Great picture finally. The expession on her face is priceless. I always look forward to your posts. :ibow4u:
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"Suche gut gebauten 18-30jährigen zum Schlachten
Der Metzgermeister"
Reminds me so much of the Metzgermeister, or "the master butcher", who advertised online to eat another man who demanded his penis be cut off and they attempt to eat it.
They did it, and the volunteer was bled out in a bathtub and then eaten over a course of 10 months
Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! no look the film??????? 8 FICHIERS DE MERDE C'EST SE QUE JE DISAIT vérifie tes telechargement avant d'expedier je te dit pas merci!!!! pour tout le temps que tu m'a fait perdre Lorenalover pffff Good like my freinds of forum is very long donwald and short show film and no looking action just a boy bang in the head bof here we prefer ********** no?:D
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Please click one of the Quick Reply icons in the posts above to activate Quick Reply.
Stop it. :)
Actually, I thought it was kind of gross. Not erotic or sexy in any way, by my taste. But you don't often get scenes in movies with such a clear view of a girl doing it. So that has to count for something, I guess.
I also have my doubts that a frightened guy would have an erection, or bleed as if an artery had been cut. But I have heard guys say that this is where the expression "scared stiff" really comes from. And, I suppose the amount of blood would vary due to all sorts of factors. I read in a review that the girl makes a strapon out of it in order to use it to **** a nun. :rolleyes: I think I'll skip this movie entirely.
I also watched that other clip, the one that ends with the woman choking to death and the man instantly bleeding to death (or maybe he dies of shock, idk). Not sexy for me at all.
But then, my fantasies have always been rather specific.:)
I was having dinner with a few of my friends, and the subject came up of "1 guy 1 blender"
We agreed that we'd all watch it daily ;). I know it doesn't exist, but damn it, someone needs to make the video.
sorry for the crappy photoshopping
Wow videos
well the one where the white chick actually stomps on a black guys balls till she ruptures them and there bleeding she had too have broke them is unreal it hurts even me too watch that video because its a real event not fantasy somebody actually had this happen to them soo if u ever thought balls couldnt be squished before maybe after watching no more kids youll see it can happen and she laughs at him
No More Kids
Mix 3 bme videos
The bme videos i had to compress with winrar to make them 40mb instead of there orginal size soo that i can have all 3 in 1 file and still upload it here sorry for dialup users but its a highspeed world soo if you dont have a utility to open up rar files u can go here
it will automatically download and install winrar soo u can compress multiple files and upload them as 1 or uncompress rar files that are saved in rar format
Chilly, i haven't seen the movie you are describing but it sounds kinda similiar to playroom as far as the copious amounts of blood are concerned. I have never seen so much blood in any flik , it was literally spraying all over the place! Every one of the people standing around the table was covered with blood, it collected on the table and was running off onto the floor where there was a large puddle. Great footage!
Guess blood or the lack of it can make or break a fetish. I've seen a cartoon pic of a group of Japanese schoolgirls around a table piled with severed dicks, which they are tearing into. One version of this pic has blood all over the place. But I've also seen this same pic where all the blood has been replaced with semen. I find the second version sexier.:)
Great thread :)
After a couple of responses (including one from a woman who implies in big red letters that it is every girl's "dream"), she quickly backpedals and hides behind the old tried and true "******" excuse (hey, she doesn't want anybody to think that she's some kind of perv or anything:rolleyes: ).
In her "clarification," she talks about it like it would be an officially appointed position she'd readily apply for. She almost had me convinced that she is really only interested in justice...until she said she'd do cheaters, too!:Baahaha:
I definetely agree with Christina Cortez on the the matter of rapists and child molesters getting their dicks cut off. I also believe that men like that should be turned over to any woman or women who want to punish them. Their are many women in this world who would enjoy taking a man's dick from him for these crimes. There has been many ocassions that i have heard women talking about doing this and i have personally talked to women who have been raped and beaten damn near to death. As a matter of fact, i am currently married to a very great woman who has been raped. She has also been abused and beaten by 5 other men, 2 of them ex husbands. It took me 2 years just to get her to trust me! Now, she has lived a normal life for over 15 years and i am very protective of her. She has mentioned many times that she would really like to cut off their dicks.
So you absolutely breeze over the fact that when she initially stated "I fantasize about chopping off penises," the words "******" or "child molester" were nowhere to be found in that sentence.
Would you also agree with letting this Christina person be the Official State Penectomix of Cheaters?
Chilly, did you notice Christina's clarification statement? If a penectomix were elected, i would see no problem with it being Christina.
Of course I noticed it! I mentioned it in my original post first, didn't I?
And I still say it sounds like backpedaling. She's a dick-cutting fetishist first. Like you. Using it to dispense "justice" is just a handy social excuser and a conscience-assuaging tool. And it came second. A damn afterthought. This Christina-person says she needs her victims to be 100%-no-doubt-about-it-guilty. Then she adds she'd do cheaters, too.
Cheating isn't even in the same fucking league as ****! And you have no problem with it?
I'm not surprised she rings your chimes. She'd be your Ilsa She-Wolf fantasy come true, wouldn't she? And that is more important to you than the slippery slope you'd be happy to put this country on by opening the door to anything NAZIs came up with.:soomad
I took the liberty of reading over all the previous posts that you've made on these boards. Allow me to quote your own words back to you:
Why doesn't it make your stomach queasy? Have you gone through harsh voilent experiences in your life that have desensitized you to things that nauseate most folks? You don't even mention that the male victims in the stories and movies you like need to be guiilty of anything! You just enjoying watching your brothers' junk get mutilated.Quote:
I can't think of anything that makes my stomach queasy concerning **********, penectomy, genital torture etc... I enjoy watching movies, reading stories and talking to women about all these things.
Since 12? What could possibily drive a 12-year-old to dream up shit like this? If you don't mind my asking. I shared what I think was the source of my own nasty fetish on this board, and I see you're not afraid to speak your mind. I'd really love to know.Quote:
I have always enjoyed jacking off in front of women and started thinking about it at the age of 12. I would imagine a woman catching me at it and pulling out a pistol, say a .357 magnum and threating to shoot off my dick and balls but nothing like ever happened. so, i would look for hookers and pay them to watch me beat off and sometimes ask them if they had ever ********* a guy or maybe kicked him in his nuts or tortured his genitals in some way.
You love your own knob too much too lose it, eh? Odd that a Phillipina would use a Japanese honoric like "san," though.Quote:
i knew a couple of really wild, crazy girls in the Phillipines who would have very sadistically cut your dick off and loved every second of it! I know because the one who called herself Nellie, wanted to cut mine off. I got a hard on when she pulled out her butterfly knife and she was laughing and swung her knife at it. Even though i was excited by her idea, i panicked and grabbing my clothes i ran like hell. I can still hear her sexy laugh as i blasted through the door and her heavily accented statement: Ha ha i get you deek later Bobby, baby san.
Again with the violence. Just pure violence. My fetish may be bizarre, but it is unrealistic and bloodless. Ultimately, the point of my fetish is female attention. Females do not need to be the doers, even, in what you like to see. And the ultimate point is just the violence.Quote:
I saw a cock amputation in one of the Emmanuelle flik's. It involved a doctor Emannuelle was fucking, showing her a film that was made in Tanzania. Two adulterers had been caught in the act. First, the woman's head was whacked off with a machete. Then, the natives yanked the guilty man's breeches off and slowly sliced off his dick using a dagger type knife. I am trying to find the flik again and will post the name of it as soon as i find it.
I would never advocate making my sick kink a reality under any excuse.
Hey Chilly, you seem to be bothered by a lot of fetishes but not your own. would a dude getting his cock bit off need to be guilty of something? In my opinion this country is already on a slippery slope, with no help from me. Does chicks devouring dicks make your stomach queasy? Hell, that might make me sick. Now, about me thinking about women doing these things since i was 12. I suppose something put my ideas in my head however, i'm not a psychiatrist so i haven't got a clue. Lots of women in PI used the honoric san. I never asked them about it because i didn't give a fuck. How can a woman devouring a dick be bloodless? I also thought women being doers was what these fetishes were all about. Chilly, are you sure you are on the right site for you? Regards.
Hell yes, any form of cannibalism in reality should make anybody's stomach queasy. I'd need several barf bags in a row if I heard that somebody actually did this, like that German cannibal what-his-name!
The bloodlessness in my fantasies show just how unreal it is. I'm perfectly happy with keeping it unreal. Nobody really gets hurt.
But one thing I've learned, at least about ********** fetishes, is that like drugs, one can need to go on to harder stuff to get the same thrill. Thankfully, I'm not at that point. And with any luck, I'll never get there.
Dude, fetishes don't bother me until somebody says he wants to make them real just because it makes his dick hard. That crosses a very dangerous line. You do scare me.
I hope that the line between fetish and reality has not really become blurred for you. Understand that multilating a person in real life is a crime. You could get sent to prison for a long long time.
If you do entertain hurting someone in this manner you need to talk to someone who can help you before it is too late.
If you are just yanking my chain, then you need to be more clear about it so people don't get the wrong idea about you.
As for me, I love it here. As long as everyone understands that we're all just having fun. Not pushing things like NAZI agendas. People who do that here ought to be banned, IMHO.:soomad
A lot of the posts here don't mention fantasy, perhaps that would somehow diminish the entertainment of the fetish. I never said i wanted to do anything to another man. These things are only interesting to me if a woman or women carry it out and there is no reason for anyone to be scared of me. I do value your opinion though and will strive to conduct a search within myself to determine if i am indeed thinking in a detrimental manner. I believe you are overreacting though. Thank you for your input.
For all visitors to this thread:
Forget that clicking on the image below will condemn you to Hell.
I think all visitors to this site are resigned to that anyway.
This is an opportunity to let your creative and kinky juices flow,
and post your fantasies about how this fellow ended up in this
And, if you want, you can also tell us what happened in the
aftermath of the moment this pic was snapped.
Don't be shy.
And don't worry about pleasing the reader. I want to read a
story that pleases you, ok?
Go wild and have fun!:thumbup
very weird but sexy when a guy wants to loose his own dick