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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #91
    Big Supporter Julie18nz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trouble

    Ratings would have soared, Star Trek wouldn't have gone down the toilet, and I'd be shacked up with Jeri Ryan in prison -- there IS no better ending than that, I tell yah.

    Oh, Trouble, Sweetie, I can think of something FAR better than u being shacked up with Jeri Ryan in prison. ME being shacked up with Jeri Ryan in prison

  2. #92
    Join Date
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    BC, Canada
    If a guy was ********* would he need to take pills to live a normal life and would he be able to have sex after losing his balls?

  3. #93
    Big Supporter The Rani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trouble
    Gosh darn it! I put ToyBoyBagBone (The Man With No Pubic Bone and No Ossicles) on my Ignore list and now I can't read his messages!
    Yep, he’s on my ignore list too. Has he ever said anything that wasn’t worth ignoring? I think not. Somebody lemme know if he ever says anything worth reading

  4. #94
    Supreme Poster Ice Warrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Rani
    Yep, he’s on my ignore list too
    An ignore list. What a wonderful idea! Nevertheless, I’ll give the boy a chance for now. Those movies, posted by a deceased hero of this forum , are likely to be long since dead as they were hosted by I believe this site only allows a limited number of downloads. does not have this caveat and only deletes files if they’ve not been downloaded for a month or so. I believe I saw the movies that boybagphone2 is looking for at a yahoo group after being directed there by another hero ‘Tommy the cool cat’. I suggest that you search around the Yahoo groups as there’s LOADS of movies there showing all kinds of things (including the ones you’re looking for). Tommy may be more helpful.

  5. #95
    Big Supporter The Rani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ice Warrior
    Those movies, posted by a deceased hero of this forum
    Yeah. Wotever became of inquisitiv : i-quv : Inq : Inqy and Co.? It’s a real shame he doesn’t supply material here anymore It seems that quite a few of the other champion posters and suppliers of inks/pics/movies don’t contribute anymore either. Wot happened to Sara? Did she take them all to a rival camp that I’ve not heard about? Anybody know where the posse road off to?

    Sharon, is it possible to undelete inquisitiv's attachments or something? There were some really good ones. I didn't join in time to download them Is he banned from posting now?

  6. #96
    Big Supporter Trouble's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Julie18nz
    Oh, Trouble, Sweetie, I can think of something FAR better than u being shacked up with Jeri Ryan in prison. ME being shacked up with Jeri Ryan in prison
    Oooh. Mmmm. That... that is better! First of all, you would need to drop this "consensual only" crap -- Ryan might say "No' and it IS prison. I say if your bitch doesn't respect you as the Queen of Cell Block D, kick her labia up into her cervix. Hell, yeah. We turn that into a reality TV show and Jeri Ryan would get on EVEN MORE TV screens than she got on by wearing a padded bra and a skintight outfit.
    If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!

  7. #97
    Big Supporter Trouble's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank
    If a guy was ********* would he need to take pills to live a normal life and would he be able to have sex after losing his balls?
    Testosterone pills (or injections) would certainly help a ********* man to feel more normal, but a person who is ********* after reaching adulthood should be able to live a normal life even without testosterone supplements. Hormones tend to affect the mood, so his mood might change (for the better or the worse). Testicles are not the only source of androgens, so he would not be completely without them.

    As for sex: if his penis is still there, it can still get erect, and still be used. His libido would probably decrease sharply, so it would not get so hard so often, orgasm might be a bit tougher to achieve, but the functioning should otherwise be normal.

    Where I used to work, one of the managers had a boyfriend whose balls had been ripped off in an accident. I don't know whom she made the mistake of telling that, but, pretty soon, everybody in the workplace knew her boyfriend had no balls. One worker commented to her that she was a very lucky woman. She smiled and blushed. His reference was apparantly to how her boyfriend could not fertilize her, meaning that they did not have to use a condom (also known as the Trouble Method) or other birth control, or, possibly, to the decrease in libido in her partner potentially meaning that it took him longer to achieve orgasm, meaning she could have sex with him longer than with your average standard-issue male.

    Our work was very boring so we talked about sex a lot.

    On Another topic: Rani! Yes, there was a fight and some people went their separate ways. That's it, kimo.
    Last edited by Trouble; 09-16-2005 at 12:51 AM. Reason: Typos? We don't got no steenkin' typos...
    If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!

  8. #98
    Big Supporter The Rani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank
    If a guy was ********* would he need to take pills to live a normal life and would he be able to have sex after losing his balls?
    There’s a fantastic eunuch resource (discussion and information and thousands of stories) at Eunuchs differ a lot depending on whether they lost their conkers before or after puberty.

  9. #99
    Big Supporter The Rani's Avatar
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    Off topic

    Hey Troubled, I can't seem to attach things to PMs and I don't have yer email. I just wanted to pass on that photo I took of you and yer dad in New Orleans this weekend.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails fishing.jpg  

  10. #100
    Big Supporter Trouble's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Rani
    Hey Troubled, I can't seem to attach things to PMs and I don't have yer email. I just wanted to pass on that photo I took of you and yer dad in New Orleans this weekend.
    Don't laugh! Got us a seventeen-pounder fishing without bait on Main Street. Yew can always just e-mail Condoleeza, yew know she always cc:'s me ever'thin' I need to know.

    The trip to Nawlins was a bust, 'though. I mean, no bust. none of the ladies I usually see there wuz home.
    If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay!

  11. #101
    Administrator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Rani
    Yeah. Wotever became of inquisitiv : i-quv : Inq : Inqy and Co.? It’s a real shame he doesn’t supply material here anymore It seems that quite a few of the other champion posters and suppliers of inks/pics/movies don’t contribute anymore either. Wot happened to Sara? Did she take them all to a rival camp that I’ve not heard about? Anybody know where the posse road off to?

    Sharon, is it possible to undelete inquisitiv's attachments or something? There were some really good ones. I didn't join in time to download them Is he banned from posting now?

    Dear Rani,

    First of all welcome to the site I hope you will like it here

    As for your questions about what happend and all then you can see it here:

    Regarding inquisitiv : i-quv : Inq : Inqy and Co. then all these persons was the same guy who after what happend asked to get his accounts deleted.

    His attachments can not be retrived.

    He is not banned here at all and can join the forum any day
    Best Regards
    Team Femaledom

  12. #102
    Big Supporter The Rani's Avatar
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    Thanks Sharon. To get back on thread here's a pic from BME. They have plenty more bodymodification stuff for free at
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails encyc00355-2.jpg  

  13. #103
    Registered User
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    ********** is a turn on

    I also get a massive hard on when i think of a woman having the power to ******** me if she feels like it. Its all about feeling helpless to her every desire. Makes me rock hard everytime.

  14. #104
    Junior Member
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    boybagphone2 and or toyboy-number-whatever are NOT the same poster as me.

    I am an eloquent, polite poster who does not share very often due to the fact that I am primarily interested in a very small subsection of the fetish, relating more to leash-play, threatened hand-squeezing, and the fetishization and spiritualization of the evolutionary biology of the exposed testicles of the human male.

    Toyboy makes me wish I had chosen a different nick.

    I once again point out the difference, and ask that everyone stop comparing us, in jest and otherwise.

    Thank you,


  15. #105
    Supreme Poster Ice Warrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by toybag_cellphone
    the exposed testicles of the human male
    I figured this shot was a little more than ball biting so belonged here

    PS. I think toybag_cellbone2 has ceased to post here so you're cool
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 113.jpg  

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