Quote Originally Posted by me_no_wimp
Also, and I don't know if others feel the same way too, but if much of your excitement is the shoes, then the kicks don't have to all be aimed at the balls. Clearly the balls is a main target (and the face can be another) but kicks can be aimed at the whole body (with a few exceptions - don't kick in the back or the neck).
I'm quite keen on face kicks as well, maybe as something to happen after a kick in the balls. I'd like for a girl bring her knee up into my face after I go down, etc. I'm very keen on trampling too, so long as it comes after a kick, to finish me off. It feels amazing to have a woman standing right on top of my genitals.

I think for me about 95 percent of what is important in a clip is the kick itself, which should be as hard as possible. All the other stuff I add - the nudity, footwear, costumes, bits of dialogue, models playing with her body - all of that shouldn't become too important. I just put it in because I need to put something in to satisfy myself that I have done the video shoot well, meaning done things my own way. Overall, as long as there is a good strong kick or knee, and the overall package of elements mentioned above looks okay, then I'm happy.

David B.