjoyment of it. If she has a blog somewhere, I'd love to ask her...thinking...thinking... :D
More Thanks to Sharon/
In follow up to my previous post, I thought I'd give all of you more reasons to join her site if you never have. These are just a tiny sampling of that thousands of photographs she takes that has a "by the balls" theme.
One thing I've noticed about a lot of dommes that are into ballbusting, both pro and lifestyle. The photos often either show them laughing as the do it, or, they have this authoritative, controlling look in their stature and eyes. I was once in a fetish forum (fetlife) and noticed one of the dommes featured in some popular ballbusting videos was a member. I saw a number of photos of her squeezing the balls of naked guys, and there seemed to be more smiles and that same authoritative look in her eyes. I messaged her about it and asked her why she smiled and what made her like it so much. I copied her reply:
"Grabbing one of my boys by his balls is a total power trip. It results in complete control of a man, literally "having him by the balls". As I have them in my hand and squeeze, he knows I own him through my ownership of his manhood, his balls. When I squeeze the balls of one of my naked boys and he dances about in pain moaning and groaning and begging me to stop, sometimes I can't help laughing as it is such a wonderful, pleasurable feeling power, superiority and ownership of him! In fact, once I was squeezing the balls of one of my subbies, and did something I rarely do - when he had had enough and spouted out the safe word, instead of releasing them, the power trip was too alluring for me to stop and so I squeezed them even harder while ignoring his pleas to stop. Afterward, when he asked why I explained the domme-sub dynamic for me means my receiving pleasure was more important than his trying to avoid unwanted pain, so I made the decision to ignore the safe word. Interestingly, he fully understood and agreed with my decision, and realized that in the future would just have to bear the pain. It's why I enjoy him so much as a regular, and he knows it!
I think most women, if they'd admit it, would love that same control over men."
Based upon her response to me, look at some of the gorgeous babes from, and see if you don't agree that they are getting that same type of female-over-male control by having us men by our balls:
So in conclusion, upon looking at the precious smiles on the faces of the above beautiful girls, one would have to agree they're real, and yes, these deserving girls really do get a thrill out of having those naked guys by the balls, and squeezing them to show who's boss! :thumbup
hmm, I love the pictures, but I was under the impression that sharon did not care for this forum anymore.
She has been on hiatus for a long while, but remember, this is her forum, she gave it birth and nurtured it to what it is. I'm sure it's just the time she doesn't have anymore given she is so dedicated to pursuing her passion of producing wonderful ballbusting video and photos.
Haha, damn I'm stupid XD.
I did not know she was also the owner of femaledom in general :P, I love their stuff.
good stuff itt
What the hell is your fascination with me XD.
I'm not going to start with you again, mkay.
Anyone have a link for a video called
Jenni Asks How Does it Feel to Have Balls
It's supposed to have a lot of nice grabs!
I especially like the first picture.
That first photo is immensely erotic, the look on her face displayes ( for me), If she should just rip them off and be done with it :)
I like the fourth one.
I have to agree with gary198, the 4th one is quite erotic, so vulnerable :)
Interesting blog about ball squeezing: