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Thread: Penectomy enthusiasts

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Penectomy enthusiasts

    Hi im new here and was wondering how many of you out there are interested in penectomy type stuff either as well as ball busting/********** or without? In particular I'd like to ask the females here as I've always found it difficult to find women who are interested in cock chopping/ball crushing etc and willing to discuss it. In particular I'd like to ask what it is you like about this, is it the chopping itself, the feeling of power involved, or the after effects on the guy? Or all three? Of the men here I'd like to ask if they see it as a fantasy or an a hopeful one day reality (or maybe current day).

    Hope I haven't been too forwards. How do I post pictures here? I have a small collection I think people here would enjoy.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    any free image hosting places, imageshack etc

  3. #3
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    i wouldn't recommend imageshack as they remove adult content, but you can use just mark it not safe for work in the drop down box.

    As for buckrix's question, i have fantasized about a woman crushing my balls but it's not something that i would like to become a reality. i love ball busting and if a woman crushes my balls then that would also end ball busting and that wouldn't be fun

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Penectomy is one of my favorite fantasies, that and balls being crushed in a vise.

  5. #5
    Big Supporter Rebecca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by justtestingstuff View Post
    Penectomy is one of my favorite fantasies, that and balls being crushed in a vise.
    I too love the fantasy of a guy losing his dick! Lots of interesting ways to do it too!


  6. #6
    Big Supporter frostbyte252252's Avatar
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    Im not in to penectomomy. I dunno what it is. Ballbusting yay! but as soon as it moved to the dick RIP my boner. I know a lot of guys here are like this. Dunno why.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by frostbyte252252 View Post
    Im not in to penectomomy. I dunno what it is. Ballbusting yay! but as soon as it moved to the dick RIP my boner. I know a lot of guys here are like this. Dunno why.
    I don't really want either removed but the appeal is the power the fantasy women has. Your balls or dick don't belong to you, there hers. She can band the balls and decide how long to leave them banded, long or to long. Same with penectomy. She's got your goods in the garden shears and does she pinch it just till it hurts or will you see a sparkle in her eye as she as she flicks the wrist just a little more.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebecca View Post
    I too love the fantasy of a guy losing his dick! Lots of interesting ways to do it too!

    What are some of your favourite methods for it to be done can I ask? And if a guy came to you wanting you to chop his penis off with no way of any legal type action later if he changes his mind etc would you (or any of the other females here) want to/be able to do it? Im interested because as a guy very into penectomy fantasy it's very hard to find women who are into such things and willing to discuss it and so your views are of great interest to me. Have you ever told a guy about your fantasies by the way? Apart from people online iv only told one girl. Much to my initial relief she was fairly indifferent towards it, but of course after I'd got used to someone else knowing my dirty little secret fantasy it got quite annoying that she had no interest in it. Aah well.
    Anywhose....any thoughts ladies?

  9. #9
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    while i definitely don't want to lose my happy stick, the fantasy of a woman removing a man's penis is highly erotic. I love to see pictures where a woman is holding a knife to a man's penis... or has his penis in a pair of scissors.

  10. #10
    Member slavewill's Avatar
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    spending more than a year in chastity, my late Girlfriend/Mistress often talked of filling the lock with glue. than after reading several articles about penectomy's. She thought this would be better way for Her slave, to remain a sexually frustrated servant. She would miss having a dick to torture and train me but, than She enjoyed kicking, whipping and squeezing my balls more.

    Mistress also concluded that with the slaves useless dick gone, it would be easier to get to the balls, while facesitting Her slave. after more than two hours, the mouth becomes sore and the tongue begins to slow. What better way to get to the slaves balls with the crop, cane or whip to speed up the slaves tongue service and pleasuring of his Mistress.

    Mistress also thought that this would be a wonderful way to rid the world of small penis's, less than 7 inches. if preserved, the penis could be hung from the slaves collar, showing all of Mistress's friends what Her slave used to have between its legs.

    the more Mistress read, the more She wanted this of Her slave. unfortunatly She became ill and never followed through with Her penectomy desires.

  11. #11
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    For some time now I have wanted to have my penis removed by women. Then I would be their cockhold slave. I think it would be fun for a girl to be able to tease me mercilessly and endlessly frustrate me while I accompany her to gang bang parties. I would attend to ALL of her needs except the sexual ones. We would also be best friends and spend all of our time together. She would talk to me about all of her sexuall experiences and I would share with her my deep frustration and how I wish I could have my penis back so I could relieve this frustration.

    To me the most exciting part of this thought is wanting my penis back and wanting to function like i did before having it removed but being stuck with it off forever.

  12. #12
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    Here's a few pics for ya'll and to get this thread going a bit here's a list of my favourite ways for a a guy to have his dick chopped off:

    *With a big pair of scissors. I like the idea of being tied up and allowed to cum one last time before it's cut off in one quick slicing squeeze of the handles.
    *With a guillotine. I love the threat and the power she'd have over you as she holds the rope, knowing it'l only take one quick tug for his cock to be sliced clean off
    *Sliced off on a chopping block with a meat cleaver. A simple classic.
    *Tying a ring of fire crackers around the base of it and lighting a really long fuse.
    *Trapping it between some elevator doors and sending the lift up
    *Using a really powerfull rat trap attached to a ruler. Once your cock gets fully erect it's triggered chopping it clean in half.
    *And here's a slightly elaborate one I read somewhere that I thought some of you may like. "Tie him up and then tie a tight cord around the base of it (to prevent him dying from blood loss) then tell him its always been your fantasy to chop off a guys penis. Talk him into it by saying you'll take him to the hospital straight after to sew it back on and promise him a year of blowjobs, threesomes and any sexual fantasies he wants. Once he lets you (and even if he doesnt of course!) chop it off with garden shears and put it in a blender holding your finger over the button. Then you can make him your slave! warning if he doesnt do what you want you'll press the button and if he's not quick about it they wont be able to sew it back on! Of course when your done teasing and torturing him you can do as you promised and take him to the hostpital...or you could 'accidentally' press the button just as he thinks your going to take him to the hostpital! The look on his face as he see's his manhood turned to soup would be priceless! And of course you'v then got a nice meat paste treat for the dog!

    Anyone have any other interesting idea's? Please post them!

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 22.jpg   24.jpg   25.jpg   28.jpg   30.jpg  

  13. #13
    Big Supporter johnny_cockNballs's Avatar
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    Here is true story of guy lose his cock n balls.

  14. #14
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  15. #15
    Junior Member
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    Thanks Bernd,

    I have been a fan of your work for a while now. It was you that inspired me to create this manip.
    Last edited by slim; 11-07-2008 at 07:08 PM.

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