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Dunno where else to put this...
a beer made of bull testicles :)
'No more cancer testicle!by mom executed a great surgery! '
Is it animal or human ?http://i48.tinypic.com/vhusfs.jpg
"I thought they were giving him a shot to knock him out in order for them to operate on him. No, that's not how it happens...just grab a hold of the testicle and pull!
Ouch! Poor Percy. You can see one of his testicles lying near the knee of the petite, blond Vet student. Our vet, Dr Kim, is in the middle wearing a maroon sweat shirt and K7 is holding the head. K7 works at this clinic every Thursday as an unpaid intern. Okay, time to grab and pull once more. Ouch!
If this is acceptable procedure for my goat, why can't it become standard procedure (punishment) for certain criminals in our society as well. I believe crimes against women and children would be drastically reduced. "
I wish I was a goat all of the sudden .
In case you also HATE youtube for censoring content, use this link:
I love seeing pictures and videos of girls performing surgical castrations where she cuts the testicles out with her knife or scalpel. Also a girl on a farm or ranch ********** male livestock animals, there's more of a chance she will be dressed the way I want to see her dressed when she is doing it.
When I see that I imagine I am the male she is ********** and my manhood is being destroyed at her hands. I wonder what that would really be like and feel like to be surgically ********* by a group of girls where one of the girls performs the ********** surgery and the other girls assist her and watch?
I have no desire or fantasy to be ********* myself. Also I regret the ********** of these animals. I think it is unbelievably careless and cruel to cut off their testicles. But I do find it fascinating to see women perform these castrations. Most times they just do their job, often with little empathy for their victims whatsoever. But sometimes they seem to enjoy the ********** in a sadistic, maybe even sexual manner. I am shocked by such sexual cruelty, but strangely enough it also arouses me. Probably because I have masochistic tendencies.
I am an animal lover and I don't want animals to be hurt in any way. But on farms and ranches I understand why it is necessary to ******** male livestock animals. Most of the people who do this try to do it as humanely as possible.
For me women performing castrations is very arousing it does not matter if the male she is ********** is human or animal, to me it is any ********** being performed by women that is arousing. I am drawn to female dominance and female supremacy and to me the ultimate in that is surgical ********** performed by women. I don't know why I have femdom ********** fantasies and the sleeves fetish that is a part of my fantasies, I just know that ********** performed by women is arousing to me and that I have fantasies about being ********* by a woman.
This is the woman who shot these pictures:
She is also involved in ball-grabbing.
She also shot these nice pictures of boobs.
Equine ********** video.
Some pic:
A third year veterinary student preforms her first field **********.
********** a huge stallion!!
Dr. Knopf ********** a donkey patient named Eeyore
Another link to an article about equine **********.
Another pic:
Low cost castrations: a large pic.