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Thread: Furry Ballbusting

  1. #961
    Big Supporter
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    Jan 2008
    I really think the best part of poiu and MP's stories is that they actually have HEART to 'em. Not just mindless jerkoff material. You actually kinda care about the characters. Hell That was almost downright romantic with Lia there.

  2. #962
    Big Supporter Mythical Pain's Avatar
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    In the dragon's lair
    Quote Originally Posted by OneBadMamaJama View Post
    I really think the best part of poiu and MP's stories is that they actually have HEART to 'em. Not just mindless jerkoff material. You actually kinda care about the characters. Hell That was almost downright romantic with Lia there.

    Thanks! I really appreciate that! I do like having heart and story in even my ball busting stories. More so in the more story, less-ballbusting stuff I'm doing for SoFurry lately.

    Oh, and Poiu, I Fav'd it over there, but loved the ending to Dragon Slaying! Great finale! Good choice, too, even if...::Whimper:: Ouch. Lol.

  3. #963
    Big Supporter Mythical Pain's Avatar
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    In the dragon's lair
    Just realized I hadn't ever posted the last part of Sleeping Bag Game here. Just over on SoFurry.

    So for those few of you who still read this stuff on this forum, here's the third and final part of sleeping bag game!

    To recap, James the young husky has had his balls kneed, stepped on and pinched, and he's current trapped inside a sleeping bag by four girls who have pulled his pants down, busted him, and now fondled him to arousal. Parts one and two can be found a few pages back in this thread.



    "Well, girls,” Melissa said to her subordinates, grinning. "Do you want to see a canine boner?”

    For once, the girls didn't laugh or giggle. James wasn't sure if that was a good sign or a bad sign, but when they started unzipping the sleeping bag further, he realized it must be a good sign. Of course, it also meant Melissa had to stop stroking him for a while. That was probably for the best, cause James knew if she kept it up much longer he'd been cumming all over himself in no time. And much as he would love to shoot his seed in Melissa's hand, he didn't want to ruin his sleeping bag in the process.

    The girls unzipped the sleeping bag all the way to his belly. The girl seated atop him rose up for a moment in order to make it easier to open up the husky's warm, silken tomb. Rather then pin him down directly, the mystery girl settled for holding the top half of the sleeping bag in place to prevent the husky's escape. Now James' body was mostly exposed, only the top half of his chest and his face were still totally enveloped by the sleeping bag. He pulled up his blue shirt for them as well, to expose his silvery white belly fur, and better show off his very prominent erection.

    Surrounded by girls, his most private parts now completely on display; James had never felt so exposed or so aroused. The way his heart was pounded, his stomach twisted, and his erection throbbed made him wonder if this was just natural nervousness. Or did some secret part of the husky get a twisted thrill being so exposed at least partly against his will? The sudden influx of cold air across the husky's privates caused his gray furred balls to tighten up a little bit but did nothing to diminish the hardness of his canine penis.

    "Oooh, it really is pretty big,” crooned the girl who'd been sitting atop him until just now.

    "Yeah, it really is,” the third girl said. "I mean, it's the only one I've seen, but it looks pretty impressive.”

    "Thanks, Ladies,” James couldn't help but say, laughing, his fluffy tail wagging.

    "Aww, his tail is so cute!” The other unknown girl giggled. "I wanna hug it.”

    "I think his balls are cute,” Sarah said, reaching out to gently brush them with her fingers. James moaned, and Sarah rubbed them a little more. "Kinda lopsided, and adorable.”

    James lifted the sleeping bag just a tiny bit. He could see his own erection staring back at him, the tiny slit in it's tapered tip nearly pointing right at his face. His tool was mostly straight, but with the way Sarah's fingers on his balls pulled them down just slightly, it caused his member to rise a tiny bit. James could see Sarah's fingers too, like five golden goddesses caressing his most valuable jewels.

    "You have beautiful hands,” James murmured before he realized what he was saying.

    "Thank you!” Sarah smiled at him, then realized he could see her. "Hey! No peeking!”

    With a huff, James let the sleeping bag fall back into place. "No fair. You get to see me, but I don't get to see you?”

    "That's how life is, James. Unfair.” The girl who'd been atop him laughed, reaching out to gently brush his cock with a single finger. As he whimpered, she added, "Maybe if we play this game again, we'll give you something to peek at.”

    At least the fresh air that rushed inside while James peeked had cooled off the inside of the sleeping bag. For a little while James wouldn't feel as though he was suffocating. As that single pad continued to caress his erection, James gathered up every nerve he could find. When he had enough to make himself feel a little bolder again, he asked another question. " this the first time you girls have seen balls? unsheathed dick? Besides Melissa, I mean.”

    "It's the first time I've seen anything,” admitted Sarah.

    James was actually happy to hear that. It meant she'd always remember him. Or so he hoped. Adam wasn't the only one who kinda had a crush on Sarah. James had a bit of a thing for her and Melissa, so this was nearly a dream come true for the young husky. Other then the ball busting and the part about being trapped in a sleeping bag the whole time, of course. Still, he might as well enjoy what he could.

    "Yeah, my first time too,” said one of the two girls he couldn't identify.

    Then the fourth girl, who'd been sitting on top of him, answered. "I've seen pictures of boners, but...this is the first time I've seen one in person.”

    James was blushing deeply under his fur. He wondered if the girls had any idea how embarrassing it was for him to ask those questions. Still, they didn't seem to mind, and he rather enjoyed acting bold. " do you think? Now that you've seen one.”

    "I can't speak for every guy's thing,” Sarah said, with what James could only imagine as a wicked, leonine smirk upon her short, cute muzzle. "But I think yours is pretty awesome.”

    That was the single greatest thing James had ever heard in all his life. Yet, before he could even answer her or thank her, one of the girls suddenly grabbed his hard-on and began to stroke it. Whoever it was, she was stroking it a hell of a lot rougher and faster then before. The pleasure came quickly, intensely. Almost too intensely, as the girl was being rougher on such sensitive flesh then she likely realized. James' gray furred canine balls were soon bouncing around beneath it, bobbling back and forth, and all the girls started laughing.

    "Look at his nards!” Sarah giggled like mad.

    "Yeah, they're bouncing around like two furry Superballs,” said Melissa.

    "What the hell's a superball?”

    "You know, those rubber balls you used to get for like a quarter? In the little machine? You throw them on the ground and they bounce really high?”

    "Oh! I thought they called those Bouncyballs.”

    "Who the hell ever heard of a Bouncyball?”

    "James has two bouncy balls right now!”

    That made all the girls laugh. James himself had no idea who was babbling about what kind of balls. The pleasure from the forceful stroking of his maleness was almost too much for him to bear. It washed over his body in constant, crashing waves, it soaked into his mind and numbed him to everything else. It was so sudden, so intense he could almost see the colors of it, washing red and angry and ferociously blue and blissful over his mind. Without realizing it, James began to hump at the girls hand, his tail thumping against the floor. His gray furred balls started to hang even more loosely, and bounced even further to and fro.

    "Ah! Ah! Uuh! UNN! AAH! UHH!” James began to cry out in pleasure with each hard stroke and each of his own thrusts. A little line of clear canine pre dribbled down his shaft and was soon worked into his flesh by the girl's hand, slickening their union. His cries got louder as he drew near a quickly building crescendo. "AAH! AAAHHHH!”

    "Stop it, stop it,” Melissa said, swatting at the other girls hand till she laughed and let go, unknowingly leaving James lingering right at the edge of release. "You're gonna make him cum!”

    "I thought we wanted to make him cum?” Asked the girl who'd just let go of the husky's dick.

    "We do, but not yet. Not till everyone has had a chance to do what you just did.”

    In the back of his mind, it registered to James that they had this whole thing planned out more then he'd realized. If his mind hadn't been so dulled by the first rough pleasure of his life, he would have caught onto the fact that they planned all along to play with him until he came. It would have thrilled him to know, but as it was he'd only realize that fact later on.

    For the moment, he simply lay panting against the floor, hot breath filling the sleeping bag. "Nnurrrr,” he moaned. "Was...really close.”

    "Told you,” Melissa said. "Give him a minute to come back down.”

    James took a few deep breaths, struggling to pull back from the edge of release. He felt like a rock climber who'd ascended nearly to the very peak of the towering, jagged spire he'd waited to conquer his entire life, only to be ordered to climb back down and wait a little longer. While he tried to catch his breath and control himself, the girls continued to tease him to ensure that while he might back down from the edge of ecstasy, he wouldn't descend into the lower stages of arousal.

    Chatting casually amongst themselves about what they were doing, and how fun this all was, they teased at the fur of his thighs. Claw tips both dull and sharp scratched lightly at the sensitive skin beneath the husky's fur. One of the girls traced a single finger pad around the edges of his swollen knot, tantalizing it. Another cupped the young husky's furry balls in her hand. She let them rest against the pad of her palm while gently rubbing them with her fingers; exploring them again and rolling them around within their silken enclosure.

    "His balls are bigger then I thought they'd be,” said the girl holding them, much to James' delight.

    "Really?” asked Melissa. "How big did you think they'd be?”

    "I dunno, like...well, maybe not peanuts, but maybe grapes? These are more like big walnuts.”

    "Yeah,” Sarah agreed. "They're a little bigger then I thought balls were, too.”

    Melissa leaned over him, and James realized she was the one teasing his knot. "He does have a pretty nice little husky set, doesn't he.”

    "Is this how big all guy's balls are?” James felt one of the mystery girls fingers prodding gently at his orbs, pushing them back and forth in their sac while the other unknown girl continued to hold them.

    Melissa, by virtue of being the only girl who'd actually seen someone naked in person before tonight, growled to herself and murmured in thought. "I'm not sure. I don't think so, though. The other fox that I saw, his were about the same size. I've pinched Adam's enough to know his are smaller, and Jerrod's are a little bigger. So...I think James' are good sized, maybe a bit more then average for a husky? Why don't we ask James?”

    James didn't say anything. He wasn't sure how to reply to that, or if it was even directed at him. Apparently it was though. Melissa moved her fingers away from his knot, and instead flicked the husky's left testicle, which happened to be the lower hanging of the two. The pain was sharp for a moment, and made him yelp. Then the hot ache lingered in the husky's nut for a little while, causing him to groan softly and squirm in place.

    "Well, James?” Melissa asked him as the husky squirmed and whimpered. "How do your nuts compare to other males? Like what about the group you and my brother hang out with. Are yours the biggest?”

    Taking a deep breath as the pain eased, James shook his head, muzzle brushing back and forth against the plaid liner inside the sleeping bag. "No. Josh actually has the biggest balls, but mine are second biggest.”

    "Oooh,” one of the mystery girls cooed. "Chubby boy's got big balls!”

    "Does he have one lower, like you do?” Asked Sarah.

    James burned with humiliation as he answered, glad they couldn't see the crimson flush inside his black furred ears. "Yeah. His left one hangs lower then his right, and they're both a little, um, looser then mine I guess.”

    "Oh wow,” Sarah said through a round of giggling, her tufted tail swishing to and fro. "Sounds like you were staring.”

    "I was not,” James quickly blurted out, perhaps a little too defensively. "It's just, well, he was facing away from me earlier, changing into his swim suit, and...I happened to glance towards him just when he bent over. And it was pretty hard to miss them hanging under his butt.”

    "Oh my god!” giggled one of the still-unidentified females. From the way her voice was slightly muffled, James imagined her covering her muzzle with both hands as heard something that filled her with both feminine embarrassment, and also wicked female excitement. "You can see them...from...from behind?”

    "Sometimes,” James murmured. He sorta felt like a traitor to the male gender, telling these wicked girls some of their secrets. On the other hand, part of him felt good about giving the girls want they wanted. Maybe he'd earn himself a reward, or another little game if he cooperated. "When it's warm especially, and if we bend over and our tails aren't tucked.”

    "No wonder it's so easy to kick you guys from behind,” Melissa said, then started to laugh. Soon the other girls had joined her in her laughter, and James could feel Melissa walking her fingers along his cock. She tapped her finger pads all the way up to the tip of his shaft, and then back down past his knot and over his balls again. "Maybe next time we abduct you, we'll make you get naked and bend over for us so we can see yours from behind.”

    "N-next time?” James gulped, his ears instinctively pinned back in canine anxiety. He wasn't sure if wanted there to be a next time. Sure, he was enjoying what they were doing to him at the moment, but what if next time they decided to focus more on what made a male groan from pain rather then pleasure?

    "Unless you'd rather we abduct someone else, instead?” Melissa suggested. James couldn't tell if she was serious or just trying to make him jealous in some twisted way.

    "Yeah, maybe we'll just abduct Adam,” Sarah said.

    "Ugh,” Melissa groaned. James didn't need to see her face to know her cute black tipped vixen ears were pinned back and her black smudged snout was all scrunched up in distaste. "We specifically picked James because he's not related to any of us!”

    "And because he's cute,” added Sarah. That made James beam, his tail wagging. He wondered if for a moment she'd forgotten he could recognize her voice.

    "True,” Melissa agreed, which only made James heart swell further. TWO girls thought he was cute? Wow! Even with the nut shots he'd taken, this was starting to feel more and more like his lucky day. Especially when Melissa went on. "Okay, Sarah, I think he's come down enough. Your turn to jack him off for a bit. Just do it slow, so you don't accidentally set him off.”

    "I'll let you know if I'm getting too close,” James offered, his heart pounding so hard now that if it thumped any harder he was afraid it was going to start rattling the pictures right off the walls of Melissa's room.

    Sarah's giggle sounded especially cute to James. She was giggling a lot tonight. He found he rather liked that. As long as she wasn't giggling about his size, that was. They seemed to like that though, so hopefully he was in the clear with regards to that particular male insecurity. So long as they were telling him the truth anyway.

    Sarah shifted position a little bit, James could hear the lower section of the sleeping bag crinkle and rustle, and he felt Sarah's body and tail brush the inside of his naked thighs, ruffling his fur. The lioness came to rest just between James' legs, pushing them out a little bit to better accommodate herself. She took his tail in her hands, ran her fingers through his thick fur, then tucked his tail to the side so that she wasn't going to be kneeling on it. James could feel the lioness as she knelt just between his spread thighs; her warm fur against his own, her legs against his. The top of her knees were nearly against his rump, just where his legs met his body.

    Wait, he could feel her fur? Wasn't she wearing pajama pants, though? Oh, god! She wasn't! At least, he didn't think she was. But then...what was she wearing? James had the sudden and delightfully vivid image of Sarah kneeling there, completely naked. Her breasts, round and perky in his mind, hanging free. Silky golden fur covered them save for those beautiful pink nipples. Her sex mostly hidden away while she had her legs together, but that was alright, that was alright. She'd spread her legs soon enough, and...

    ...And James snapped out of it when he felt Sarah's fingers brush his canine erection. He realized if he fantasized too much, he'd end up making a mess all over himself before the girls were ready. Still, what choice did he have when a beautiful female was stroking him off? James gave a nice, loud moan when Sarah wrapped her fingers around his shaft. The lioness' fingers felt delicate, graceful. Her pads were warm, and delightfully soft. When she'd wrapped the husky's maleness in her hand, he felt completely enclosed by warm bliss.

    Very slowly, Sarah began to stroke him. Sarah's movements where the exact opposite of whoever had previously played with him. That girl had literally put the "jerk” in jerk off, she'd yanked his cock in every direction seemingly all at once and with far too much force. The husky felt he'd nearly orgasmed simply because his body had been so alarmed by the suddenly rough treatment. It was as if the young canine's brain thought perhaps ejaculation was a viable method of defense.

    Sarah's touch was diametrically opposed. The last girl seemed to think the goal was to try and permanently increase the length of the husky's penis. She'd yanked at it like pulling weeds from the earth. Sarah however, touched him as if tending a wounded animal. Every movement of her hand, every rub of her fingers was a blissful, comforting caress. The pleasure that resulted was deep and loving, yet slow to build. Sarah stroked him all the way to his tapered red tip, then slowly let her hand glide back down the husky's tool until she brushed his furry balls.

    "Oh, God,” James moaned. His breathing was slow and very deep now, and when Sarah returned her hand to the very top of his most private flesh, he repeated himself a little louder. "Oh, God!”

    For once, the other girls had fallen into a hushed silence. There was no chatter between them, no chit chat and no silly remarks. They seemed nearly as enraptured by what Sarah was doing to James as James himself was. James imagined them all sitting around him, staring with wide eyes as Sarah held his ruby red erection in thrall as though her fingers were snake charmers and his cock the crimson serpent she had coaxed forth to do her bidding. Heh, a little too much coaxing and she'd be holding a spitting cobra, James thought. He couldn't help laughing at that a little bit.

    "What?” Sarah asked innocently. "Does it tickle?”

    "No,” James moaned. "Just...a silly thought. That...that feels amazing, Sarah.”

    "Good,” Sarah said softly. " guys like it when we play with their balls, while we do this?”

    "I think so." James couldn't speak for everyone. Hell, he could hardly even speak for himself given that this was the first time anyone had done it for him. "I know I'd sure like that. As long as you were gentle, I mean.”

    That got a laugh from all the girls, Sarah included. When she'd finished laughing, she said, "Keep being a good pup, and I'll be very gentle.”

    James' only reply was a happy moan as Sarah gently worked the fingers of her other hand around the young husky's balls. She cradled them as lovingly as she would a pair of fragile eggs from some rare and endangered bird. Ever so slowly she worked them against her palm, carefully massaging them with the pads of her fingers. Now and then she worked only a single husky ball, rolling it back and forth between the soft pads of her thumb and finger. James knew all the girls must be getting a good look at the shape of the things now; the plump ovals outlined against the skin of his sack, the silky gray fur ruffling lightly around them.

    Sarah continued to work a hand along his shaft, too. Inside his soft but stuffy prison, James balled his hands up into fists. He squirmed a little in pleasure, sucking in a loud breath when Sarah tried squeezing his knot. That coaxed out a few beads of canine pre, and Sarah's next stroke worked the slick liquid all along the canine's smooth flesh. He shuddered when she squeezed his cock a second time, tail flicking against her legs. When she worked her hand back up to his tip again, she simply twisted her palm against the tapered point of the canine's arousal, making him whine in delight. James squirmed instinctively as the pleasurable assault was almost too much to bear.

    "Uhhhn!” He grunted, and then swallowed hard, pinning his ears back as he warned the group of curious females of his impending release. "G-Gonna cum if you don't stop!”

    Sarah gave a pouting sigh. "Aww, no fair. I was having fun!”

    "Believe it or not, so was I,” James said breathless. "Give me...a few moments...”

    As the girls let James relax, Sarah slowly rose from her knees. James' tail flopped back into position between his legs as the lioness stood. Soon, James felt bare female toes prodding playfully at his balls. Warm as he was, his furred orbs were hanging fairly loose most of the time despite the excitement that kept causing them to tighten up now and then. Sarah pressed her toes beneath the husky's testicles, lifting them with her foot till they stood out against the sac more noticeably. She wiggled her toes beneath them, and giggled.

    "They're kinda jiggly!”

    "Even your toes feel nice,” James admitted, realizing a moment to late that might give them something else to tease him about.

    It did. "Oh, got a foot fetish, huh James?” It was Melissa asking. He should have known it would be. "Want me to kick you in the nards?”

    "No!” James quickly replied. "Definitely not! And, I don't have a foot fetish, either.”

    The four girls just laughed at him. Sarah pulled her foot back and let his balls flop back into their natural position. Soon, the third girl had taken up her position between his legs, pressing them out a little bit. Now, he felt thin, loose fabric brush and ruffle up the fur of his thighs. Behind it was the soft warmth of the girls legs. So, if this girl was wearing pajamas, what the hell had Sarah been wearing? Probably some cute shorts, or something. But that didn't stop James from imagining her naked again. Or, maybe she was in her bra and panties. Oh, that would be nice, too. Maybe some cute black lacy panties, and a matching bra? That would look lovely on that lioness. But that still left the question of who was kneeling between his legs now?

    "You know, it's hard to picture you when I don't even know who you are.”

    "That's a shame,” the girl replied, grabbing his balls a little too roughly.

    "Ow!” James said with a yip the girls probably found adorable. "Careful, they're still sore.”

    "Oh, um, sorry,” she replied, a bit sheepish. Not like she knew much about balls or how to handle them.

    Melissa coaxed her a little bit. "Try holding them like they're delicate. Like soap bubbles you don't want to pop, instead of like valuable jewels you have to keep a tight grip on.”

    James wasn't sure about that logic. For one, he didn't like any sentence that used the word "pop” when referring to his testicles, even when it was teaching a girl how to avoid hurting them. For another, he certainly thought of them as highly valuable jewels. Though Melissa was right, he didn't want that girl holding them so tight. Melissa's words seemed to work, and the girl eased her grip a little more.

    James sighed in relief as the girl simply held his eggs. "Aaah, that's better. Thanks.”

    "Welcome, Pup.”

    James twisted his left ear back in minor irritation. Was everyone gonna start calling him that now? He was hardly a pup, and the girls were only a year or two older then him, he thought. He really hoped that name didn't catch on. If Melissa started calling him that whenever he came over, Adam would probably pick up on it. And before long he'd be "Pup” to the whole group.

    Come to think of it, what was the group gonna think of this? Should he tell them what really happened? Probably not. Josh and Tom might be envious, but Adam might get angry. Granted, nothing that happened here was James' idea, and it wasn't as though he'd suggested to Melissa that they drag him into her room and play with him. Still, it was impossible to say how a brother might react to that kinda thing. James certainly didn't want Melissa's older brother Jerrod to know, or he might kick the husky's ass on principal alone.

    So, he'd keep it to himself. But what would he tell the others? Maybe he'd just say they'd dragged him in and kept him pinned down while they made fun of him. Made him answer silly questions. That much was true, actually. And if he added the part about getting his balls pinched and stepped on, then Adam would definitely believe it. That was it then. He'd just leave out the part about getting groped and played with and jacked off.

    "How long are you guys gonna keep me in here, anyway?” James asked. "Adam and the others are gonna get worried.”

    "Yeah, right,” Melissa said. "It's not like they're gonna think you ran off or got abducted or anything. Well, by someone other then us, I mean.”

    "Well...” James stammered a moment, then grinned as a little joke came to him. "As much as you used to kick Adam in the nuts, he's probably worried about my fertility!”

    "If Adam is even giving the least bit of thought to your fertility, I'm going to be the one worried about him,” Melissa shot back. "If he spends his evenings with friends secretly wondering about his buddies' balls, I guess there's more to that locker room boner then I thought.”

    James couldn't help but laugh. Why'd Melissa always have to be quicker witted then him? "Yeah, yeah, alright.” He shifted himself, brushing his leg against the girl kneeling between his thighs. "So can I at least know your name, Mystery Girl Number Two?”

    "That's Mystery Girl Number One, to you,” she replied giggling. "And no.”

    James had been counting it by the order in which they'd been touching him, but it hardly mattered. "Can I at least know if you're a canine or a feline or something else?”

    "Nope,” the girl answered cheerfully. Clever girl, James thought. After tonight he'd never know who two of these girls if he saw them anywhere else. Of course, he'd probably recognize their voices, and perhaps he'd see them later in the weekend. But for now, he was left in the dark. Just as they seemed to want.

    Whoever Mystery Girl Number Two/One was, she released his balls, and wrapped her fingers around his phallus. James sucked in a breath through clenched teeth as he felt her fingers twine round him. They were warm and firm, she had a stronger grip then Sarah, but not unpleasantly so. She gave him a few slow, but steady strokes, remarking to the others about it as casually as though she were simply testing out a new gardening tool.

    "It really is hard, isn't it!”

    "Yeah, and hot.”

    "And smooth.”

    James smiled to himself inside his increasingly hot and humid prison. The young husky was starting to like hearing the girls discussing his privates like that. Somehow, he imagined this would be the sort of event he'd look back on some day, and feel incredibly lucky to have experienced it. Ten years from now, when his drinking buddies busted out the sexual stories, he could tell them all about the time his friend's cute older sister and her cute lioness friend plus two other girls pinned him down and explored his body until he came. Of course, none of them would believe him. That was okay, James knew it was true.

    "Hey, I got an idea,” the unknown girl said. James wasn't sure if she was talking to herself, or to him, or to her friends. "Watch this!”

    James felt her open her hand, and press her palm against the side of his cock. A moment later her other hand joined the fun. She pressed her hands together, and James found his erection now trapped between the girl's hands like a dangerous prisoner being dragged along by two zealous guards. Then the girl began to rub her hands back and forth as though the husky's penis was dough she was rolling out between them. James shuddered and moaned, oh, God did that feel good! Intense, too. He'd never even played with himself like that, let alone had someone else do it.

    Nearly shouting in pleasure, he thrust through her hands a few times. The tapered tip of his canine maleness kept thrusting up from between her hands and then sinking back down again, like a drowning man who couldn't quite stay above the water. The more he thrust, the faster she rubbed her hands back and forth around him till James was clenching the soft sleeping bag liner.

    The girls all began to laugh, not even Melissa had thought of something like that. "It looks like you're rolling out a salami!”

    "Yeah, or a big red sausage!”

    "AAH! UUHHNN!” Was all James could shout in reply, as if that was a coherent addition to the conversation. The girl rubbed him even faster between her hands, and he thrust a few more times, finally crying out in delighted warning. "I'm! Gonna! CUM!”

    Actually, he wasn't. The mysterious girl playing with his pleasure spear released it completely the moment he warned her he was about to shoot. James' erection was too hard now to flop back against him so it hovered just an inch or so above the silken fur of his belly. It pulsed faintly, it's tip twitching up and down just a little. Gray furred husky balls that had retracted in excitement gradually relaxed, hanging a little more loosely when the initial rush wore off, and the ever present warmth settled back in throughout James' body.

    "Talk about stopping just in time,” Melissa said, giggling as a little pearlescent bead of canine cream formed and dribbled against James' belly fur. "I think we've done about all we can do for one night, short of actually getting him off.”

    "Well who gets to do that?” asked Sarah, gently ruffling the fur of James' thigh.

    "Me, obviously!” Melissa said, staking her claim as the official bringing of Husky-Gasm. "It's my turn, after all.”

    There were grumblings of dissent among the other girls, but soon enough they relented. Even Sarah acquiesced. "I guess the whole thing was your idea. Alright, you can be the one to make him cum.”

    "It's gonna be really messy, ain't it?” asked Mystery Girl Number One.

    "Yeah,” Melissa said, giggling. "But only for him. I don't want that stuff to get all over me, or over my carpet.”

    "What's that supposed to mean?” James asked, his voice muffled by the sleeping bag. He tried to sit up inside the part still covering his face, wondering if now was a good time to get the hell out of there.

    "It means, I hope your sleeping bag is machine-washable, or you're gonna have to make a trip to the dry cleaners!” She burst out laughing, then quickly commanded the other girls. "Hold him down again!”

    "What?! No!” James cried out in alarm. Was she serious? He had to sleep in that sleeping bag all weekend. It was only Friday and he wasn't going home till Sunday. Which actually raised implications for Saturday night that both frightened and excited the young husky. They kept talking about doing this again, just how soon did they mean? And did he actually...want them too? Either way, he didn't want to blow his load inside his sleeping bag. It was bad enough at home when he had a wet dream, and had to go wash his sheets and blanket the next morning. "No! Come on! Not inside the sleeping bag, please!”

    James began to struggle to try and free himself, but the Female Army was quick to quash the One Husky Rebellion of Friday Night. They swiftly pushed him down against the carpet again before he could even shrug off the top of the sleeping bag. One girl moved to either side of him, grabbing his shoulders through the sleeping bag to hold him down, and soon, the same girl from before reclaimed her throne seated upon the husky. She poked his nose through the bag, giggling to him.

    "You're not going anywhere, Pup.”

    Melissa acted as well, snatching up the husky's furry sac in her hand, and tightening her grip until the canine's fleshy jewels were pressed very firmly against each other. James groaned as Melissa's grip caused his balls to ache all over again, and he started to writhe in pain a little. His ears twisted back against his head, and though the girls couldn't enjoy the humor of it, the young husky quickly went cross-eyed.

    "Awwww, my nards!” He moaned, causing all the girls to laugh.

    "Hah! It's so funny when they call them nards.”

    "Now, now, James,” Melissa chided, tightening her grip a little more to make sure she had his attention. "Be a good pup, and I'll let go. Be a bad pup who keeps struggling, and I'll squeeze and squeeze until I've got a handful of Husky Grape Jelly.” She twisted his sac a little for emphasis, causing him to give a cute yet pained yelp. "Got it?”

    "Got it!” James squeaked. "Got it! Let go! I'll be good, I swear!”

    "You'd better be,” Melissa responded, her voice half throaty purr and half threatening growl. She relaxed her grip on James' furry testicles, allowing the pain to start to ease. Melissa kept the husky's nuts held gently in her grasp, just in case. "Okay girls, zip him up.”

    While the two girls at his sides kept him pinned down, the girl sitting on his chest twisted a little. The sleeping bag rustled and James could feel her heat pressed against his body as her legs straddled him. Soon, he could feel her arm brushing the sleeping bag, and he heard the familiar metallic hiss of the zipper sliding closed. Oh, sure. When he tried to zip or unzip the damn sleeping bag, it always jammed. But when girls holding him captive used the zipper? It glided like a penguin sliding on ice. Actually, did penguins really do that? James wasn't sure, but it made for an amusing image in his mind.

    Melissa soon released the husky's balls so that the girls could zip the bag up all the way. After she let him go, James thought he could hear the rustling of discarded clothing behind the grating sound of the zipper. Once the sleeping bag was completely zipped, the girl atop him tapped him on the nose through his enclosure. "I'm going to get off you now, so Melissa can take my place. Don't you dare move!”

    That wouldn't be a problem, as James didn't dare move. The young husky felt like his nards were at stake again, and that could put fear of resistance in any young male's heart. Or any adult male's heart, for that matter. Come to think of it, James reasoned that for any creature that kept it's testicles on the outside, female threats directed at them were likely to get their attention.

    The girl atop him slowly got up. A heartbeat later, and her weight was replaced by Melissa's. As the vixen settled down against the near-mummified husky, the other girls all kept him pinned down, just in case. At first, Melissa sat upon his belly. James could feel her shifting, her legs straddling him, the hottest part of her body settled right against his belly. Oh...that was It almost felt as though she wasn't wearing anything at all. Certainly not much, though with the sleeping bag there he couldn't be certain. Maybe if he acted boldly, she'd actually tell him? She seemed to respond to his confident side earlier.

    "What are you wearing, Melissa? I only seems fair I at least get to picture you properly.”

    Melissa slowly leaned forward. James could feel her weight shifting till her body was nearly pressed against his. Her thighs were spread just above the tip of his erection, and her tail kept brushing against the sleeping bag atop it. When she lowered her head to whisper into his ear, or at least as close as she could get, he could feel the soft, rounded forms of the vixen's breasts resting against his chest.

    "I'm in my bra, and panties,” Melissa purred into his ear, damn near setting him off then and there. James had no way to know if it was true or not, but he saw nothing wrong with believing her!

    "What...” He asked, his voice trembling with lust, and desire. "What do they look like?”

    "My bra is black,” Melissa cooed for him. "Nothing fancy, but I like it. My boobs are white furred, and my cleavage really stands out above my bra right now.”

    "Uuhhnnn,” James groaned. The other three girls were giggling. He couldn't tell if they were laughing at him, or laughing because Melissa was actually completely dressed and just teasing the husky's imagination. Whatever the case, he saw no reason not to push on. "And...and your panties?”

    "They're blue,” the vixen murmured. "Light blue. They don't match my bra but I've never been into fancy fashions and trends. Oh, and they have a cute little cartoon kitty on them. I'll let you guess where it is.”

    "On...your kitty?” James hazarded a guess, his whole slender body trembling inside the sleeping bag. Just the feel of the girls tail brushing against his trapped erection was nearly enough to make him spill then and there.

    His guess made all four girls laugh, and Melissa didn't answer. Instead, she sat back up till he could feel her weight and heat pressed against his belly. Melissa began to scoot down his body. She was already very near his erection, and as she began to rub against it, moving down his body, he could feel every inch of her press against his most sensitive flesh. Her rump felt so soft, and warm, her thighs supple and strong on either side of his hips. And between them, well, even through that sleeping bag the vixen's sex felt like white fire. A white fire that was soon pressed quickly firmly against his shaft. Firmly enough he could even feel her folds very faintly envelop him for a moment as she playfully ground herself up and down against his captive tool.

    "Oooooh, God,” the husky moaned. "I can...feel your...”

    He trailed off after that, unable to speak. Melissa moaned as well, James couldn't help wondering if she was as turned on by this as he was. Was this sexually exciting for the girls, too? Or was it just curiosity and amusement? Maybe a mixture of both. With the way Melissa began to work herself against him, moaning a little, he began to suspect it was more then just a little of both.

    Melissa pressed her hands against his body through the sleeping bag, and began to roll her hips. The vixen worked her rump and her hips against the husky she held prisoner inside his own sleeping bag, grinding her crotch and her butt against his maleness. In essence, stroking the canine's cock with her very sex. James had heard the term "dry humping” before, was this what it meant? Cause the only way this could be any closer to real sex, at least in his mind, was if he was actually penetrating her.

    James still didn't want to cum inside his sleeping bag, but he knew there was no way he was going to hold off now. Waves of increasingly intense pleasure rolled across him, every smooth movement of the vixen's hips was another increasingly high watermark of bliss in a flood of ecstasy that just kept rising and rising. He arched his back, groaning, pressing his rock hard erection against the vixen's nether lips through the sleeping bag.

    "Uuuuhhh!” He groaned, squeezing his eyes shut as he pressed against her. "God! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum!”

    This time, Melissa not only didn't stop, but she worked herself harder, faster. She rocked her hips back and forth in quick, firm little motions. She knew enough from her previous encounter with a male that they liked it to get really fast when they were about to cum, and she did her best to accommodate that. The waves of pleasure built swiftly into one inexorable flow of pure, hot, wondrous delight, and James threw his head back, crying out as he came thanks to another's efforts for the first time in his life.

    The pleasure of his first orgasm given by a girl was so intense it was nearly agonizing in the most amazing way. The husky came so hard he actually screamed against the sleeping bag. He clenched the bag's plaid liner in white knuckled delight, thrusting up forcefully as the pulses of volcanic bliss rocked him, sending stars of blue, beautiful light into his vision. Each beat of his heart brought another powerful pulse that rocked his maleness; each ecstasy filled throb sent another jet of rich, hot husky cum bursting forth to splatter against his sleeping bag and belly fur.

    Melissa moaned as she felt James' cock jump beneath her body. The vixen began to roll her hips harder, aggressively pressing herself against his pulsating tool while the husky came. His first spurt was short and quick, but the next few were forceful and were it not for the fact that his sleeping bag was pressed against his privates the young canine definitely would have coated his own chest and throat with his gooey white release.

    Instead, as the husky's orgasm tore at his body with it's wonderful claws, he left a sticky mess all over himself and the inside of his velvety soft prison. The fact that Melissa kept grinding against him as James kept groaning and twisting in joyful pleasure ensured that every spurt was ground into his fur, and into the lining of his sleeping bag. Just as much of the husky's cream ended up coating his sleeping bag liner as it did his belly. The canine's seed left the plaid liner marked with smeared white blotches and his pale fur matted and messy.

    Only when his shouts and groans had quieted into satisfied murmurs, and his frantic, ecstatic writhing had died away did Melissa finally stop rolling her hips against his body. She remained where she was for a little while as the husky's knot fully inflated beneath her, growing bulbous and fat. She shifted herself against it a little, exploring it before she finally rose up.

    "Anyone wanna feel his knot?” Her own voice sounded sultry, and satisfied.

    Without a word all four girls were quickly groping him through the sleeping bag once more. They poked and prodded his knot, and one of them squeezed it. He moaned for them, a little trickle of extra seed joining his already sizable release. As they all took turns feeling the size and shape of a canine's knot, they started to chat it up again.

    "Boy, he sure was loud when he came!”

    "Yeah, I bet all his friends heard that. They probably thought Melissa just kicked his nuts through the roof or something.”

    "That's okay,” Melissa said with a giggle. "If they think we're beating him up it will keep them from snooping around too much.”

    "So could you...” Sarah began, then giggled, and tried again. "Could you, you know, feel it? When he came?”

    "Yeah,” Melissa said, rubbing at the husky's knotted cock. "It felt like it was jumping under me. Felt like he was cumming really hard.”

    "So what's it look like?” Mystery Girl Number One sounded curious. "His...yanno, his cum.”

    "Kind of whitish, I think? Let's take a look, shall we?”

    None of the girls disagreed, and James was hardly in any condition to argue. Hell, James was barely conscious. The young husky was floating aimlessly on the Afterglow Sea, with no intention of returning to land any time soon. Or at least he would have continued to drift had the girls not suddenly unzipped part of the sleeping bag and thrown it open to examine the results of Melissa's efforts. The fresh air that suddenly washed over his now very wet fur and privates felt exceptionally cold, and left him squirming and yapping in surprise.

    "Oooh, look at it all!”

    "Yeah, it is pretty white, isn't it!”

    "Ew, it's all ground into his fur.”

    "Yup! He's definitely gonna need a shower now. And a dry-cleaner for his sleeping bag.”

    "That's a shame,” Melissa smirked. "Alright, let's get him out of here.”

    The girls quickly zipped the sleeping bag back up. Once their hostage was secure, someone stepped down against the husky's crotch. This time James knew it was Melissa's bare foot pressed against his knotted tool, and tender canine orbs. She didn't step hard, but the threat was there, and it made him whine a little bit.

    "Alright, Pup. Time to set you free in the wild again. Make sure you and the other nerds aren't too loud or annoying later tonight, unless you want us to come out there and throw a little nut kicking party. Got it?”

    James whined, trying to squirm away from that foot. "G-Got it!” Then something else occurred to him. "Hey, wait a minute. I gotta question.”

    The girls ignored him as they had no intention of providing any further answers to their toy for the evening. After all, they were done with him now, and this had all been about their fun, not his. He was just lucky enough that his fun happened to coincide with their own plans. So rather then reply, they simply grabbed the end of his sleeping bag, near his feet, and began to drag him again. They turned him around, and James could hear the door opening.

    James was once more helpless as the girls dragged him around inside his sleeping bag. This time they did not drag him very far though; he was only taken out into the hallway. The inside of his sleeping bag grew even darker and dimmer without the bright lights of Melissa's room to provide faint illumination. They dropped the end of his sleeping bag, and his feet banged against the floor. For a moment, he could hear them all laughing but that laughter soon faded. He heard a door close nearby, and then the hallway was silent.

    In the distance, he could hear his friends laughing as well. After a moment he heard a yelp, followed by a thump and then more laughter. Damn it, where they still playing that stupid game? For a few seconds he half wondered if they even realized he was gone. Maybe he could just slip back into the room and re-join them as if nothing had actually happened. He shifted inside his sleeping bag, and felt something wet, and sticky.

    Oh. Right. He'd just creamed his sleeping bag. That was even worse then creaming your jeans, he thought. Suddenly the humiliation of what had just happened began to settle in. It pressed heavy against his chest, made his stomach twist itself into three different kinds of knotted pretzels. They made him. Cum. In his sleeping bag. He scrunched his muzzle. God, what was he going to do when they reminded him of that? He'd be so embarrassed anytime he came over now. All Melissa would ever have to do is smirk at him, and he'd know what she was thinking. Still, the husky's maleness tingled a little as his knot finally began to go down.

    Did part of him actually like that kind of humiliation? The thought scared him. He didn't want to be some kinky weirdo. Still, he supposed there were worse things to be turned on by. He slipped a hand down to try and find out just how bad the mess was. His fingers quickly brushed sticky moisture, and lots of it. Pretty bad. Great.

    James thought about it for a little while, formulating a plan. He'd have to crawl out, slip into the shower as fast as possible, and then cram his sleeping bag into Adam's washing machine. Hopefully without anyone questioning him. Hmm, maybe he could tell everyone that the girls accidentally spilled a whole can of soda on it or something. Oh! Better yet. He'd tell everyone they poured a whole soda inside the sleeping bag while he was still in there. That would justify his shower, too.

    James smiled. That was a pretty good plan. The husky decided to allow himself a few moments of jubilation. After all, he'd just gotten laid. James ****** aside the humiliation wrought from the way it happened, and simply focused on the way it HAD happened. He just got LAID! Well, not quite. But to a young virgin husky, that was close enough. It had felt soooo good, too. And best of all, out of the four males there tonight, the girls chose him. They thought he was cute. Hell, they thought he was big. James smiled to himself, embarrassment temporarily forgotten as his heart soared. He enjoyed himself for a few moments, then began to climb out of his sleeping bag.

    Cold air against the bare, silvery gray fur of his legs reminded the husky that he had one other problem he'd almost forgotten about. A problem that was going to be a lot harder to explain to the guys. He could always pull his shirt down to cover the mess on his belly fur, and he was fairly certain no one was actually going to look into his sleeping bag. But he couldn't think of a single reason to explain why he was suddenly naked from the waist down.

    Hoping desperately no one would hear him but Melissa and her friends, James called out.

    "Can I have my pajamas back? Please?”

    Laughter was his only reply.

  4. #964
    Senior Member
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    last part of The Sleeping Bag Game
    Ooo that was very hot and naughty ;}
    Awesome post!

  5. #965
    Big Supporter Mythical Pain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beaktooth View Post
    Ooo that was very hot and naughty ;}
    Awesome post!
    Thanks very much! Glad you liked it. Did you see the other two chapters? I've posted a bunch of stories here over the last year or so. Seems like less and less people read them recently, and one of the people here who really enjoyed my stories, Alec Anaconda, is currently in process of being screwed by the system and unable to get logged in.

    But thanks a lot! I may be writing something else more ballbusting heavy with some of these characters in the future, too. Kinda wanna see all four of the males from the first part of the story get busted by the girls, lol.

  6. #966
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    Catching up now. A lot of stories up since last time I looked. Nice to see Poui again, especially with the excellent conclusion to his incredibly ambitious ballbusting story.

    I enjoyed Hundredand's stories over on SoFurry as well - used to hang about on a text-based RPG where there were gryphons and the like, so its always nice to read about them.

    And as always, Mythical Pain's latest stories are excellent. MP has a way of writing characters that are you can easily identify with, and the dialogue is priceless.

    At any rate, here are two pictures that I scrounged up online:

  7. #967
    Big Supporter Mythical Pain's Avatar
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    Yeah, HundredAnd's stories on SoFurry are awesome. Love seeing his poor gryphon get squished. ::Giggle::

    And thanks! I really appreciate that. Glad you like my dialogue, too!

    My latest story is up on SF but it's not a ballbusting story, and it's immense, so I'm not sure I will post it here.

    But I'll probably be writing up some more ballbusting stories to post here in the near future!

  8. #968
    Big Supporter Alec Anaconda, A1's Avatar
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    Mythical Pain: Seems like less and less people read them recently, and one of the people here who really enjoyed my stories, Alec Anaconda, is currently in process of being screwed by the system and unable to get logged in.

    I’m back!

    I found the last posted part of the Sleeping Bag absolutely brilliant!

    There must be others who enjoy this thread, so the motto is simple;

    Alec Anaconda

    Please click on book covers to read extracts.


  9. #969
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    Enjoying your stuff as always, Mythical Pain, including the new one on SoFurry. Nice to see a male and a female getting along in one of your stories for once :P Though I do so love when they disagree, too...

    A pair of little things from FA worth checking out: (herm involved) (Pokemon! The world needs more Pokemon BB.)

  10. #970
    Big Supporter Mythical Pain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alec Anaconda, A1 View Post
    Mythical Pain: Seems like less and less people read them recently, and one of the people here who really enjoyed my stories, Alec Anaconda, is currently in process of being screwed by the system and unable to get logged in.

    I’m back!

    I found the last posted part of the Sleeping Bag absolutely brilliant!

    There must be others who enjoy this thread, so the motto is simple;

    Good to see you finally back and posting again my friend!

    Thanks for the compliments, glad you enjoyed it so much! Any favorite parts or moments from the story? Could be from any of the three parts, just curious!

    And I like your new motto! Hehe.

  11. #971
    Big Supporter Mythical Pain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poiu View Post
    Enjoying your stuff as always, Mythical Pain, including the new one on SoFurry. Nice to see a male and a female getting along in one of your stories for once :P Though I do so love when they disagree, too...

    A pair of little things from FA worth checking out: (herm involved) (Pokemon! The world needs more Pokemon BB.)
    Thanks very much, my friend! Dunno if you saw it when I mentioned it before or if it got buried, but I greatly enjoyed the grand finale of your dragon's tale, as well! Also.....owie. ::Whimpers, and grins::

    Ah! You read that already huh? Thanks for the kind words! Yeah, that's the first thing I've posted in a while without a male character getting his balls hurt, lol. But, I'm sure you noticed she does playfully threaten to kick the old dragon a time or three. I always find that fun, too.

    I'm actually extremely proud of that story, it's probably my favorite thing I've yet shared with the furry/internet community as a whole. No ballbusting though, aside from threats, so I won't be posting it here.

    I suppose if someone's interested shoot me a PM, and I'll direct you to it.

    Otherwise I'll have something else ballbusting related up here sooner or later!

    Good links too. Haven't read the Pokemon story yet, but I enjoyed the image...not a fan of herm, but the look on the poor male fox's face when he's getting kneed is priceless!

  12. #972
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    Will be going through the entire thread properly as i have time, 65 pages is a lot.

    Mythical Pain: Another great story! Showing the fun side of BB ^_^ The husky is also teaching the girls anatomy, what a guy XD

    Poiu: I'm a long time fan, from other websites. Hope to see more from you, loved the "Dragon Slaying" series, hope to see you go back to the pokemon stuff too.

  13. #973
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    I enjoyed the sleeping bag saga, but not half as much as the dragon in the dungeon (which I found after reading poiu's comment). Fantastic story!

    Naturally I particularly enjoyed the ball-play you included. You really captured the spirit of a ballbuster without having her do any actual ballbusting lol. Any plans to continue the story? In my minds eye I see a scenario where the young jailer is ****** by her superiors to bust the dragons balls to punish him for something. Thus pitting the fact that she doesn't want to hurt her friend against the power trip of cracking a dragon's big eggs :P . Would she do it? How far would she go? A guy can dream....

    The fact that you can write characters so well that I can fantasize about them in different scenarios is a credit to your writing ability by the way. Keep it up!

  14. #974
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    Mythical Pain: glad you liked the end of my little saga It took so long to finish that I kind of feel it went out with a whimper, rather than a bang, but I'm still pretty pleased with the whole thing.

    Also, jabby is totally right: I 100% enjoyed the Dragon in the Dungeon in its own right, but part of me was also hoping that Alia would make good on some of those hinted threats. (Which is not to say you actually should -- imagination is probably better in this case :P) Think there's a chance we'll ever get some human-on-dragon BB from you?

  15. #975
    Big Supporter Mythical Pain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jabby View Post
    I enjoyed the sleeping bag saga, but not half as much as the dragon in the dungeon (which I found after reading poiu's comment). Fantastic story!

    Naturally I particularly enjoyed the ball-play you included. You really captured the spirit of a ballbuster without having her do any actual ballbusting lol. Any plans to continue the story? In my minds eye I see a scenario where the young jailer is ****** by her superiors to bust the dragons balls to punish him for something. Thus pitting the fact that she doesn't want to hurt her friend against the power trip of cracking a dragon's big eggs :P . Would she do it? How far would she go? A guy can dream....

    The fact that you can write characters so well that I can fantasize about them in different scenarios is a credit to your writing ability by the way. Keep it up!
    Thank you very, very much! Really glad you enjoyed that! It's probably the single piece of writing I've posted online that I"m most proud of.

    Glad you liked her ballbusting spirit. Yeah, what girl wouldn't enjoy threatening a dragon's eggs? Of course, early on there's the very real chance he might kill her if she does...later, she's got less to worry about,'s just not really the right story for her to sack him too bad lol. At least not yet!

    Though I'm with you here...I certainly couldn't help but fantasize about her slamming her foot into his stones at least once myself, lol.

    As for a follow up, funny you should mention that...

    I believe I'll actually be posting it tomorrow! Spent just about all my free time this last week absolutely wrapped in my own story, and think the next installment will be ready to post tomorrow. ( Saturday. )

    Are you on SoFurry then? Do I already know you there? Send me a PM or say hi or something, even if I've not realized who you are there lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by poiu View Post
    Mythical Pain: glad you liked the end of my little saga It took so long to finish that I kind of feel it went out with a whimper, rather than a bang, but I'm still pretty pleased with the whole thing.

    Also, jabby is totally right: I 100% enjoyed the Dragon in the Dungeon in its own right, but part of me was also hoping that Alia would make good on some of those hinted threats. (Which is not to say you actually should -- imagination is probably better in this case :P) Think there's a chance we'll ever get some human-on-dragon BB from you?
    I'm not sure I'd describe quite like what happens to Poiu as going out with a whimper! ::Giggle:: I certainly enjoyed it myself!

    And thanks very much! Glad you enjoyed it! ::Grins::

    Yeah, much as I love the idea of her sacking the dragon...well...sometimes threats are just as good. Especially in a much more serious story where I really didn't want to drive off potential readers by having her bust the dragon's nuts in detail when it just didn't make sense in the story.

    Yes, I suspect sooner or later you'll get some much more full on, human on dragon ball busting from me! When...I dunno, lol.

    However, in the second installment I'll hope to post tomorrow...Alia does get to full on kick something in the nuts. It's not the dragon, but its not human, either. You'll have to read it to see!

    More to the point you two might, she does lightly, and I emphasize that, bust the dragon twice in the second chapter. Nothing that really hurts much, but her point is made hehe.

    Again, you'll have to read it when it's up to see how!

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