It will happen soon enough, patients is a virtue.
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Hehe I liked that last one!
Always thought that would happen when women get that reflex test thing.
I find it hot that they are showing compassion after his balls getting racked.
Would make for a nice real scene that....
aewsome toons!
also check this one please :jumpsmile
The old resting place of Sophitia's Knee with the biggest comic bb collection. I haven't been able to get the Wayback Machine to work for it ( but if someone does get it to work, download all the pics you can and put them up here. There's lots that we don't have.
here is the complete story, hopefully the view of the female hippo is not too much of a turn-off for you ;-)
thanks a lot Richter. though I have no precise information about this bb collection, the name Sophitias Knee certainly brings back memories of some very sexy pics. I agree, if someone could retrieve this pics (Im completely clueless in this matters, dont even know what Richter is talking about) it would certainly be worth the effort !
new pics for you all.
yeah, they are great, thank you pelmar.
my favourite is the first one. the guy would have deserved the kick even if he had not grabbed the police-girls ass: just for the way he is showing off his package ! :D
I love this draws, its my favorite Deviant Profile.
most of the stuff from is M/M crap, but sometimes you find something nice:
nice!!! !!!
Strangely similar to this old nugget:
Same artist?
Thanks for weeding through all the crap, chief :)
a sequence from a Teen Titan's parody
Id say that its setting up for her to crash into his exposed balls again.
He has his legs spread and she dosent see the soap on the floor on which she then its kinda up to your imagination as to whats going to happen next.
And I think, its to say she end up butting his balls again with her head.
I love the bb strips. Gives so much more freedom in creativity when ballbusting.
Its just a shame there are so few people out there doing them.
Guess it takes some time and a fair bit of talent.
For cartoons, I much prefer the cartoony/anime style than realistic.
thanks man, i'm blushing:o
unfortunatly, no: she just fell over him and then they fuck.
No more balbusting:(
actually thats danny phantom not teen titans ... hope yhese are not reposts
and if any one knows the origin of the red haired one i would love some info