I'm looking for simple ball games to play with my sex partner. Here's an example of one we played that I really liked (that I got from this site). It was nips vs. balls. She grabs both my balls (one in each hand, or however she wants), and I get both her nips between thumbs and index fingers of each hand. On "go" she squeezes as hard as she can and I pinch as hard as I can and we see who gives up first. We both usually gave up about the same time, but it was fun watching her try to squeeze me hard enough to get me to give up fast.

I'm not really into the pain - I'm into her wanting to cause the pain - if that makes sense. I love the devilish grin, etc.

She's not really into BB because she's afraid she'll hurt me, but things that are competitive seem to overcome her apprehension. Again, I want her to want to hurt 'em.


P.S. I looked through previous "games" topics and most of them are too elaborate, etc. Needs to be something easy to do, and like I said, if it's something competitive she's more likely to actually try to hurt 'em.