kids getting hurt ain't funny
I agree. It is not funny when children are hurt especially when their sexual organs are hurt. This is the problemm I have with the medias portrayal of men being hurt sexual as funny, that children mimic what they see on tv, and tv depicts children getting hurt in their sexual organs or even hurting the sexual organs of other children. And of course I mean boys. It is not ok it is not funny. Our fetish is one thing, it is consensual, and sexual. When a child is injured in his testicles it is a sexual injury and should be given the same respect as a sexual injury if it were to happen to a woman or girl. Sorry Tamareki, I cant agree that the media portrayal is ok. Julie, I always appreciate when people take it upon to point out the inequality in the treatment of sexual violence against men and even boys in the media. Sorry for the downer post people. As much as I love a good shot in the nuts I would not wish it upon anyone who doesn't. (Of course there are exceptions but those would be insances driven by anger and wishes of revenge, which in a calmer more rational state I know is wrong).
the misunderstanding is mutual
but the fact that the video was on tv, a tv show that is humoruos, makes it a media portrayal of a male, in that particular instance a young boy, having his genitals injured as humor. The audience's reaction just shows that the media portrayal in this instance did have the effect of humorizing a childs injury, an injury that is sexual to a degree. I know you like the idea that it is ok for a man to have that happen to him and not a woman, and I do too as a part of my fetish. But I take pride in the fact that I seperate that part of my sexuality from the rest of m life and especially from other peoples lives (of course I mean only to say that I do not think it should be portrayed as ok when males are injured sexually, not that it should be ok for a woman to be hurt there also). I am not suggesting that you do not, just that it is important to recognize that getting kicked in the balls (or hurt there in any way) is a very different experience for people like you and I than it is for others. Especially in the instance of a child getting hit in the groin, it can be devastating, especially when people laugh at you for it. I feel it teaches children not to respect male sexuality or for the injured kid that people wont take it seriously if they get hurt there. It has been shown in many repeated and well documented (and rather famous within the field of developmental psychology) studies that children mimic the violence they witness on television. Also a 1995 study published in a medical journal suggests that approx. 1 in 10 boys are hit in the groin in adolescence and that a significant number suffer from depression or post traumatic stress disorder a year later. Us liking an idea b/c we share a fetish and the realization of that idea in media and later reality are two seperate things and the fact that the former is ok does not mean the latter is as well. I do nt mean to lecture just to state my opinion. I feel that Julie would agree with me on this matter and feel that this was her point in posting her initial message about the AFV clip. The fact is just how prevelent the idea of a male being hit in the groin as funny is can be seen in the fact that when a child fell and injured himself in a very delicate spot (what could potentially be a serious injury) his very own mother laughed at him for it.
P.S. - I love your site dude. I let my membership lapse as I am currently in school and money is very tight, but if I had more dough I'd be a member right now. I especially love that you have sneaker busts. I love sneakers. Keep it up.