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Impressive clips!!!
hi evryone have you mor ballbusting pics of cartoons ?
can someone please post those two latest clips on here, because i cant get rapidshare to work on my computer at all, and ive tried everything, please could sum1 help me out?
You can't post clips here. That's why they're being put on Rapidshare. What does it say when you go to Rapidshare? Can you download them? It maybe that you are accessing via a cable (?). If so there will be a whole bunch of folk sharing the same IP address. RS have a download limit (for their free service) that only allows about 100Mb in an hour. It maybe that somebody else is using this all up before you get there (?).Quote:
Originally Posted by djto
It's also possible that the network admins at his job have blocked his ability to access the site. Since he's supposed to be working, not DL p0rn... :p
Mistress Rox breaks his balls with her heel in this wmv file:
Asorted footwork
:loveeyes :loveeyes :loveeyes :loveeyes
with how much weight on the testicles they burst?
40 or 60 kg
Describe them properly, please.Quote:
Originally Posted by Androzani
She is kicking him with SANDALS.
Originally Posted by wallach
When you try it please let us know at what point your balls collapsed.:D
Anyway, I like that clip :D
All right! I can't hold back any longer. Just where did the authorities come up with that figure that nuts crack at 50 kg. (of force)? I read the article previously cited: see Granted the journal and article both looked authoritative.
1. Doesn't 50 kg. sound like an awfully round number that someone just hypothesized?
2. The two ways to get reliable data on this or any other statistical question are:
(1) By surveying previous testicular ruptures and the weight required to cause them. Just who measured the weights? Why and how (with scientific accuracy and validity )did they measure the weights? Medical reports and inquiries just don't do that.
(2) By testing--destructive testing--to determine the amount of force required to rupture testicles. Where did they get the test subjects? It's a little hard to get people to volunteer to have their testicles irreparably destroyed and under scientifically reliable conditions. Even if the experts used cadavers or animals (and are theirs really similar to live human testicles?), that still begs the question of why research that issue in the first place. Medical scientists are just like any other scientists: someone needs to pay for or otherwise demand such a study. The curiosity of us masochists will not suffice to justify or induce such a study.
With all due respect to the authorities, I can't help being skeptical. The notion that 50 kg. of force will rupture a testicle on average sounds like something that someone just postulated as being reasonable with any supportive studies or evidence.
My wife squeezes, knees, kicks, and steps on my balls frequently (last night she wore high heels :) ), and has done so over about twenty years. I have no idea how much force has been applied at one time. Certainly enough to keep me happy though. :) Anyway my balls are still fine and we have two healthy children. It's been hard enough to get her to work over my balls. I sure don't want her worrying that she could easily rupture me.
Thinking of the question of how much weight you can take on your balls caused me to recall what is now a funny incident.
A few years ago, I decided to find out just how much weight I could tolerate on my balls. The solution seemed obvious. Normally I place a telephone book under the twins before my wife steps or stomps on them. So why not just put scales under them instead? That way I could learn my exact ability and gradually build on it just one might in lifting weights.
When my wife saw it, she was immediately upset. When she tried stepping on the scales, her balance was unsteady. Naturally that meant I was jeopardizing her safety. That proved I really didn't love her. When I tried to read the weight on my balls, she concluded I was accusing her of being fat. Things did not go well that night. Just one more thing I'll never try again.
I've tried the scale thing too but my wife didn't mind. I could never get it positioned right to really work. If my sac stretched farther maybe I could.
Hope this one is new here :confused:
I like this thread. I never believed that balls could take so much!
I remember (many!) years ago, when I was young, I tried to assess how much weight my balls could bear. I put a scale, usually built for weighing people, on the edge of a table; I stood before it, having my sack laying on the top of the scale. Then I put a bit of wood over my balls and started pressing them. The nature of the upper surface of the scale prevented my balls from escaping.
I pressed more and more, until I could lift my feet off the ground, and have all my weight (75 kg at that time) transferred to the scale through my balls. I think that the shape of the wooden piece and the hardness of the surface of the scale allowed almost all of the pressure to be transferred to the balls (Which were big enough to avaoid the board to touch directly the scale).
Pain was intense, but, due to the fact I started slowly, no rupture occurred.
I never tried to do the same over pnly ONE ball. May be I should try now, I have gained some extra kg !
great pictures nutts look like they are about to pop.Bravo binutts
Thanks to squeezeballs for these :thumbup I'll up load them to keep them safe :) They're very sexy (IMHO) :D
Some toon stomping :)
sweet. where did u find those
I have to say nutstomping is the best method ever used. Even better if the lady doing the stomping are in a pair of sexy high heeled pumps :D
I think stomping is too dangerous, I did it to my BF once and he cried and passed out so there is no way I would do it again.
For me, nut stomping is more exciting with bare feet
Absolutely delicious !
I agree with that guy and hope to experiance that someday :oQuote:
Originally Posted by Peter D
Originally Posted by Georgie
No hold on just a minute!! You can't tell us this and then not give us all the details, I'm dieing here. Please tell us the whole story, please!
More of a heel than a stomp
Like kicks and stomps?