The spanner case (more commonly known as operation spanner) was in the United Kingdom. It has been illegal to make videos with "violent" (or "angry") sex there for a while now. It is old news. However, there has never been a ruling (to my knowledge) about downloading or obtaining such material. It is like the illegal downloading of music. It is the uploaders and not the downloaders the law goes after. If you want to put bb material on a website (or sell it) and you live in the UK you should think again. Otherwise you are fine.

A lot of people here keep talking about the extremeness of the images and blah, blah, blah. Such arbitrary information means very little. Do not worry about the exact category ballbusting falls under. Most judges will probably see this as violent or angry sex. Therefore, if you are ever see the inside of a courtroom you are trouble. Think about it from their perspective. They see someone hitting someone else. What more needs to be said? The legal terminology is irrelevant. Judges do not use it when making their decisions, which has actually been a compliant about the legal system in general for a long time now.

P.S. It is highly unlikely that a jury will convict you. The spanner case was made up of homosexuals. No offense to homosexuals but people relate to people better who are similar to themselves. If they had been heterosexuals they probably would not have gone to prison. Assuming you do not have anything that would scare a jury (like ********** scenes) you will probably just receive a fine. Right now it seems that the UK has cooled off in looking in its search for people who are committing that crime. Unfortunately, one never knows which way the wind will blow.