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Thread: Read before posting links or pictures...

  1. #16
    Supreme Poster ilny2000's Avatar
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    Thanks for the kudos, Tom.

    Unfortunately, guys that take the time to create the art (or photoedits in my case) don't get enough feedback. We do it because it gets us off, and I hope gets you guys off.

    So if I don't hear from people that they like them, I'll question whether they are worth sharing.

  2. #17
    Big Supporter tonyr's Avatar
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    Someday Soon

    Have you ever spent money and joined a site or bought content, Colin Old Chap?

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin
    In the literal sense, the guy at ballbusting portal ( ) that you rant about has ‘bandwidth’. I like the guys here that don’t have bandwidth and chose to share their original material via this form using Femaledom’s kindly provided bandwidth

  3. #18
    Big Supporter tonyr's Avatar
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    Red face An ineffective dull and blunt point

    Bullshit. Colin needs to stay in Maidenhead and become a true Ballbustee.
    I don't ramble to fuck on one bit. Ballbusting is ultimately a serious subject and I take and talk it ultimately on a serious level. Don't get me wrong, I'm game for a laugh. But if an issue or subject is being dealt with that is on a serious level, I'll be there.

    Minus the ability to post would not make this forum bland at all.
    You should read the book, 'The Dumbming down of America'

    With regards to copyright, because you have found something for free, it does not legally give you the right to distribute it. It doesn't even need to have Copyright displayed on it.
    Copyright infringement issues will continue to rise as the value of intellectual property increases and the means to enforce against infringements becomes more effective. The internet is afterall a database full of recorded paths and trails. Once the enforcers decide its time to enforce, this will come all too readily apparent. FemaleDom ultimately doesn't want to face the reprocussions of the infringements by others. So much for rambling.

    Sheeple, not people, ramble on.
    Wake Up Brother Bill.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill
    Colin does have a point Tony. You do have a propensity for rambling. As a result your posts are some of the least ‘straight’ on the forum. Let us not forget, were the ability to attach pictures were to be removed, then this forum would become as bland as all the others . So far as I can tell, most the stuff posted here is either non-copyrighted or free samples from pay sites. The exceptions to this rule are in the minority but, nevertheless, must be cracked down on.

    Rock on Femaledom.

  4. #19
    Senior Member Colin's Avatar
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    We all take responsibility for what we post and agree not to post attachments that we do not own, or do not have the right to attach, when we sign up to this forum. How can Femaledom be held responsible for an infringement they are not made aware of? So far as I can tell the team here are doing all they can by immediately removing any infringing material that the real owner complains about and banning the user that posted it. What more would you have them do?

    Yes, I did once join but I didn’t think it was much good. and offer much better value for money.

    PS. What have you got against Maidenhead?

  5. #20
    Big Supporter tonyr's Avatar
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    PiedAmour.Com, Colin, Maidenhead and Divine Intervention

    With regards to That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. It's my site, my vision and I'm cool until someone wants to be uncool. You're statement is a dig at me and my site. It's a world where freedom of speech is greatly infringed and I am not going to go down the route of the bully boys of the planet and stop you.

    Wake Up Bro Colin.

    Give someone enough rope and they will sadly hang themselves.

    I am not part of the ballbusting mafia that is forever trying to distroy or ruin other sites.
    My response to the post with regards to the member whom was not sure of what sites were out there and safe to join was based on my immediate knowledge of a number of sites that I have been a happy member with and naturally my own site. I equally appologised to the sites that I had not mentioned and furthermore advised the enquirer to check out the sites
    operated by the very owners of this forum and to check out links pages of other sites to find out what could be of appeal to himself and also made him aware of the realities of rip off sites and credit card clearers knowledge gain
    through having my own sites, and being with the net since in main onset.
    So all you could do is to come back sour with a load of negativity after making yourself such a jerk in the forum arguing and criticising issues that you really should clue yourself up on a bit more and taking a swipe at me because I have long posts. Also also you tried to re-generate a post that was blocked by the Administrator of the forum because it was distasteful and could draw unnecessary heat to the forum from the authorities.

    Wake UP!!! Bro Colin

    International Copyright is a minefield. Whether you believe it or not, FemaleDom could well end up being successfully sued by someone whom owned the copyright of an image that was placed in the forum by someone totally unconnected to either the copyright owner or to FemaleDom other than by being a member of the forum. I am not criticizing FemaleDom. My beef lies with the ones whom have no regard for the forum or FemaleDom.
    I have already suggested that people should use create their own stuff to post up, rather than to create the potential problems of Copyright Infringement.

    As for Maidenhead, I've been there recently and will be back again soon on progressive business. What ever is wrong with the town you reside in is no different from anywhere else. It has good and bad people and idiots like anywhere else.

    Wake UP Bro Colin

    It is a sad revelation of yourself but I forgive you and offer you the chance to experience quality ballbusting in one of my productions with pay, whenever you would like to, subject to our production schedule.

    You see Bro Colin, Tony 'da Rambler, is for REAL!!!!!
    Over but far from OUT!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin
    We all take responsibility for what we post and agree not to post attachments that we do not own, or do not have the right to attach, when we sign up to this forum. How can Femaledom be held responsible for an infringement they are not made aware of? So far as I can tell the team here are doing all they can by immediately removing any infringing material that the real owner complains about and banning the user that posted it. What more would you have them do?

    Yes, I did once join but I didn’t think it was much good. and offer much better value for money.

    PS. What have you got against Maidenhead?

  6. #21
    Senior Member Colin's Avatar
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    Live and let live

    Quote Originally Posted by tonyr
    With regards to That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. It's my site, my vision and I'm cool until someone wants to be uncool. You're statement is a dig at me and my site. It's a world where freedom of speech is greatly infringed and I am not going to go down the route of the bully boys of the planet and stop you.
    That's fine Tony. Its just MHO. I'm sure some people will think your site is the best of all (especially those with a penchant for feet ). We all have slightly different tastes here. Overall, I take my hat off to all that are providing stuff for sickos like me to get off on

  7. #22
    Big Supporter tonyr's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Peace to You Bro Colin

    Peace onto you dearest Brother Colin and may all your busts be sweet and forever MULTI-ORGASMIC

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin
    That's fine Tony. Its just MHO. I'm sure some people will think your site is the best of all (especially those with a penchant for feet ). We all have slightly different tastes here. Overall, I take my hat off to all that are providing stuff for sickos like me to get off on

  8. #23
    Senior Member nichojinx's Avatar
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    I recommend to anyone looking to host some images. As a past signature maker and photoshop guru I know how handy a good image host can be sometimes and IMO, imageshack delivers on all accounts.

    That reminds me, one of these days I've got to take the time to make a new avatar, hehe.

  9. #24
    Big Supporter cutponies's Avatar
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    New Dundee

    I would like to point out

    That the cartoons I post are mine.I made them from "whole cloth"



    The photo-manipulations are another matter. They all but define "grey area"

  10. #25
    Registered Member
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    This might be viewed as a stupid question, but what are the "boundaries" for posting picture/art ?

    I have tons of images from over the years, but about 95% of those, I don´t have a clue if they are "copyrighted" or not. None of them are "stolen" from some pay-site (at least not by me), but how am I supposed to know what´s fair game and what isn´t?

    If I should only post artwork made by me, that comes down to an impressive ZERO, or images that I´m 100% sure aren´t copyrighted, that comes down to maybe a small handfull..

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I know I am posting two months after the fact, but that last post has a good point. How do we know if the images are copyrighted or not? Does it simply depend on whether there is a copyright logo on the attachment?

    I think these sites that complained are dumb. It's free advertisement for them!

  12. #27
    Registered Member
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    I am consent

  13. #28
    Big Supporter mick_sl8ter's Avatar
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    I think the truth lies in the middle here.

    People that make movies / pictures own the copyright to that material.
    They have the right to ask you money if you want what they own.

    But on the other hand, what is the use of making such movies if nobody is going to watch them, because it costs too much ? Especially adult movies that target a small group of possible consumers.

    Of course most of these movies are made by amateurs, because it is hard to make a professional living out of it. They should get some money, because it is much more fun if you make a little money out of your hobby.

    So to the extremes: If they would make loads of money, production of these movies would not explosively grow.
    And if they were unable to earn any money, people will not stop making such movies, just because people like doing it / watching it.

    A little money is needed to keep people a little more intrested than just hobby-wise, and to keep up a little quality, so that you dont watch worthless crap, shots made with crappy camera's.

    I think people who sell these clips keep in mind that maybe 2% of the actual viewers buy it legally at their website. That is why they ask these high prices. In theory if they would lower the prices to 10%, and all viewers would buy it legally they would make more profit. But the fact is, most people who watch these clips will never pay for them. It is not just the amount of money that makes people decide to buy or not, it is also the step of actually buying it.

    In stead of asking people not to spread these clips, you should ask people to please buy a clip every now and then. It is only fair.

  14. #29
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Thank you for this advice

  15. #30
    Registered Member
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    May 2006
    Thanks for all the information

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