Quote Originally Posted by Castratrix's pet View Post
Something else I have been wondering about. I have talked here and in other threads about a strong spiritual aspect to my femdom ********** fantasies and fetishes, a Goddess spirituality that worships God exclusively as female, etc. etc., rolled up sleeves, etc..
I like talking frankly with everyone here about their fantasies, but most people are pretty down to earth. But you, sir, are freaking OUT IN SPACE. Can't you just talk like a normal person in ONE thread? Do we have to read "sleeves rolled up above her elbows" in EVERY...MOTHER..FUCKING...THREAD? And repeated over and over? Do you somehow think that if you beat us over the head with it enough times, we will somehow magically produce a video of the fantasy you are looking for, or that you will convince others to fantasize about rolled up sleeves and female god or whatever?

You don't even seem like a real person when you talk, you sound like you are someone's made-up character they are acting out. Or a troll.