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  1. #1
    Big Supporter
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    beside a large rock


    Hey, everybody! I just wanted to let you know I've started posting a collection of ballbusting stories over at

    If you've read my stuff before, nothing over at the blog is completely new, but the stories have been converted to human characters and cleaned up a bit. The first chapter of one of my series is copied below -- give it a read and tell me what you think. Hopefully there'll be more quite soon :) Enjoy!

    Tired of boxing, tae kwon do, karate, and other so-called 'fighting' arts? Want something a little more hardcore? So do we.

    Fight harder. Fight smarter.
    The Independent League.
    Bring it.

    "Leon! There you are." Griff smiled as he spotted his roommate exiting the lecture hall.

    "Hey Griff," Leon answered. "What are you doing here?"

    "Thought I'd find you before your next class. How's your first day been?"

    "Surprisingly good, actually." He grinned. "I mean, it sounds like all this training for the Independent League's gonna be as hard as I thought it was gonna be, but everyone seems really nice so far. What about you, how's your day been?"

    "Good, good," he replied, hoisting his bookbag up onto his shoulder. "I won a mock fight in Hand-to-Hand earlier today, so that was an ego boost. It's a little weird, taking classes on fighting, but I like it. Hey," he continued, raising an eyebrow, "you're taking Weak Spots, right?"

    Leon nodded. "Yeah, why?"

    "I've, uh...I've heard some interesting things about it."

    "Why, bad professor or something?"

    "Something like that."

    "Eh." Leon shrugged. "Well, it's my next class, so I guess I'll find out soon enough,"


    "Obviously," the professor continued, "it's important to know your opponent's weak spots in a battle. This knowledge is often the difference between winning and losing, so you would do well to pay close attention." She looked out at the class. "Now, there are obviously a number of techniques that can be applied to various kinds of weak spots. Some techniques can be applied to almost any opponent. Others only work on specific individuals. We'll be learning a number of both kinds, but we will begin with a technique that is effective against almost half of all fighters, regardless of skill level: attacking the testicles."

    Leon's mouth hung open in disbelief: it widened even further as the instructor advanced to the next slide. Blown-up on screen was a picture of an attractive blonde, her foot rocketing into the crotch of a brown-haired male. Leon unconsciously moved a hand to protect his groin, his own balls aching in sympathy at the sight of the poor guy.

    "Men," the professor continued, "are often the toughest opponents in terms of sheer brawn, for a number of reasons. On the whole -- and this is a generalization, mind you -- men tend to be both more muscular and more aggressive than women, due to the production of testosterone by the testes. They are simply biologically predisposed to fighting, and this can make full-grown men very difficult opponents. In certain circumstances, however..." -- here she tapped the screen, drawing attention again to the photo -- " may be able to use their manhood against them. Now, this isn't easy. Virtually any man you face will have been hit in the testicles before, and understand how important it is to protect themselves. If you find yourself in the right position, though, you can deal very significant damage with even a fairly weak attack."

    Leon's mouth felt dry. He'd assumed there was some sort of courtesy rule for things like, he hadn't even assumed, hadn't even considered it. Weren't low blows

    "Now of course, in attacking the groin, it's important to understand the physiology of the thing. As you all should already know, the testicles are located at the crotch, hanging outside the body in a sac of skin called the scrotum." The professor tapped the board and up came a close-up of someone's ballsac, two heavy jewels hanging loosely in their sack. "This is great for reproduction -- it keeps the testicles from 'overheating', and allows the man's sperm to develop healthily. On the other hand, it leaves the testicles very vulnerable to attack, particularly because they're so fragile. A mild hit to the groin will stun most men like this, and a solid blow may end a match entirely."

    She tapped the screen again, bringing up the blonde woman once more. "Take this fight, for example. Several years ago in the national semifinal, Kingsley v. Jane. Both sides had taken a beating, and Jane here was definitely the worse off. She kept fighting, though, and in the end she managed to dodge Kingsley's attacks until she could hit him in the testicles with a solid kick." The professor tapped again and the board showed a follow-up picture, the man crumpled on the ground, clutching his balls in agony. The blonde stood calmly next to him, her arms folded beneath her breasts. "As you can see, " the professor continued, "she completely disabled her opponent and actually won the match, despite her initial disadvantage."

    "Excuse me?" A woman near the back of the class raised her hand. "Can you use other attacks on a male's testicles than just kicking?"

    The professor smiled. "Of course. The simplest techniques are kicking and punching, but if you're in the right spot, you can also knee, or slap if you want. In some situations you can squeeze the testicles, which is extremely effective, but is also fairly difficult unless you get a good grip, as it's rather easy for a testicle to slip between your fingers. What else...if your opponent is stuck on the ground, stomping or jumping can do a lot of damage. In the past, some people have even been adventurous enough to try biting."

    The student giggled. "Ouch...really? That must hurt."

    "I would imagine so, but I couldn't tell you." She shrugged. "Now, before we go any further talking about testicles, I think it's important that you all, especially the women, have a chance to examine a real pair. So with that in mind, I'm going to need a male volunteer."

    By this point Leon had his head down on his desk and his hands between his legs, trying not to visualize the awful things the professor was saying. He rubbed his balls gently in an attempt to soothe their phantom pain.


    He looked up, startled. "Wh-what?"

    "Would you come to the front of the class for a demonstration?"

    His face went white, "B-but I...I mean, I, uh--"

    "Don't worry," the professor reassured him, beckoning for him to come forward. "This part is entirely safe."

    "I..." He blinked a few times. "O-...okay. Okay."

    "Very good." She smiled. "Now, if you could come sit on the desk, please, and strip down."

    Leon swallowed nervously. Well, I knew what I signed up for. He blushed, but padded slowly toward the front of the classroom, stopping in front of the professor's large, oaken desk. He took a moment to unbutton his jeans and slide them off his legs, also removing his boxers before turning and hoisting himself onto the table. He hesitated briefly before drawing his legs apart.

    "Thank you," said the professor, crouching down beside him. "Now class, as you can see..." -- Leon inhaled sharply as she took his balls into her hands, gently lifting his cock out of the way -- "...Leon here has a very normal, very healthy set of testicles. Right now, the scrotum is somewhat tight, and they are very close to his body. This is a natural defensive reflex -- the testicles will begin to withdraw into the abdomen if the body thinks they are in danger, or if the temperature is very cold. If the man is relaxed, however, they hang much lower in the scrotum."

    Leon shivered; the professor had begun massaging his testicles over the last few sentences, slowly coaxing them down into his leathery sac.

    "Here we are." She held Leon's testicles so that the class could see them. "Leon here isn't totally relaxed, but you can see that his scrotum is much looser, which allows his testicles to hang lower and makes it much easier to examine them. You should be able to see the pair of orbs very clearly right now, but keep in mind that most opponent's testes will be smaller than this. One of the reasons I chose Leon is that he has an unusually large pair of gonads for a man his size, which makes all this much easier to demonstrate."

    A light titter went through the classroom. Leon wondered how the hell it was possible for her to know that, before thinking back to the physical exam he'd taken upon enrolling. The doctor had taken a lot of measurements. He blushed for a moment, somewhat pleased, until an adjustment of the female's grip brought him back down to earth. He grunted and felt his leg muscles tighten as she lightly pressed into his testicle, her thumb just barely indenting the rubbery sphere. He rolled his head back with a soft moan as the professor adjusted her grip, the agony slowly spreading from his kidneys.

    "Right now," she continued, "I'm hardly exerting any pressure on Leon's testicle -- about as much as it would take to squeeze a new tube of toothpaste. Leon, however, is already in considerable discomfort. If he were standing right now, he would probably still be able to keep his balance, but he would be noticeably shaky."

    Leon had recovered enough to look back down at his own crotch. The sight of the older woman carelessly manipulating his balls in her hand was almost as bad as the nausea crawling through his abdomen.

    The professor was looking down at his testicles, too; she gave his nut a light pulse, earning another moan from the male. "Also, at the moment, I'm only squeezing one of his testicles, between my finger and thumb. This is not a great technique for two reasons. First: it only attacks one of a male's testicles. Second: it is not a secure grip. As I mentioned earlier, it's rather easy for a man's testicle to slip out from between your fingers, especially if your opponent is not as cooperative as Leon here. So..."

    Leon exhaled as she let go of his one ball, but his chest tightened again as she wrapped her fingers around his entire ballsac, trapping its tender contents in her fist. He let out a louder, shuddering moan this time as she tightened her grip, causing a few in the class to giggle quietly.

    "This way, both of the man's testicles are trapped in your fist, which makes it very easy to apply pressure. If he tries to squirm away, a quick yank will usually stop him, but don't try too hard: a light pull is usually sufficient."

    He felt sick now. Her fingers were digging into his balls, prodding the trapped testes and sending stabs of pain into his gut.

    "If you manage to get to this point, though, you ought to be squeezing away." The professor adjusted her grip, and Leon's hips gave an involuntary jerk as she pressed down again. "A man in this state is extremely vulnerable, and a hard squeeze should provoke intense pain and a strong this."

    Leon hardly had time to register her comment before she clamped down, his testicles squishing out from between her strong fingers. He let out a squeal, hands flying to his crotch, trying to dislodge the female. "My balls!" he shrieked, body shaking in pain. "MY BALLS!"

    "As you can see," the professor shouted, "he's completely helpless while I squeeze his testicles. And now, once I let go..."

    Leon collapsed to the floor in the fetal position, clutching his ballsac in his hands. "My baaaalls," he moaned loudly, rocking gently on the floor. "Oh my god, my...annngh..."

    The professor folded her arms across her chest, unable to hide a little smile. "As you can see, he's completely incapacitated. If for some reason he tried to get up and fight again, I could do something like this."

    Leon was in too much pain to defend as her foot came crashing down between his legs, crushing his nuts against the floor. Leon squawked in agony, another spasm of gutpain shooting through his body. He tried desperately to curl up and protect his poor gonads, but before he could do so she delivered another stomp, flattening his aching balls. Leon could only gurgle as she rested her foot on his ballsac, pinning the spheres in place with her weight.

    "Clearly, any fight would be over at this point," the professor continued nonchalantly, pressing down firmly on her pupil's bare scrotum. "If, through some miracle, he was still able to fight, from this position I could easily bear down and crush his testicles until he surrendered."

    The students had fallen into an awed sort of silence after watching such raw brutality unfold in front of them, uncertain of how to react. Fortunately, they didn't have to: at that moment the bell rang, mercifully interrupting the display of pain.

    "Already?" the professor said, surprised. "Well, alright. You've seen enough of a demonstration for today. Dismissed."

    The roomful of students quickly began filing out, grabbing bookbags and pushing in chairs. "Remember your homework!" she shouted over the noise. "Chapter 8 and the handout I gave you at the beginning of class; they'll go into more detail on what we discussed today."

    Several students paused on their way out to glance at Leon, who was still writhing at the front of the classroom. A few women giggled; a few men looked somewhat queasy. The last girl to exit stopped at the door. "Um...?" she asked uneasily, biting her lip. "Is he going to be alright?"

    "He'll be fine," the professor reassured. "I'll see to it personally that he's taken care of."

    "A-alright. See you in class tomorrow, professor," she said, exiting the classroom and leaving the two alone.

    The professor sat down on the front of her desk, folding her arms in her lap as she watched Leon writhe beneath her, still crumpled on the floor. She listened to his agonized groans for a few minutes before prodding gently at his side with her toe. "So, are you doing?" she asked tentatively.

    "My nuts," Leon croaked, doubled over around his aching crotch. "Oh my god, what did you do to my nuts?"

    "Yeah, listen," she said sheepishly, scratching at the back of her head, "I'm sorry you had to go through that, but it's important that the class see a genuine reaction from someone who isn't expecting to be hit. For learning purposes and all. It happens every year, you just happened to be the unlucky guy this time around."

    "Oh god, why me," Leon wheezed. His hands were still wrapped protectively around his testicles, which judging from the feel had swollen to at least twice their normal size. "This is sick."

    "It's a legitimate part of fighting in the Independent League," she countered, watching the man curled up at her feet. "If you're going to be battling in the League someday, you need to know what you're up against and you need to be ready for it. Also, for what it's worth, this whole thing was safe -- I've never actually popped anyone's balls. Er. Well." The professor blushed. "I've never popped somebody during that demonstration, anyway."

    Leon simply groaned in response.

    "Hey," she continued after a moment, climbing down from her desk, "I, uh...I imagine you're not particularly fond of me right now, but I need to take a look at you and make sure everything's alright, okay?"

    "Mmrrgh," he grunted, "please, no."

    Her eyes softened. "Really, I'm not trying to hurt you. I'm just trying to make sure you're alright. If there /is/ something wrong, we need to find it now or you're going to be in trouble."

    Leon was still less than thrilled to be letting the female have at his balls again, but he saw her point. Reluctantly -- and with great effort -- he rolled onto his back, slowly ******* his hands away from his crotch.

    "Thank you," she said, smiling as she dropped down the floor to join him. "I promise I'll make this as pleasant as possible."

    Once again, Leon shivered as the professor lifted his member out of the way, and let out a deep, tense breath as she gently cupped his nuts in her hands. This was probably going to hurt. He tried to ignore the small pangs of pain running through his torso as she began to roll his balls between her fingers, her hot breath on his groin, her thumb rubbing in slow circles against his cockhead...

    "W-what are you...?" he stuttered confusedly, craning his head to look down at his professor, her hand wrapped firmly around his shaft.

    "Hmm?" She looked up from his crotch and grinned. "Ah. Well, I figure you deserve some kind of reward after what I put you through, and seeing as how I need to make sure everything's still working down here anyway, I might as well make it enjoyable, right?

    "B-but whaaaaaoooohhhhhh," Leon moaned, caught by surprise as she ran her tongue up the underside of his stiffening member, the length giving a healthy throb in response. "Fu...fuuuuuuuck."

    "Relax," she purred, giving his length another gentle pump. "Your body's been through a lot recently -- it doesn't know what's going on right now. Give it a minute to adjust."

    Leon started to protest but was interrupted by another slow, meandering lick up the side of his cock, his companion's tongue sliding along the sensitive flesh. His head dropped back to the floor as she gave his straining rod a few short strokes, squeezing the length between her fingers. Leon shivered and let out a quiet groan as she took him briefly into her moutth, suckling on the tip of his cock for a moment before letting it slide back out.

    "Now," the professor asked softly, pausing. "Feeling any better?"


    "Should I keep going?"

    "Please," Leon moaned. He shivered again as she ran her tongue along his shaft once more, coating the rod in a layer of saliva. He could feel her hot breath on his cock as she gave him another long stroke, her fingers brushing against his balls at the base.

    "Y'know, I wasn't lying earlier, about the big balls thing," she grinned, looking up briefly from Leon's throbbing member. "You're pretty hung."

    "Th-thanks," Leon stammered, fighting to keep his tone steady as she continued to slowly jerk him off. His cock twitched needfully in response to the woman's strokes, unaccustomed to anything but his own right hand. Leon gave a quick glance down at his groin and gave a shuddering groan at what he saw: his professor gazing hungrily at his crotch, one hand fondling her breasts as the other continued to pump his impressive length. He tossed his head back and growled ferally as her tongue played across the end of his shaft, his body spasming in response.

    However, he was brought quickly back to Earth as she wrapped her fingers tightly around his ballsac. He let out a startled yelp as she gave the twin spheres a rough squeeze. "Oh fuck be careful with those," Leon groaned, an all-too-familiar wave of nausea rising in his gut.

    "Oh stop complaining, they're just fine," she replied teasingly, rolling his nuts in her palm as she gave his shaft another lick, this time earning a small spurt of pre for her efforts. "Besides, here's something to make them feel better."

    Leon inhaled sharply as she took his nuts into her mouth, sucking gently on the swollen orbs. Carefully she lifted one on her tongue, pressing it lightly to the roof of her mouth before repeating the action with the other testicle. Leon let out a throaty moan as she worshipped the twin spheres. In contrast to the agony he'd been through earlier, this treatment seemed almost unbearably pleasurable.

    She continued to suck for a few more moments before letting his nuts slip from between her lips with a wet pop. "Did that help?" she purred, leaning in and rubbing her nose up against his balls.

    "Yes," answered Leon dazedly, tongue lolling from the side of his mouth.

    The professor smiled. "I'm glad," she breathed, leaning in to swallow the his shaft once again.

    Leon had been fighting the impulse for a while, now, but couldn't resist any longer: a hand strayed to the back of his professor's head, holding her in place as she serviced him. She moaned approvingly around the cock in her mouth, sending a pleasant wave of vibration back to Leon and eliciting another shot of pre from the male.

    The professor pulled back for a moment to catch her breath and looked up at Leon, smiling. "Y'know," she said, a hint of amusement in her voice, "there's nothing I'd like more right now than to ride the fuck out of you, but I think your balls have probably taken enough abuse today without my ass, huh?" She stuck her tongue out. "Ah well. Maybe some other time."

    "It's a daaaaaaaaaate," moaned Leon, arching his hips as she slurped at his shaft again, licking from base to tip.

    "I'll hold you to it," she replied with a wink, before moving to suck on one of his nuts again. She rotated the orb in her mouth, coating it with saliva before letting it fall out into her hand. She gave it a light pulse, earning a soft groan and a shot of pre that splattered across her face.

    Leon could feel an orgasm starting to approach: even with all his balls had been through, he felt ready to blow. The feeling intensified as something warm but unfamiliar enveloped his shaft: he looked down to find his cock sandwiched between the professor's bare tits, her tongue still wrapped around the head.

    "Lyke whachou see?" she mumbled around her mouthful, grinning.

    "Ohhhhhh god yes," he groaned, head falling back to the ground as she began pumping in earnest. His rod slid smoothly between her mounds of flesh, his spurts of pre and her own saliva lubricating the passage. Gently he guided her head, bobbing up and down on his aching cock. He was close to the edge; any second now...

    The professor too could sense that he was close: with each stroke she felt his shaft throb between her breasts, threatening to explode. She redoubled her efforts, gripping her generous melons around the rock-hard flesh. "Come on," she growled playfully, spitting on Leon's cock, "we don't have all day." Again she took him into her mouth, suckling on the end of his length.

    "Fuuuuck," he moaned, head rolling back in pleasure. "I...I'm gonna--"

    "Mmmmm," rumbled the female in response, sucking hungrily on his throbbing member and stroking that which remained outside of her mouth between her breasts.

    "I...oh god," Leon panted. "Ahh...ahhhhh...ANNNGH!"

    Leon's hips spasmed as his cock let loose, firing spurt after spurt of red-hot ejaculate down the woman's throat. The professor wrapped her tongue around the rod and gulped down the first few shots as Leon moaned something unintelligible, his hand gripping her head tightly. She continued to suck for a few moments before letting the length slip from her mouth and back into her hand, continuing to pump the rod as another several ropes of Leon's cum splashed across her chest. With her free hand she rubbed the warm seed into her tits, leaning in lick up what had dribbled down Leon's cock.

    Leon moaned softly as he fired off a few more weak spurts, painting the professor's face with his spunk. His eyes were wide open, unfocused, staring at the ceiling as the woman lapped at his member. Her tongue sent post-orgasmic shivers through his body, his toes curling at the sensation.

    The professor rumbled pleasantly as Leon's cock continued to spasm weakly in her grip, the male stiffening slightly with each contraction. She looked down at herself and grinned at her partner's load splattered across her chest, slowly dripping downwards towards her already cum-stained blouse. "Now," she asked, taking a moment to lick the cum from the back of her hand. "Feeling any better?"

    Leon simply groaned in response, torn between the lazy bliss of afterglow and the residual ache still lingering in his balls.

    She smiled. "Yeah, I know they still hurt. It takes a while, unfortunately."

    The two rested in silence for a few moments, the woman content and the man exhausted. The professor lay down alongside Leon, her breasts pressing up against his side.

    "Listen," she said, finally. Her hand continued to drift up and down slowly, absent-mindedly stroking the length still in her hand. "I know you're in no condition to move yet, and I don't have anywhere to be, so why don't you just...hang out here, for the time being?"

    "Sounds...sounds good," panted Leon, still quite dazed and disoriented from his experience.

    The professor smiled. "Good. And besides," she added playfully, shifting closer, "I believe we have a date..."

    Leon let out a moan as her lips closed around his cock once again...

  2. #2
    Big Supporter
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    Jan 2008
    Awww, all human? I hope you're not done with the furry in general!

    Although now you've given me an idea. Do the same with classic human-based stories and "fur 'em up"...

  3. #3
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    beside a large rock
    Don't you worry, I've got plenty more furry stuff in the pipeline. I just figured that as long as I was writing all the crazy stuff that turns me on, it wouldn't hurt to spend an hour or two revising each chapter so that a few more people can enjoy 'em.

    And yeah, I definitely converted a few stories in the opposite direction before I started writing my own stuff. I had a version of Cards for Kicks at one point that had an elephant involved :P I've lost it since, but I certainly enjoyed it at the time.

  4. #4
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    Thumbs up

    Hi poiu,

    That was an excellent story. I don't know if you wrote it en toto, or just revised it. Still the overall result is outstanding!

    Incidentally, I do have one request, please describe the girl. All I know is she was a some kind of professor. A physical description would add even more to the appeal.



  5. #5
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    beside a large rock
    Sorry to revive an old thread, but I thought it was worth letting you all know that (a) I've just posted a new short story scene that I'm quite pleased with, and (b) there have been a number of other updates since the last time I posted an update on this forum. Might be worth looking into, if you're a BB story fan like myself :)

  6. #6
    Big Supporter Alec Anaconda's Avatar
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    May 2008

    The Independent League.

    Thank you for this story.

    I loved the contrast between the public and private personas of the professor.

    You’ve left plenty of scope for continuation.

    Alec Anaconda

  7. #7
    Big Supporter
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    Converted to human? Darn...

  8. #8
    Supreme Poster jonoffen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Amazing story. I'll be visiting your site for the rest immediately.
    Thanks for converting them otherwise I'd never have gotten to enjoy them.

  9. #9
    Big Supporter blancanvas's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Wrestling My Stepsister

    I found this story on


    Wrestling my Stepsister by Bastige My stepsister Amy and I were very close. Our parents got married when I was 14 and she was 13, and we became instant friends. We loved all the same things - video games, basketball, making fun of dumb TV shows. Our parents had expected some awkwardness with two teenagers suddenly living in the same house, but they were pleasantly surprised. Since both our parents worked, Amy and I had the house to ourselves in the summers. The summer after my sophomore year in high school (I was 16 and she was 17), she worked a part-time job in the evening and I worked online, so during the day we often hung out around the house together. Since we felt so comfortable around each other, we did some pretty crazy stuff, like skinny-dipping in broad daylight in the backyard pool (the neighbors were all old people who were unlikely to peek over the fence).� One day we got in some kind of silly argument while watching TV in the living room - neither of us was mad, and neither took it seriously, but we started play-wrestling. Amy is about five inches shorter than I am. She's pretty robustly built for an Asian girl (her mom is Taiwanese), with strong legs and fairly broad shoulders, but I am taller and stronger and can generally handle her. I first almost pinned her, then tickled her, making her scream but allowing her to wriggle free. She charged me, but I lifted her into the air, still shrieking and giggling. She kicked out wildly with her feet...and one of her feet caught me in the balls. I dropped her to the ground and collapsed from the sudden shock, but when I tried to get up, the real pain began, and soon I was clutching my groin and rolling around moaning "Amy, you ********* me!" Amy, on her feet and giggling uncontrollably at my plight, reached down and grabbed the bottoms of my gym shorts, then yanked them down around my ankles. I wasn't wearing anything underneath. She hauled the shorts off of my legs and held them up like a trophy. Groaning, I sat up, still massaging my tender - and now exposed - testicles. Amy continued to laugh at me and wave the trunks around. I sat down heavily on the couch. "I win, I win!" Amy yelled, slapping me in the face with my own shorts. "There goes your chance at having step-nephews," I moaned at her. But already the pain was subsiding, and when Amy sat down next to me on the couch, I reached out and tickled her. "Why'd you strip me?" I asked, more curious than annoyed. "I don't know, I just wanted a trophy of victory!" she answered. "Dude, are your balls OK?" "Maybe," I answered with mock seriousness. "Here, let me feel them," she said, reaching for my bare nuts. "Get away from my nuts!" I yelled, slapping at her hand. "You've already caused them enough trauma!" "I just want to make sure they're OK," she protested, grinning. "You could be injured. You could have to go to the hospital." I rolled my eyes. "My gonads are fine," I assured her. "You just wait til I get you back." "Bring it!" she said, and slapped me in the face with my shorts again. Then she bounced away, leaving me half-naked on the couch. That began the summer of our friendly rivalry. After that first hit on my balls, Amy would "sack-tap" me as she walked past, not hard enough to put me on the floor, but usually enough to make me bend over or crouch down. I quickly learned to guard my jewels when she was in the vicinity. In revenge, I started pantsing her. Amy usually wore sweatpants and a t-shirt or halter top around the house, but she typically didn't wear underwear underneath, so when I yanked her sweats around her ankles she'd find herself abruptly bare-butt. She would shout and try to slap me, but I'd dance back and watch as she pulled up her pants before chasing after me. Once she even fell, and went down on the kitchen floor with her sweats tangled around her ankles. That was a fun one. After that, she started wisely wearing panties under her sweatpants. Then, one day when I was in the living room reading, she walked in and said "Come on, let's wrestle." "Like last time?" I laughed. "Don't think I'll be so easy to beat." "Let's go," she said. "Loser has to lose his or her pants for an hour." I laughed. "OK, if you want to walk around bare-butt, I ain't stoppin' ya." She put one hand on her hip and narrowed her eyes. "You seem pretty confident, for someone who lost last time." I got up and faced her, grinning. "Yeah, well, that's cause you kicked me in the balls. Are we allowing ball shots in this match?" She thought about that for a second. "I don't want to injure you," she said, "So let's say, kicks and knees to the balls aren't allowed, but I can grab them." I laughed. "OK!" I said. "Any other rules?" She thought some more. "No kicking or punching at all. Just wrestling. And no, like, poking eyes or something." Sounded reasonable to me. "So when do we start?" I asked. "Now!" she suddenly yelled, and dove for me. We wrestled around for a while, and I quickly got the better of her. She was surprised how strong and quick I was when I was really trying. She made two grabs for my balls, but got nowhere close. So much for that tactic. I pinned her, then let her up when she tapped out. "OK," I laughed, "Get em off." "OK, dude, but we gotta have a rematch," she said, scowling with one hand on her hip. I shrugged. "Any time you want!" "Tomorrow," she demanded. "Fine by me," I said. With that, she nodded, hooked her thumbs in her waistband, and pulled her sweats and panties down and off. Amy had muscular thighs and a thin landing strip. I grinned. "Anything you want me to do?" she asked. "Do a little dance, maybe?" "Do you know any dances?" I asked. She did one step of the "Walk it Out" dance, twisting her knees back and forth, which was hilarious given the fact that she was bottomless. Then she turned and strode out of the room, her solid ass swinging as she walked. For the next hour, as promised, she stayed bare-butt, and I just winked at her whenever I walked past. She snorted in irritation, but I could tell she wasn't that upset...just hungry for revenge. The next day, things went pretty much the same. Amy challenged me again, she tried for my balls but failed, and I pinned her. Again, she demanded a rematch, and I accepted. Again, she removed her pants and went bottomless for an hour. This time, I slapped her on the bare ass as I walked by, and she woofed in indignation. On the third day, however, I got sloppy. Pinning her had become so easy, I must have let up a little, because as I was about to win, she grabbed for my balls - and got em this time. I instantly realized I had lost, and tapped out before she could start squeezing my precious jewels. She danced around, punching the air and singing "We are the Champions," before turning to me and pointing. "Get em off, get em off!" she ordered. I grinned, only slightly shaken, and took my shorts down. My dick flopped out and Amy suppressed a giggle. "You want me to do a little dance?" I asked jokingly. "Go ahead!" she waved. I laughed, and did part of the dance from Napoleon Dynamite. She covered her mouth and guffawed. "Dude!" she gasped. "You look so ridiculous with your dork swinging around like that!" I blushed, and crossed my arms over my chest. She walked over, slapped me on my bare ass, and then walked away, singing a song. After that it was on. With the house just to ourselves, we'd wrestle maybe every other day. At first I won most of the matches, and Amy spent a lot of time bottomless, enduring ass-slaps from yours truly. Occasionally she managed to get me by the balls, and then I tapped out quickly, because when a girl has got your balls it's over. That happened only a couple times at first, but Amy started developing some skill after a couple weeks, and it became much harder to beat her. She always was an athletic girl. We got bored of just making each other walk around bare-butt, and started making each other do embarrassing forfeits. It started with things like cartwheels and jumping jacks, then we started making each other do dares, like doing a lap around the house bottomless. Once a guy jogging saw her do that, and once an old lady saw me. Fairly embarrassing, but good motivation to win the next match. After the jogger saw Amy, she was pissed. "It's much worse for a girl to be seen naked than a guy," she declared. "This is not fair." "Life isn't fair," I teased. "You got a better idea?" "How about if I win, I get to hit you in the balls!" she challenged. I instinctively bent over a little. "Whaaaaat?" I yelled. "No way!" "Not hard," she protested. "Just like, a slap. OK? Just a slap." "What do I get if I win?" I asked warily. "I'll go completely naked," she offered. I shook my head. "Seen it already." She thought for a moment. "And I'll give you a back massage." "Deal," I said, grinning. If it really came down to it, I knew I could beat her. So we squared off, just like usual, me in my t-shirt and gym shorts, her in tank top and sweats, and we went at it. She had been exercising, and her arms and legs were slippery with sweat. I had a hard time holding on to her. Then when I was on top of her, she suddenly faked a knee at my groin. I instinctively folded up, and she grabbed my arm and ****** y face into the carpet. when I reaized her trick, I twisted and used my arms to break her hold, but as I did that, her hand shot down and grabbed my balls. I shouted in frustration and tapped the ground, submitting. She got up and did her victory dance as I lifted myself dejectedly off the floor. "OK," she said, "Spread your legs and put your hands on your head." "Are you sure?" I protested. She just waved her finger. "Spread your legs, dude, a deal is a deal." I sighed, bracing myself for some pain, and did as she said. She walked over to me, and asked, "Are you ready?" "Just get it over with," I sighed, wincing with anticipation. She reached back and swung her palm into my nuts. It was a pretty hard whack, and I groaned and immediately held myself. Slowly, I crumpled to my knees. Amy stood in front of me with cocked hips and a satisfied smirk. Then she reached over and shoved me onto the ground. I decided to stay there. Then, as she had after our first match, she grabbed my shorts and hauled them off of me, leaving me bare-butt and clutching my nuts. I got up after a few seconds, groaning. Amy walked over and patted me on the butt. "You want a rematch?" she asked. I didn't, not with the price of losing this high, but I said "Sure." So the next day we wrestled again. This time I gave it my all - after all, my balls were on the line! - and I managed to evade her grabs and pin her after a long bout. She did not want to submit, wriggling like crazy and shouting in rage, but eventually I immobilized all her limbs and forcer her face-down onto the carpet. Then I got off her, and let her up. She got up and grumblingly stripped off her sweats, then peeled off her top and undid her bra. Amy had very nice tits, big for an Asian girl, and she was pretty proud of them.� "OK," I grinned, "When do I get my massage?" Amy had me lay on the coffee table while she massaged me. I turned over on my back so I could watch her while she worked. This made her more embarrassed, especially when I started making "Asian massage parlor" jokes.� "Be careful," she grumbled, "Or I'll massage your balls." I actually didn't want her hands anywhere near that area, since despite myself I was getting an erection. I had seen my stepsister naked plenty of times, but the massage somehow made it a lot more erotic. "Rematch tomorow?" I asked, as her breasts dangled tantalizingly near my face. "You bet," she said. Her nipple brushed my nose, but neither of us said anything. The next day, we circled each other warily all day, both of us nervous to start what we realized would be the ultimate and final bout. "So," I asked her as we passed each other in the kitchen, "What's the forfeit for today?" "If I lose," she said, "I'll go naked in front of three of your friends." That brought a smile to my face. Amy and I were comfortable seeing each other nude, but never before when guests were there. And my friends would think I was the man. "What if you win?" I asked her. "Then I get to squeeze your balls for as long as I like." I nearly choked. That sounded like a one-way ticket to Hell. No embarrassment on her part was equal to that. "No way," I declared. "You scared?" she asked, staring at me with her almond eyes. "Dude, are you more chicken than your stepsister?" My stomach twisted with fear, but I couldn't let her show me up like that. I put on a brave face and said, "OK. Let's do it." We went directly to the living room. But as we faced off and prepared to do battle, she straightened up and said "Let's wrestle nude." I started. "Why?" I asked. "Well," she said, "For you, the advantage is that you get to feel me up, which I know you want to do. For me, the advantage is that it's easier to grab your balls if you're naked." She had a point. Already, I could feel my dick stiffening in my pants. I knew this was a terrible idea- besides the advatage she had mentioned, I'd be terribly distracted by her nudity. But what guy would turn down the chance to wrestle a hot girl completely naked? Even if she was his stepsister. "OK," I agreed, and started peeling off my clothes. She did the same.� To my shame, this time I had a full erection. Amy, stark naked and looking incredibly hot in her wrestling stance, pointed and laughed. "Dude," she said, "This is why women have an advantage over men. You always think with the wrong head." I tried to laugh it off, but I was embarrassed. Suddenly, she lunged at me, and my first thought was not to counter her, but to move my erection out of the way. I did that, but she crashed into me and sent me to the carpet. Suddenly she was all over me, grabbing me in one of the holds I had taught her over the past month. For a second, I focused on trying to find some angle for my crotch so that a) my balls would be safe from her grabbing hands, and b) my erection wouldn't be ground into the floor. Again, I successfully did this, but now she had grabbed my arms and wrapped her legs around one of mine. I could have broken her hold and thrown her off me, but I was suddenly distracted by the unfamiliar feeling of so much of her skin against my skin, and her bare breasts crushed against my erection started to come back, and I suddenly got really self-conscious again. Bad time to do that. She grabbed me around the neck and arm, and shoved me right down to the floor. Before I knew it, she had pinned me. She pinned me, without having to grab me by the balls. For the first time. Amy slowly disengaged and stood up, standing over me as I blinked up at her. She was still naked, gorgeous and naked, standing there sweating. An attraction that had only been a joke before now started churning its way through my gut. Somehow, her defeating me in a fair fight had made me lust after her in a way that all our naked hijinx before had not. But that was a bit beside the point, I thought, because now she was going to make me take my medicine. Dreading what came next, I stood up and, without her having to tell me, spread my legs and put my hands on my head. Amy caught her breath, then stood in front of me, her black hair falling in sweaty tangles over her pretty face. "Go on," I said. "Good job, you wrestled great. Now let's get this over with." I almost peed myself in fear as she slowly reached her hand toward my balls. She gripped them, and started to roll them gently around in her hand. Embarrassingly, my erection started twitching back to life. Then she started squeezing, and a bit of pain shot through my gut. I realized suddenly that even the times when I had beaten her at wrestling, she had had the power to do this to me at any time, and she had refrained. At that thought, my erection returned in full, and I winced in both embarrassment and pain. Amy gripped my balls a little harder, and I could feel the beginning of the sickening feeling that came right before true testicular agony. Soon I'd be falling to my knees, begging her to let go. I'd probably cry. But strangely, the thought didn't take away my arousal, and I just looked into her almond eyes and tried to take it like a man. Then, to my astonishment, it was Amy who dropped to her knees. Before I could react, she had grabbed my dick with her other hand and pulled it toward her mouth! I instinctively tried to push her away, but she gave my still-captive balls a warning squeeze, and I went passive again. Amy put my penis in her mouth and slowly, gently, gave me an amazing blowjob. I came right onto the carpet. After I had come, I stood panting heavily as she stood up in front of me, still stark nude, her hand still around my balls. Slowly, I reached up my hand and put it on her bare left breast. Then I leaned forward to kiss her... ...Amy stepped back, releasing my balls and giving them a flick with her hand. I grunted and doubled up.� "Sorry," she said, "But I don't want to lose my virginity with my brother-in-law." "Suit yourself," I breathed through clenched teeth. Amy grabbed her discarded clothes and slipped them on. I hobbled over to my own. "What are you doing?" she asked. I just looked at her. "You don't get to put on your clothes. You're staying naked for two hours, dude." I sighed. Oh well, I thought. At least she hadn't crushed my balls. "Hey, I should get some reward for beating your ass," she declared, and bounced over to where I stood. I resisted the urge to protect my groin. Amy leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. "You sure I can't fuck you?" I joked. "Maybe when we go to college," she said, waggling her head. "For now, you'll just have to go jerk off and take a cold shower." That's exactly what I intended to do. "When you're done, come back down here," Amy said, turning and looking around for her phone. "I'm going to call my friends over." Oh, shit, I thought.

  10. #10
    Big Supporter
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    Jul 2005
    beside a large rock
    Hey there! I haven't seen much story activity here lately, so I thought I'd contribute something.

    This is a continuation of Dragon Slaying, my dragon ballbusting series*, but it's been modified to just be about plain ol' humans. Brief background: The narrator is a dude, Lia is his girlfriend. She has a huge kink for ballbusting, which he begrudgingly puts up with. Hijinx ensue.


    * Yep, I'm weird! Still, if you're willing to try reading something with humanoid animal characters, there are several great furry ballbusting series out there from myself and others – Dragon Slaying, A Gryphon's Tale, and Tales from the Cat House, just to get started. There's hours of great reading there – give them a look!


    "How's the view?"

    "Mmm...stunning as always." I looked over the naked brunette below me. Lia was face-down on the mattress, her arms stretched to the headboard, her legs close together. Her back was a sea of smooth skin, her shoulder muscles shifting as she settled into a comfortable position. She stretched out her legs as well, toes curling as she worked the day’s soreness from her extremeties. Her thighs and calves were gorgeous, sculpted things – though at this point in our relationship, I had difficulty thinking about her legs without picturing her knee buried in my groin. Still, awfully attractive.

    And her ass...well, that was what I was here for. Two perfect globes, round and firm, with just the right amount of jiggle when you slapped them. (Ironically, it occurs to me that Lia would probably say the exact same thing about my two globes.) Lovingly I reached out a hand, allowing myself a quick grope as I shifted myself into position. I knelt above my girlfriend, straddling her lower body, her legs between my spread thighs.

    Lia grinned at the touch, wiggling her butt in response. "And how are the boys?"

    I exhaled slowly, resisting the urge to lower myself and simply start penetrating her from behind. Instead I remained upright and shifted backwards a bit, until my hips were even with the backs of her knees. "They're still a bit sore, to be honest. Take it easy on me this time?"

    "Hmmmm." Slowly she bent one leg behind her, raising her foot until it touched against the underside of my scrotum. She nudged my balls gently, lifting the heavy orbs and allowing them to roll off the sole of her foot. "No promises."

    I shivered as her foot drifted a few inches higher, rubbing against the base of my already-throbbing cock. Letting Lia's foot near my junk was always a risky proposition, but at least in this particular situation I knew what to expect.

    Sure enough, before I had time to steel myself, she had started. She lowered her foot for a brief moment before kicking it up playfully. The ball of her foot struck my hanging sac with a fleshy smack, sending my two orbs swinging forwards.

    "Oogh." I groaned automatically in pain, even as a clear shot of pre burst from the end of my cock to splatter on the back of her bare thigh.

    "Mmm," she crooned.

    We'd been trying out this routine for a few weeks now – whenever Lia wasn’t in the mood, but I still wanted her help to get off, she’d drag me into the bedroom for some quick relief. Now that we were dating, she was more than happy to be my own personal pin-up model...but as always, there was a catch. One that involved a bit of ballbusting. As with most things involving Lia and my testicles, I wasn't entirely sure why I’d ever agreed, but at least once a week I'd find myself kneeling over her in bed, stroking myself as a foot smacked up between my legs. Sometimes it'd turn her on, and we'd end up having sex afterward anyway.

    Most of the time, though, it was just a fancier form of masturbation. Speaking of which:

    "You gonna start stroking yourself?" Lia asked, her voice teasing. She had raised her foot once more, and now it nudged up against the bottom of my balls. "Because I don't plan to stop kicking until you do."

    "Yes ma'am," I grunted, wrapping my fingers around my stiff length. No sooner had I done so than her foot shot upwards once again, striking my spunkmakers hard enough to make them bounce up against my hand. Another low groan left my mouth as I hunched over, planting my other hand against the mattress for support.

    Lia glanced back sheepishly, blushing. "Whoops, that was maybe a bit harder than I meant." She bit her lip. "You are pretty cute when you groan, though."

    I sniggered, and bent over a little further to plant a quick peck on her lower back. "Just don't break anything."

    "Nnn." Her hips shifted a bit, possibly to grind her clit against the bed beneath her. "I'll do my best."

    I straightened up once more, my hand moving from the bed to my girlfriend’s rump. Once again I gave the firm flesh a squeeze, growling in satisfaction. Beneath me, Lia murmured pleasantly, rubbing the top of her foot against against my manhood. Another line of pre dribbled down my length, a drop or two falling to the bedspread.

    I jumped in place as Lia kicked upwards with her other foot, catching my gonads softly but squarely and sending a jolt of nutache through my gut. I moaned in arousal and discomfort as she trapped my spuds between her feet, gently squeezing the swollen orbs as my fist continued to pump away just above.

    I rarely lasted more than a few minutes like this, and today was no exception. Already I could feel an orgasm approaching – the sight of Lia’s curves spread out before me, combined with my testicles' instinctual urge to get out of harm's way as soon as possible, meant that my body was quickly preparing to blow.

    "You getting close?" Lia asked, more a statement than a question.

    I bit my lip. "Hnnf...yes," I admitted. I'd tried to hide my impending orgasm from her once, and she hadn't been pleased. As much as a few back kicks might sting, they were nothing like the prolonged squeezes she'd given me once for finishing without a warning.

    "Mmm." The brunette shifted a bit, lowering her legs for a moment as she found a more comfortable position. After a few seconds her foot rose once again, carefully moving to cradle my jewels, lifting them up until they pressed against the base of my shaft. I shuddered at the touch, and my cock gave another involuntary twitch, firing a third shot of pre that landed on one of Lia's ass cheeks.

    Lia inhaled in surprise, then almost purred, shifting her hips once more to grind against the bed. "That's it, stud." Her voice was calm and steady, her touch reassuring. "Cum for me. Gimme that spunk."

    Her foot lowered for a short moment before thumping up between my legs, squashing my gonads against the hard bone of my pelvis. I gasped as my left nut took the brunt of the blow, the oft-abused sphere radiating a familiar ache through my gut.

    Still, aching nuts or no, I was ready to blow. My fist slid up and down, my member pulsing in my grip. "Mrrgh! Oh fuck, I–...I'm gonna–!"

    Lia looked back over her shoulder, smirking as she brought her foot up several times in rapid succession: thump, thump, thump. None of the blows were very hard – just love taps by Lia's standards – but I was on the edge of orgasm, and every sensation felt magnified by a thousand. I let out a guttural groan as her toes slapped up into my ballsac, sending my orbs bouncing like a pair of ping pong balls. I began to double over again, and planted my hand on her ass for support; Lia moaned and brought her foot up hard, hard enough to drive the breath out of me–

    My cock throbbed and unleashed a long rope of seed across her rear, a thick glob of white that cut across the smooth curve of her backside. That rope was followed by a second rope, then a third – and then a fourth rope that managed to reach all the way to Lia's shoulder, thanks to some extra momentum from one last mid-orgasm kick. That final blow finally brought me down, and I collapsed on top of my girlfriend, my shaft still twitching forcefully against her bare thigh as it delivered a few last spurts of my genetic gift.

    For a long moment, I simply lay there and moaned – in pain or ecstasy, I'm not sure which. (Probably both.) Beneath me, Lia squirmed for a few seconds, one of her hands sliding down towards her sex. I could feel her body tense and relax beneath me as her fingers reached their goal, her hips starting to move against the bed again.

    "Mmph." Her voice was thick with arousal now. She rolled onto her side, hand busy between her legs. "Think you can be ready again in a few minutes?"

    My cock throbbed once more, and I nodded. "Hell yes."

  11. #11
    Big Supporter Alec Anaconda, A1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Very erotic!
    I foresee a continuation.
    Alec Anaconda

    Please click on book covers to read extracts.


  12. #12
    Big Supporter
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Excellent story!

    Definitely calls for more.


  13. #13
    Big Supporter
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    beside a large rock

    Learning the Ropes

    Another new* story! This is a loose continuation of these two stories that I posted a while back. Give it a read, and let me know what you think!

    I also posted another short snippet on my blog a few days ago, which may be worth a look, so you can check that out as well if you're looking for more.

    * If you read my furry stories, then you've seen this before, but now I've finally gotten around to rewriting it with human characters. Enjoy (again)!


    To: Laura Pratt <>
    From: The Underground League <>
    Subject: Re: Re: BATTLE NOTICE: Availability on Friday, July 20th?


    Thanks for the prompt reply! We're sorry to spring this on you at the last minute, but we had a pair of female first-timers cancel this week, and you were the next name on our list. And don't be nervous – judging from your fight test, you'll be an excellent addition to the Underground League roster :)

    The details for your battle are as follows:

    Sharkfin Stadium, Arena 3
    Friday, July 20th @ 6:30pm

    Since this will be your first battle, please report to the arena at least two (2) hours before your battle is scheduled to start. Check in at the front desk and they'll help you with your ID card, pre-battle preparations, etc. You should be–


    The brunette looked up with a start. "Y-yeah?"

    "Here's your keycard – you're all set." The receptionist slid a lanyard keychain across the counter. "Locker rooms are to the left. Good luck, kiddo."

    Laura shoved her smartphone back into her jeans pocket, snatching up the pass. "Right. Uh, thanks!"

    Sharkfin Stadium, Arena 3, 6:30pm. She had re-read the message at least twenty times in the last 48 hours – and several more times in the past few minutes – but that did little to calm her nerves. She'd known that she was high on the waiting list, due for a call any day now, but even so the message had come like a bolt out of the blue. And just two days' notice? Really?

    Laura exhaled, adjusting the gym bag slung over her shoulder, shoes clacking on the white linoleum floor as she walked down the hall. It was strange, coming here as a fighter instead of a spectator. She'd never seen the stadium anything less than packed, but the entryway had been virtually empty when she'd first arrived – just a few fans who had come early looking for autographs. (No one had asked her for an autograph, sadly, but then again no one was looking for a last-minute substitute.) The first time she had reached a door that said Authorized Personnel Only, it had taken a moment to realize that she was, in fact, an Authorized Person.

    And the strange feeling only grew stronger as she moved deeper into the stadium, following the signs towards the women's locker room. The halls of Sharkfin Stadium were crisp and clean, almost clinically white – an odd juxtaposition, given the League’s reputation for getting down and dirty. Still, over the past decade the Underground had established itself as a serious battle league, if an unorthodox one. The bits of memorabilia lining the walls were evidence of that: news clippings from the Times and the Gazette; pictures of nude fighters locked in combat; a few bios of the League’s most notorious alumni.

    Laura slowed for a moment as she passed one particularly noteworthy display, her eyes widening in recognition. Novato Cup IV Semifinals: Hatchwood defeats Russell, proclaimed the placard, next to the now-famous photo of the buxom blonde’s knee buried in her opponent's crotch. One of the most famous come-from-behind wins in the League's short history. Back in college, her roommate had proudly displayed that poster on her wall...until an argument with her boyfriend had reluctantly convinced her to take it down.

    A slight chill ran up her spine, looking at the picture. That would be her, soon enough. Maybe not going for the groin so much – she wasn’t totally sure how she felt about that, to be honest – but definitely naked, and battling in front of a massive crowd. Suddenly the idea of baring herself in front of a bunch of strangers seemed much more intimidating than it had been a few hours ago.

    Which was a great thought to have just as she entered the locker room.

    Laura touched her ID to the card reader with a beep and stepped inside, closing the door again behind her. Where the hallway was white and cream, the locker room was gray and black: dark checkerboard tile covering the floor; a row of metal lockers against the wall; long fluorescent lights set into the ceiling. A wooden bench in front of the lockers provided a place to sit, while a towel rack and the sound of running water indicated a block of showers further around the corner. She could pick up the sound of voices from the showers, but was unable to make out any actual words.

    There was no one else visible from the door, so cautiously Laura moved towards the lockers, slipping the bag off of her shoulder and placing it on the floor. She crouched down for a moment to unzip one pocket, rifling through a few pages of orientation paperwork before finding the sheet with her locker number and combination. Another few moments and the metal door opened with a quiet click–

    –and a thin strip of orange paper fell out, doing a few loops in the air before fluttering to a stop at her feet. Curious, the brunette bent down to pick it up. She turned it over and read:

    Welcome to the League, rookie! Hope you like cracking nuts – here’s one to get you started. –The Rest of Us Girls

    The note didn’t fully make sense until Laura straightened up again and noticed the steel nutcracker sitting on the locker shelf, a half-cracked walnut crushed between its grips. She half-laughed, half-winced at the discovery. Fighters in the League weren’t exactly subtle.

    There were a few other accoutrements inside as well, including a towel and a water bottle, both branded with the black-and-blue of the Underground League. Laura had always found the Underground color scheme rather pleasing...though given that they were her two favorite colors, maybe that was unsurprising.

    She unpacked the remaining contents of her bag – a sweatband plus a tanktop and shorts for future sessions in the gym – and then there was nothing left but the clothes on her own body. Laura reached down and pulled her T-shirt up over her head, tossing it to the foot of her locker, where it was quickly followed by a sports bra. A moment to set aside her keys and wallet, and her jeans joined the pile...

    ...but she hesitated for a brief moment as she slid her panties down past her knees. Despite years of working on her body, the female had never been entirely comfortable with being naked. In fact, that was one of the reasons she’d signed up for the League in the first place. Facing your fears, right?

    Not that she had anything to be embarrassed about. Those years of training had shaped her into one hell of a specimen: lean but muscled, shapely but strong, her relaxed stance belying a defined body underneath. Flowing brown hair cascaded around her head and shoulders, framing her heart-shaped face; that hair was just long enough to reach to her breasts, two moderately-sized orbs tipped with pink nipples. Her torso had been sculpted by years of athletics, showing off her well-worked abs – and further below was her sex, framed on each side by a pair of toned legs. Her thighs and calves were smooth but powerful, cords of muscle hidden from view but able to strike with precision and force. Off to one side on her lower back was a small birthmark, shaped loosely like a four-pointed star, like an asterisk above the firm round globes of her ass.

    But despite her enviable body, Laura still had to take a breath to calm herself as she tossed the last of her clothes into her locker. The female rolled her shoulders, trying to loosen up and get over her jitters. After all, she was about to be in a no-holds-barred battle – getting naked was the easy part. Laura felt her cheeks grow hot, embarassed at her own embarassment. No one was even looking at her yet, but she could feel her heart pounding at the thought.

    Baby steps, then. Maybe she could start with a shower – a few minutes to get more comfortable in her own skin, and a chance to meet some of the other girls.

    Even having made the decision, it took a force of effort for her to actually grab her towel and start towards the showers. Once again, she could hear the muffled sounds of conversation coming from around the corner, the voices growing clearer as she approached.

    “–I mean, maybe you stay standing through one hit like that, but two? Honestly, I was shocked.”

    “Oh yeah, Gordon knows how to take a blow and fight through it. I’ve seen a few of his battle tapes–”

    Laura hung her towel on one of the metal hooks on the wall. From the corner of her eye, the brunette caught glances of a few other females already in the showers, but she was too shy to risk an actual look.

    “–impressive, for sure, but someday it’s going to cost him a testicle.”

    “Probably. Poor guy’s probably sterile already–”

    Uncertainly she padded into the room, her eyes trained on the floor as she found her way to the first available shower. Laura reached out to turn the water on, wincing at the sudden shock of water on her skin before her body grew used to the wetness. She reached up to brush her hair out of her eyes–

    "Well hey – can't say I recognize you. You new here?"

    Laura turned around to reply – and found herself looking at the largest pair of breasts she had ever laid eyes on. The brunette blinked once or twice, struck momentarily dumb, before taking in a bit more about the tall, hulking woman before her: a smooth tan belly, wide hips, thighs like thunder. She was built like a tank. A very, very attractive tank.

    "Uh...hi," Laura replied hesitantly, her eyes still tracing the larger girl's curves. "Yeah, this is my first day."

    "My eyes are up here, sweetheart," she rumbled, a hint of amusement in her voice.

    The brunette looked up with a start. "S-sorry! I didn't mean to gawk, I just–...I'm kind of new to this." She blushed. "I'm not really used showers."

    The stranger chuckled at that, scratching at her short-cropped black hair. "Relax, honey, you're not doing anything wrong. We're all ladies here. 'Sides, the whole stadium gets to see me in the buff every time I battle – I'd better be used to it by now." She held out a hand. "Name's Kelly."

    "Laura," she replied, shaking it. "Nice to meet you."

    "Same." Kelly took a step back into the shower spray, continuing to face the newcomer as the warm water ran down her back. "Your first day, huh? Who are you fighting?"

    With that question, Laura felt some of her earlier doubt return. "I-I'm not sure, actually. I wasn't scheduled to fight until next week, but somebody else cancelled and they needed a sub, so uh, here I am."

    "Really! And they didn't even tell you who you're up against? Well that ain't a proper introduction at all." Kelly frowned for a moment. "Still, I s'pose the basic strategies are the same no matter who you're facing." The big woman grinned. "You more of a ballbreaker, or a cocktease?"

    For the second time in as many minutes, Laura froze. "I-I beg your pardon?"

    "Y'know – when you're fighting a guy, do you scramble his eggs, or beat his meat? Or both, for that matter." Seeing Laura’s somewhat stunned expression, a concerned look spread across Kelly's face. "You do know what this league is mostly about, don't ya?"

    "O-of course," she replied quickly, "I just...I guess I haven't thought it out that much. I don't really have a strategy. Like I said, this is all a bit last-minute."

    "No strategy?" interjected a lithe blonde showering on the opposite side of Kelly. She left her own shower and took a few steps closer, joining the conversation. "Dear, you can't enter a battle without knowing what you're going to do. That's just asking for defeat."

    "Hey now, Emma, give her space – she's still figuring things out, and just because you're the master strategist doesn't mean you've got all the answers." Kelly smiled. "As I recall, even you were a little nervous before your first fight."

    Laura took a moment to size up this new acquaintance – skinny, long-legged, her shape much sleeker than Kelly's sturdy build. Probably a cocktease, going by Kelly's categorization. "Honestly?" said Laura, fidgeting nervously. "I'd love to be a...a 'ballbreaker', if I had the stones myself, but I'm not sure if I can go through with that. I mean, what if my opponent's a nice guy? I don't wanna leave him sterile."

    "Hey – that's a risk they signed up for."


    "Oh fine." She let out a sigh. "Well, if you're a newcomer, they probably won't put you against anyone with significantly more experience than you, so at the very least it'll be an even fight. If you're really feeling uncertain, you could just fight like it's a regulation fight, but believe me, you'll want to get in a nutshot or two if you can. Or some heavy petting, if you prefer."

    "Whatever feels right," said Kelly.

    Laura nodded slowly. "I think I understand."

    "Just make sure to take advantage of any openings – hesitation will kill you out there." Emma shook her head. "And try not to get too squeamish if things start getting messy."

    Laura was about to ask the blonde for clarification when a loud noise at the opposite end of the showers interrupted her. All three women turned to see the person who had just come in – a sweating, panting redhead with her hair askew and a wild look on her face. Freckles spotted her cheeks, and her ample chest heaved as she fought to catch her breath.

    Laura was a bit taken aback by the woman’s ragged appearance, but it didn't seem to faze either of her new friends. "Heya Blaze," said Kelly cheerfully, smiling at her fellow fighter as she entered the locker room. "How did the match g–"

    "Two minutes!" gasped Blaze, scrambling forwards into the showers. Hastily she pushed past the other naked females in the room, making a beeline for one of the private stalls against the rear wall and closing the door behind her with a none-too-gentle SLAM.

    As the female whisked past, Laura had to stumble several steps just to keep her balance – a move which brought her careening into the wet, naked Emma. She let out an "eep" at the unexpected sensation of bare skin on bare skin, blushing fiercely as she scampered away from the nude blonde. "S-sorry!" she stuttered immediately.

    "It's fine," said Emma, a hint of amusement in her voice.

    Kelly just chuckled. "Good heavens, girl, you've got to learn to relax." Kelly wrapped an arm around Laura's shoulders, pulling the skittish newcomer a bit closer. "I mean, honestly – if you're that tightly-wound around a man's meat and potatoes, I dunno how you're ever gonna win a match in this league."

    "H-heh, true..." Laura tried not to think too hard about the other naked female body she was now pressed up against...or the unknown opponent that she was scheduled to fight in under an hour. Unfortunately, that just conjured the image of those two nudes together: Kelly pounding the spunk out of some poor guy’s basket, the unidentified male crumpling to his knees as his nuts turned to peanut butter–


    The sound was a quiet one, but it was enough to snap Laura out of her rather vivid daydream. She cleared her throat awkwardly, blushing once again, and then turned her attention to the source of the new noise: the private stall where the redhead had disappeared just moments ago. "Um...was that other girl alright? She seemed pretty frazzled when she came in."

    "She's fine," answered Emma calmly. "Just give her a few minutes."

    "Heh – yeah, don't worry about Blaze." Kelly shared a knowing glance with Emma before turning back to the new recruit. "She just needs some cool-down time. Girl has a tendency to get a bit...excited after her matches."

    Laura frowned. "Excited? Why would she–"


    This time, the sound that came from the stall was so clearly, loudly, and unabashedly a moan of pleasure that Laura initially assumed it was a joke. That is, until a second moan followed, even more powerfully than the first, so shamelessly lustful that it almost made Laura’s own toes curl.

    Laura felt her cheeks turning red. "She's not...?"

    "She is," Kelly confirmed, blushing a bit herself. "As I said, Blaze is very...passionate about her matches."

    Laura turned to Emma, still somewhat convinced that it was all a joke, but the blonde just smiled silently back, even as another fevered cry came from Blaze’s stall. Laura's ears were burning, a mix of emotions jumbled up in her chest as the redhead’s pants and moans grew louder and more frantic, building to one prolonged, orgasmic squeal before finally fading back down to nothingness.

    In the silence that followed, Laura could hear her own heart pounding, her own breath a bit shorter and shallower. There was a long and awkward pause before the shower stall burst open once again, the door crashing into the wall with another indelicate WHAM. Inside stood a very soaked but very satisfied fighter, her breasts still heaving with each breath as she stumbled happily out into the common area.

    "Oh fuck, that was the best fight I've had in months," she breathed, her body still flushed with exertion and her green eyes bright with excitement. "Kelly, you have to watch the replay for this when it airs – they paired me up against this British guy, balls like canteloupes, and I just destroyed the dude. Double pop and everything! Oh god, that was good." Blaze planted her hands on her hips and panted for a moment, still short of breath from the ordeal.

    Laura was too stunned to respond.

    “I hope you at least let him blow first,” said Emma coolly.

    “Heh, depends what you mean by ‘first.’” She grinned. “He came right as I popped him. Tried to get me with a grapple, but I slipped in and slammed my knee up between his legs” – she took a moment to pantomime the action – “and the poor guy shot his load all over my thigh. I must have had a quart of spunk blasted on me. I’m gonna smell like sperm all day, but it was so worth it.”

    “He came just from that?” Kelly asked incredulously.

    She shook her head. “Oh god, no, I’d been teasing him all match – a few strokes here and there, a lick or two, all the usual stuff. I actually thought he might cum right at the beginning, but then I got a solid ball-squeeze in and that seemed to take the edge off.”

    Laura was still staring stupidly at Blaze’s seed-soaked thigh when her brain finally caught up with the conversation, and it struck her with a start that she was looking at some poor bloke’s last chance at children. "Shouldn't we, uh, save some of that? In case he wants kids or something?"

    Kelly smiled and shook her head. "No, sugar, he's already been to the sperm bank. They wouldn’t let him fight somebody as highly-ranked as Blaze without taking a sample first."

    "Besides,” added the redhead, looking down at her leg, “I kneed it right out of his nuts – whatever sperm there are are probably pretty bent out of shape."

    Emma rolled her eyes. "It doesn't work that way."

    It was only then that Blaze seemed to take note of the newcomer. “Oh hey – are you new? Don’t think we’ve met before. I’m Blaze.”

    “L-Laura,” she replied, rather unsteadily. “And, um...I don’t know if this is a weird question, but shouldn’t you be a little more...y’know...concerned that you just shattered a guy’s testicles?

    Blaze shrugged. “Why? He’s got sperm samples. He knew what he was getting into. And if I wasn’t comfortable popping nuts, I wouldn’t be here.”

    Emma nodded her agreement. “Laura, dear, if you’re going to fight in the Underground League, you’ve got to get more comfortable with injuries. Fighting is rough; this kind of stuff happens.”

    “I know, I know.” She twisted her mouth. “I mean, I’ve fractured my wrist battling before, and I cracked an opponent’s rib in college, but it just seems...different, hitting below the belt. Unfair.”

    “You’ve never neutered a guy before, then?” asked Blaze, folding her arms across her chest.

    "No!" Laura replied, startled. “Of course not.”

    Blaze frowned. "Okay then – what's the worst you've done to a guy? Knees, stomps?"

    Laura blushed. "I mean, I've kicked a few, but that's all–"

    “So you have busted balls, then.”

    “Well, yeah...hasn’t every girl at some point? I’ve never ‘popped’ one, though.”

    Blaze cocked an eyebrow. “Are you sure?”

    “I...” Her cheeks burned. “Pretty sure.”

    The redhead shrugged. “Honestly, it can be kinda hard to tell when you don’t have much experience. Testicles are sturdy little things, but the difference between a bruise and a rupture is just a bit of strength or a bit of luck.”

    “You can usually tell from the guy’s reaction, though,” countered Emma. “I mean, it varies guy to guy, but the squealing is pretty hard to miss.”

    Laura blinked. “Then...have you both popped a ball before? Or...”

    Kelly at least had the modesty to look embarrassed. "I mean, I don't go out there trying to leave a guy with a sack full o' mush – I just wanna make 'em swell a bit. But I'm a big girl, and things get heated in a battle, and sometimes you accidentally do some damage. It's just part of the sport, sweet pea."

    Laura looked increasingly lost. "So you've done it too?"

    She looked at her feet. “A few times.”

    Emma chuckled. "A few?”

    “Seven.” The taller woman grumbled. “Seven times. But only two of those guys lost ‘em both!”

    “And you got both those guys off before you neutered ‘em, right?” added Blaze. “That was considerate.”

    Laura shook her head, trying to gather her thoughts. “Listen, I...I understand that going for the groin is a big part of the strategy here, and I know that almost every girl in the League does it. But I’m just not sure I could–...I mean, if I actually, y’know–...” She winced at the thought. “If I’m gonna end up doing permanent damage to some guy, then maybe I just shouldn't go for the balls."

    "But they're just hanging there!" Blaze argued. She was pouting now. "It's literally like a punching bag! You just get between a guy's legs and POW POW POW, you go to town!"

    "And it's such an obvious weak point," added Emma calmly. "If this were a normal fight, Laura, you wouldn't refrain from kicks or something just because they hurt, right? They give you a huge tactical advantage. Testicles work the same way – they give men more strength and aggression, but they give us an opportunity to equalize."

    "Fine, I guess, but popping them? That seems extreme.” The brunette bit her lip. “I...I guess maybe I could restrict myself to lighter attacks – slaps or punches, stuff like that. Better than stomping or biting or something...”

    “You really think that’s gonna make a difference?” Kelly chuckled. “You can beat ‘em or scramble ‘em, dear – either way, you’re serving up his eggs for breakfast.”

    "And you’re being way too cautious,” said Blaze, folding her arms across her chest. “I mean, that's why guys have two – so you can burst a ball without having to worry about it."

    "But you just burst both of that guy’s!"

    Kelly rumbled. "Honey, he was a veteran fighter – if he was fighting Blaze, he'd been in at least a dozen matches before, and in every one of those matches he'd probably had his spuds kicked into his throat. I'd be amazed if he could still shoot swimmers even if Freckle Butt here hadn't turned his plums to pudding."

    "Exactly." Blaze nodded. "Any guy who's been here for more than a few matches knows what he's getting into – you don't move up the ranks without putting on a good show, and for the guys that means getting your nuts kicked in. I mean, the overall win record is like 75% female, 25% male.”

    “I guess that makes sense...I still feel a little bad, though.” Laura looked down at her feet. “I mean, if you break your opponent’s nuts, you’ve just ended the poor guy’s sex life.”

    Emma nodded. “Well yes, it is a shame, but it’s a natural part of battle. And as far as sex lives go: do you know how many groupies the fighters here get? That guy that Blaze just cracked had probably had more orgasms in the past month than the average man off the street will in his entire life.”

    Laura blinked. “Really? Wouldn’t he be too, y’know...sore for that?”

    “You’d think so, but the girls love nursing a guy back to health.” Kelly chucked. “Besides – gotta check that the plumbing still works, right?”

    “Convenient form of birth control, too,” noted Emma matter-of-factly. “Probably not as effective as the Pill, but still – kicks in the groin definitely lower sperm count.”

    “Unless you’re that poor Andrew fella,” Kelly noted.

    “Heh. True.”

    Laura frowned. “Who?”

    “A fighter named Andrew Stokes – I battled him once. Nice guy, but crap at defense. Especially from knees.” Kelly shook her head. “Anywho, he went home with some random fan chick a few months ago, expecting some fun, but it turns out she was one of the kinky ones. Took the phrase ‘balls of steel’ a bit too literally, I guess.”

    “She crushed his nuts while they were having sex,” explained Emma. “With an ‘accidental’ squeeze during her orgasm, if you believe her side of the story.”

    “PLUS he got her pregnant,” chimed in Blaze. “That’s just adding insult to injury.”

    “Hmm, I don’t know...if I were a man and my junk got turned to jelly, I might actually be happy that I knocked someone up first.”

    “Yeah, but now he’s gotta pay child support! And since it happened outside the arena, he doesn’t even get a bonus for losing his testicles.”

    Laura cleared her throat, drawing the other girls’ attention once more. “Geez. Um...are the crazy fans common?”

    Kelly shook her head. “Not really, but you do have to avoid the occasional oddball. This guy came up to me the other day and asked me to kick him..."

    "You didn't?" asked Blaze, surprised. "I always do. It's a free shot in the nuts!"

    "It's a lawsuit waiting to happen," replied Emma.

    "Maybe if you pop 'em, yeah, but we've all got good enough control not to do that."

    Kelly rolled her eyes. “Point is, it’s not bad. And better for us than the guys.”

    Blaze put a hand to her heart. “Rest in peace, Andrew’s nuts.”

    “Oh shut your trap,” replied Kelly, affectionately slugging her on the arm. “You’re one to talk. Your legs are like a testicle graveyard.”

    “Hell yeah they are! HA!” Blaze threw a practice kick, her foot slamming upwards into empty space. “Oh fuck, I can’t wait to get the tapes for this last match–”

    “Uh, guys?” interjected Emma. “I think we’re overwhelming the newcomer.”

    All eyes turned to Laura.

    “Oh no! I’m not...I mean...” Laura swallowed nervously. “It is kind of a bit much, to hear you talking so casually know...but I think I’m getting more used to it. This has helped a lot.” She paused. “I’ve got plenty to think about, anyway.”

    Kelly nodded. “I’m sure you do. And we probably shouldn’t be filling your head with too many thoughts before your first match – we don’t want to distract you, after all.”

    “Of course not,” replied Laura, her eyes falling to Kelly’s breasts once again.

    She chuckled. “When the time comes, you’ll know the right thing to do.”

    “And the right thing,” added Blaze, “is obviously to punt the guy’s stones into his stomach.”

    “Or to tease him ‘til he blows,” added Emma. “Also a valid option.”

    Laura smiled. “I’ll figure it out. But, um...I guess I should probably go get ready for my match now, huh? It’s already kinda getting late.”

    “I’d say you’re ready,” said Kelly with a grin.

    “Mmm,” said Emma.

    “Yep,” agreed Blaze. “Oh, and P.S.? The fans are gonna love you, little miss sexy.”

    “Eep!” Laura jumped in surprise as the redhead gave her a friendly slap on the ass. “T-Thanks!”

    And so Laura turned to leave for her first Underground League match, trying to ignore the butterflies in her stomach.

    Behind her, the other girls shouted a few last words of encouragement:

    “Good luck, Laura!”

    “Knock ‘em dead, girl!”

    “...Knock ‘em flat, more like.”


    Oh shit–

    It was all she could do to twist her body out of the way of her opponent’s haymaker; as it was it still brushed her hip, sending a jolt of pain up her side. Laura bit back a yelp. Sure, a partial dodge was better than no dodge, but even so, glancing blows hurt.

    Laura ignored the chance to counterattack and instead darted a few steps away, taking the opportunity to gather herself. The fight had been a bit shaky from the start. It had taken some courage to actually walk out onto the dry dirt of the stadium, in front of all those people without a shred of clothing on – but any nervousness about her wardrobe had quickly been replaced by the need to dodge quick fast now look out

    Which she did, again, sidestepping her opponent as he rushed her and unleashing a kick at his back in reply. The man deflected the strike with his arm, whirling to face her again.

    Neither opponent had landed a solid blow yet, but both were clearly feeling the strain of battle. Laura wiped the sweat from her brow, panting heavily. Her opponent – Randall, his name was – clearly had the speed advantage, and she was now struggling to keep pace. She needed a hit, and soon.

    But Randall had no intention of giving her an opening. The male dashed towards her once more, and Laura quickly side-stepped to the left...but this time he had anticipated the move. She threw up her arms to block, but it didn’t matter: he came crashing into her, a headbutt connecting squarely with her chest and knocking her off her feet.

    Laura fell hard, the air ****** from her lungs as she crashed to the dirt. She gasped for breath, coughing at the dust cloud around her, eyes finding her opponent just as he leapt forward to slam his body down on top of hers.

    With no time to react, she lashed up blindly, a crack echoing through the stadium as her bare foot connected with her opponent above. With the additional upward momentum, he soared straight overhead and tumbled to the ground beyond her, kicking up another cloud of dust. Scrambling, Laura rolled to her hands and knees, jumping up into a defensive stance to shield from his next attack–

    –But the next blow didn’t come. She’d expected another rapid strike while she was down – something to disorient her while she was still getting her bearings – but instead she watched with some confusion as the male took a moment to climb to his feet, looking considerably less steady than he had a moment before. He was hunched over a bit, his face tight with pain, his legs squeezed together as if...

    Laura’s eyes widened in understanding just as Randall lunged for her with a cry.

    But the man failed to reach her. Suddenly he was stopped a foot from her face: his forward momentum coming to a sudden abrupt halt, his fierce look replaced with one of shock. It had been an instinctive move, so it took Laura a moment to realize just what she’d done – the way she’d brought up her knee to stop him, and how it had hit home squarely between his legs, hard enough to bring the entire attack to a halt.

    A thrill ran through her as her brain connected the dots: the queasy look spreading across her opponent’s face; the two distinct lumps she felt against her bare thigh, pinned there between her leg and his pelvis. Despite her earlier misgivings, Laura felt the stirrings of pride. She’d done it! She’d flattened his nuts without even trying! Without even meaning to! And it felt...well, to be honest, it felt...

    Randall quivered in place like a firework about to go off, body struggling to process the wave of pain radiating outwards from his crushed spuds. But after a long pause, Laura lowered her knee a few inches, enough to let his squashed gonads reinflate to their usual round shape. He slumped with visible relief, looking up at the brunette with gratitude as he reached to cup his bruised balls.

    Laura’s hand got there first.

    And squeeeeeezed.


    BATTLE RESULTS for Friday, July 20th

    Kelly Moores (43-15) vs. Cody Lank (14-22)
    Victor: Kelly Moores (KO via uppercut to the groin)
    Summary: Cody’s speed advantage gave him an early lead, but after Kelly got him off with a handjob, it was easy clean-up for the veteran fighter. Read complete battle summary »
    Duration: 8:44
    Injuries: bruised pelvis (mild)
    View highlights »

    Emma Rosel (25-18) vs. Max Freel (8-17)
    Victor: Max Freel (judges’ decision)
    Summary: This fight was a sexual war of attrition – both competitors seducing each other to the point of exhaustion. Read complete battle summary »
    Duration: 15:00
    Injuries: none
    View highlights »

    Blaze Grinnell (107-22) vs. Lance Marshburn (33-31)
    Victor: Blaze Grinnell (KO + testicular rupture via kick)
    Summary: Here’s one for the highlight reel. Blaze controlled the tempo of the match from the start, teasing Lance to the edge before driving his plums into his throat in an explosive finish. Read complete battle summary »
    Duration: 7:19
    Injuries: Double rupture; recovery unlikely. Medical report »
    View highlights »

    Laura Pratt (1-0) vs. Randall Walken (0-1)
    Victor: Laura Pratt (KO via testicle squeeze)
    Summary: Despite some initial hesitation, Laura overcame Randall’s strong offense and rallied from behind to seize the win. Read complete battle summary »
    Duration: 6:32
    Injuries: none
    View highlights »
    Last edited by poiu; 06-21-2014 at 02:25 PM. Reason: Fixed some formatting.

  14. #14
    Big Supporter TVEE's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Really good stories .. Please keep posting

  15. #15
    Big Supporter Alec Anaconda, A1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Learning the Ropes.
    This is a fascinating start.
    I do enjoy M/F fighting, especially nude and erotic wrestling, but I find testicular destruction a turn off.
    Please continue.
    Alec Anaconda

    Please click on book covers to read extracts.


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