And she uses an earmark cutter to slice his sack off. :confused:
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Castração de Bovino
Capando con pochi y manu borniego
lia castrando un cerdito..
Cancela castrando o boi - USP/FZEA
castrando ternero
That's so kool how those girls fix those wild boars! Wild boars are starting to move into the farming area where my parents live in Oklahoma and I am getting some girl friends together to try our hand at cutting some boars.
Some time ago I saw another vid clip about girls cutting boar nuts in Texas, maybe the same girls, but can not find it now. Can anyone help?
Not interesting? What would be interesting? One girl did say a boar jizzed while they were cutting his nuts, I wonder is that possible? Maybe he was chasing a sow in heat at the time and was ready to shoot his load when they started cutting his nuts out? Or maybe he smelled one of the cutter girls? I know horses sometimes get hard when around women at their time. I have heard that most animals only get hard when they smell the female heat. I wonder is it possible to masturbate a boar? I know they collect semen from bulls. Anyone know?
Scroll down a bit, and watch the vídeo "Animal-Style Hair"
Thanks Mick!
I really appreciate your, MiniBoi's, and everyone elses contributions.
This is a Great thread.
I'm always looking for something worthy that has not already been posted.
@DeeDee I have seen some videos on youtube that show boars being ********* and after they are ********* the guy 'milks' the boar to which he usually cums. I have not posted the videos as I have yet to find a woman doing this. Thete is also a video (also on youtube) that shows a full grown boar being *********. The boar is on his back and people are holding him down. The boar struggles quite a bit and as he twists and turns, he shoots cum several times.
that whole thing of ********** wild boars for population control is nuts , it is just gals that want to cut off nuts. if you wanted to control population you would shoot the boars and the sows. it only takes one boar to breed the sows so catching and cutting off their balls doesn't help control the population
Even little girls have fun to ******** a calf!!
Must be hard for the boys at her age that hold the bull down to watch her do this or not?