
-- All Members:

Please report first-time posters who post something TRIVIAL (like a single word, just a smiley, or something "silly" or off-topic) with the apparent intention of being promoted from "Registered User" to "Member", in order to view/download posted pics full-size.

They waste YOUR time by appearing as a "new post" that you think might be worth checking out, as well as cluttering the Forum with junk posts.

You can report them to me by clicking on the triangular yellow icon that says "Report Bad Post" (at the lower left of the offending post), and writing in the reporting box the exact reason why you're reporting the post. I'll deal with them and their "junk posts" VERY promptly.
The button I'm talking about looks like this:

-- I receive the message you type in the "Bad Post Reports", along with a link to the post, by email shortly after you send it to me. This enables me to take SWIFT action, even if I otherwise weren't planning to check new posts on the Forum for another day or two.

Report bad/junk posts to me and I'll personally 'virtually' ******** (castigate? ) the poster (by permanently banning them from the forums if necessary).

(I've already banned 10 members so far this week for posting such garbage.)

For lesser offences or violations I'll just delete the bad post and give the poster another chance.

I want to do what is best to maintain this Forum the way YOU want it to be -- with YOUR help and cooperation (please).


- Sara