mick sl8ter, do you have any pictures, photo sets, or videos from your old balls-off site you can post here? Just thought I'd ask.
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mick sl8ter, do you have any pictures, photo sets, or videos from your old balls-off site you can post here? Just thought I'd ask.
There is a new clip with a hot girl crushing 2 bull testicles at the clips four sale store number 46787. Remember not to share this clip or else they will stop doing such clips.
How do I buy a clip;:)
First, thanks again everyone for these wonderful contributions!!
After a lot of digging you’ve certainly come up with many pairs of golden nuggets!
Seeing these women ********** is very arousing. Mind you, I don’t want some poor dumb animal ********* for my fetish. However, if he is going to lose his balls anyway - what the heck! I wanna watch her take ‘em.
Listening to these female voices talking about it, laughing, giggling, even cracking jokes is soooooo awesome! Watching their pretty faces and hands as they work. Amazing how many women seem to be “into” it. Rock on sisters! Take our nuts and tell us all about it!
Now, an urgent plea to all those female veterinarians out there.
Ladies, you MUST find a better method than the “Henderson” tool. Watching it the first time, there is a certain novelty seeing those balls whipped around like that. Often the bystander’s reactions are priceless. But after the tenth time- Jeez! I mean I give you points for creativity, but it’s a damn power drill!!
Come on, whatever happened to good old-fashion slow, methodical castrations like your grandmothers used to do? I modestly suggest you find a more erotic procedure for your important and valuable work.
For the sake of us fetishists!
Thank you for your support!
Wow, she just ripped its testicles off. That was amazing. And with 720p quality please.
This woman is God Herself! Look at how quick, matter of fact, and some would even say how bruitally she castrates.
Obviously this woman is a veterinarian. I wonder how she castrates when she neuters a male dog especially a large breed male dog. What there is her technique? How quickly would she perform that **********? I ask because it might give an idea of how she would ******** a man.
And yes I would love to watch her doing a ********** wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up high above her elbows.
How would she do it if she was ********** a man? What would her technique be if she was ********** a man? How long would she take to perform the surgery? On a man would she masterbate him and force him to have one last cum while she is ********** him to make sure he is totally drained when she is done? What would it be like for a man while he is being surgically ********* at her hands?
What would her attitude toward him be after she castrates him? What would it be like being this woman's personal eunuch slave swiftly and bruitally ********* at her hands?
Ok, forget about the "sleeves" part of it.
Still, given how swift and almost bruital she castrates a stallion, I wonder when she neuters for example a male dog does she do that in the same swift and almost bruital way as she does a stallion? What is her approach when she castrates other species? Maybe she will post a video showing her ********** some other species such as a dog. I understand when a man is ********* for medical reasons the procedure is the same as it is when a veterinarian neuters a large male dog that's why I asked about her neutering a dog. Maybe someone with a Youtube account can post in the comments section of this video and ask her.
If she did ******** a man would she ******** him in the same swift and almost bruital manner as she castrates a stallion? Or on a man might she take a little longer so she could enjoy it longer? What would it be like for a man while he is being swiftly and bruitally ********* at her hands? With how swift and almost bruitally she castrates, would a man have more post-surgery pain and for longer after she castrates him than if she did it slower and seemingly less bruitally?
It would be interesting to know.
Just sharing.
The horse vets (********** horse)