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Thread: Furry Ballbusting

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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by MYDM777 View Post
    I was going to say have some way to recognize new Pokemon. I've made sure that Charizard has had at least 1 ball popped by every female since the beginning and it takes a bit of time to figure out which ones are new sometimes. Maybe an update list, or something.
    I've actually been keeping an update list/changelog over at FurAffinity -- you should be able to read it even without an account. That's probably the best place to look if you want to know when and how things have been updated.

  2. #2
    Big Supporter Dreihundert's Avatar
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    Ive just recently gotten to playing that Pokemon game thatś all the rave lately.

    I must say: It is amazing and fun, like those old Goosebumps books that let you choose what to do. Spectacular.
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  3. #3
    Big Supporter Dreihundert's Avatar
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    I'm working on a story for here. I've outlined the basic plot. It is starring a lioness named Savannah whose family was poached. She attacks only males and eats only the genitalia. She leaves the ball-less dick-less corpses as a warning to others.

    I don't want to make it into a strictly killing and ********** story. I am trying to capture the sexuality of furries and include sexual and romantic scenes as well as violent scenes. I think the story's going to come off a bit far-fetched, just remember it's fiction.

    I'm playing off of Piou's dragon theme, but instead of the main character being a comical male who can't avoid being busted, it is a female who busts constantly. I'll also be reading Piou's work for examples and as a guide for my writing, I hope he won't be offended. I want it to be a masterpiece, so it will take a few days to write a suitable story, I'm currently on the first few paragraphs of a rough draft... And I refuse to publish anything less than my absolute best.

    Just thought I'd share my progress since I've come across what I think to be a great idea and I've been saying I would write something for this thread. Slowly but surely it will come.
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  4. #4
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    Can't wait to see what you come up with!

    And if poiu didn't mind me straight-up ganking a few of his characters for one of my little attempts, I doubt he'll mind you using him for inspiration.

  5. #5
    Big Supporter Dreihundert's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OneBadMamaJama View Post
    Can't wait to see what you come up with!

    And if poiu didn't mind me straight-up ganking a few of his characters for one of my little attempts, I doubt he'll mind you using him for inspiration.

    Thanks for the support, mate. .
    M/M Ballbusting? Private Message.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by OneBadMamaJama View Post
    Can't wait to see what you come up with!

    And if poiu didn't mind me straight-up ganking a few of his characters for one of my little attempts, I doubt he'll mind you using him for inspiration. :thumbup
    Yeah, use my stuff however you'd like! I think I've said this before, but I consider all my stories to be under a CC-BY license, so you're free to repost them, edit them, use them for inspiration -- hell, sell them if you want :P

    Drei: sounds awesome! I've always wanted to see a lioness do some busting. Look forward to it!

  7. #7
    Big Supporter Dreihundert's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poiu View Post
    Yeah, use my stuff however you'd like! I think I've said this before, but I consider all my stories to be under a CC-BY license, so you're free to repost them, edit them, use them for inspiration -- hell, sell them if you want :P

    Drei: sounds awesome! I've always wanted to see a lioness do some busting. Look forward to it!

    Selling them would be a big stretch. I'm a bad salesman anyway. If I were to make any money off of my work ever, it would be through minimal advertising and donations. I can see how some people make money with it and have no problem, but it wouldn't be for me. I wouldn't want to feel like someone paid their hard earned money for something that they wouldn't like. I would like all of my work available to he who can find it. And if someone doesn't like it, they can move on without a feeling like they wasted money or something... This is why I try to stream music online before I pay for it. I absolutely won't buy music from WMG because of the youtube thing. WMG has decided that instead of taking advantage of YouTube for publicity like Universal has successfully done, they would go insane removing every bit of their music from YouTube. It's ruined countless videos that use WMG audio, mainly because of a grudge they hold against Google.

    The reason I am so angry is not because I want to hear their music and don't want to pay for it... It's because they're getting in the way of the meaning of YouTube. YouTube was made so that people from anywhere in the world could put their ideas on film and share them with the world. Normal people can't afford to hire a composer or pay a music corporation for their clips. And since the videos made by these creative people don't make much money at all versus their hollywood counterparts, I don't see the harm. When people are given an opportunity to utilize their creative side, it shouldn't be ruined by a major corporation that is concerned about money.

    Example: Star Wars Cops (I'm not sure if this was made for profit or not, or by whom, but it shows what I'm talking about)
    Blocked by WMG for the 15 seconds of the song "Bad Boys" from the intro.

    Since it's worth watching, here's a link to a working video:

    Here's a comment that I enjoyed reading:
    "I have to completely back [WMG] up. i mean if i had a product, and someone was willing to give me free advertising, i would totally slap them in the face. if i wanted to advertise i would spend millions for a fifteen second clip during the super bowl like everyone of my other ceo friends."
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  8. #8
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    I totally hear you, man. That's why I'm a big proponent of Creative Commons and similar copyleft licenses -- they encourage the sharing, reuse, and adaptation of content in new and interesting ways. (That's what I spend a lot of time working on in my professional life, actually :P)

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