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Thread: Furry Ballbusting

  1. #916
    Big Supporter Alec Anaconda's Avatar
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    Mythical Pain: Man this thread is slow lately.

    It’s looking like people are becoming too busy to type.

    Here are three more threads that are also too slow for my liking.

    Alec Anaconda

  2. #917
    Big Supporter Mythical Pain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alec Anaconda View Post
    Mythical Pain: Man this thread is slow lately.

    It’s looking like people are becoming too busy to type.

    Here are three more threads that are also too slow for my liking.

    Alec Anaconda
    I made a post on one of them! ...As you saw lol. Trying to do my part anyway.

    Seriously, what's so slow about this place, and especially this thread lately? I swear half the folks who posted here regularly when I first joined don't even show up lately, unless they're just lurking, or no longer enjoy this thread.

    Anyone else do any furry ballbusting writing lately? I've gotten some done, but took a break to go to a furry convention and have a lotta fun hehe.

    Someone else needs to write up some furry nut crunching fun for us to enjoy!

  3. #918
    Big Supporter Mythical Pain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aiam View Post
    Melissa kicking Jerrod straight out of your story in those clothes
    Just curious, how's it coming? Had a chance to get started or just brainstorming? ::Grins:: Really can't wait to see it!

  4. #919
    Big Supporter Alec Anaconda's Avatar
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    Mythical Pain:

    Seriously, what's so slow about this place, and especially this thread lately? I swear half the folks who posted here regularly when I first joined don't even show up lately, unless they're just lurking, or no longer enjoy this thread.

    I can’t speak for others, but I find I’m just so busy.

    There seems to be fewer hours in a week than there were years ago, and so many ways to fill those hours.

    In addition, the user interface to this forum becomes less friendly as software moves on.

    I prefer to write in Word 7, but when I want exact formatting, I need to use Notepad as an intermediate stage and then format manually.

    Most times I either, edit each space to two spaces then paste in and tolerate this forum’s interpretation, or just type into the wretchedly tiny window.

    Alec Anaconda

  5. #920
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    I'm still around! Just insanely busy. Though I did write about a thousand more words of the last chapter of Dragon Slaying last week. That was the first time I'd touched it in like two months, but still :P

    FellArts posted a really nice M/M Pokemon BB pic over on InkBunny recently, if anybody wants to go find it. (Might update this post with a link later.)

  6. #921
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    Hi Myth
    Slow happens sometimes man ::nods:: I'm on fur porn sites where they complain about people not posting things these days.
    Like Alec said, I'm just busy :} Although I did have an awesome idea for a short story today. I might try writing on my tablet computer sometime. There is just not enough time to sit at a computer at home, heh.
    Glad to hear you made it to a con though! Where'd you go??

  7. #922
    Big Supporter Mythical Pain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alec Anaconda View Post
    In addition, the user interface to this forum becomes less friendly as software moves on.

    I prefer to write in Word 7, but when I want exact formatting, I need to use Notepad as an intermediate stage and then format manually.

    Most times I either, edit each space to two spaces then paste in and tolerate this forum’s interpretation, or just type into the wretchedly tiny window.

    Alec Anaconda
    Ugh, I know how you feel. I post my stories on some furry sites, as well, and I'm unable to get the formatting right on any of them. I really want my formatting to come out proper, that is, looking like actual prose in a novel with each paragraph and new line of dialogue indented and so forth.

    But as I usually write my stuff in a word processor and then copy/paste it, it's nearly impossible to get that done. So I finally just gave up and settled for the far less professional looking double space for new paragraphs/dialogue. Guess it works, lol.

  8. #923
    Big Supporter Mythical Pain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poiu View Post
    I'm still around! Just insanely busy. Though I did write about a thousand more words of the last chapter of Dragon Slaying last week. That was the first time I'd touched it in like two months, but still :P

    FellArts posted a really nice M/M Pokemon BB pic over on InkBunny recently, if anybody wants to go find it. (Might update this post with a link later.)
    Excellent! Good to know you're still working on it! I finally got Dragon Tribe 2 finished today, rough draft at least. Probably give it a quick edit tomorrow and just toss it up on the other sites lol.

    Inkbunny eh? Heard of it but haven't really checked it out. Are they pretty story-focused? Or at least have a big crowd? I find my writing gets a much bigger audience on SF then it does FA.

  9. #924
    Big Supporter Mythical Pain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beaktooth View Post
    Hi Myth
    Slow happens sometimes man ::nods:: I'm on fur porn sites where they complain about people not posting things these days.
    Like Alec said, I'm just busy :} Although I did have an awesome idea for a short story today. I might try writing on my tablet computer sometime. There is just not enough time to sit at a computer at home, heh.
    Glad to hear you made it to a con though! Where'd you go??
    You should wriiiiiiite iiiiiit! Lol. Would love to see one of your furry or scaly ballbusting stories on here! And yeah, the con was a lotta fun! I'll send ya a PM about it hehe. Posted up some pics on my FA.

  10. #925
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    It's been a while since I've had anything to offer but here's something I think you may all enjoy. A bit of Pokemon abuse via telekinesis and a baseball bat.
    This is my signature.
    There are many others like it, but this one is mine.

  11. #926
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fallen Arts View Post
    It's been a while since I've had anything to offer but here's something I think you may all enjoy. A bit of Pokemon abuse via telekinesis and a baseball bat.

  12. #927
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    I'm always lurking, and post links when I happen to stumble across them. Unfortunately, I'm not much when it comes to art, so I can't really contribute in that arena. As for writing, well, folks like Mythical Pain and Poiu are hard acts to follow.

  13. #928
    Big Supporter Mythical Pain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SagaDC View Post
    I'm always lurking, and post links when I happen to stumble across them. Unfortunately, I'm not much when it comes to art, so I can't really contribute in that arena. As for writing, well, folks like Mythical Pain and Poiu are hard acts to follow.
    Appreciate the compliment! But by all means don't let that stop you! If people decided against writing or composing music or making movies just because they weren't sure they would live up to others, nothing creative would ever get done!

    It's not a competition, its just all in good fun! I know I'd love to read any furry or otherwise ballbusting stories you came up with! Would love seeing more folks posting up some fun ballbusting stories in this thread, even if they were just a few simple paragraphs.

  14. #929
    Big Supporter Mythical Pain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fallen Arts View Post
    It's been a while since I've had anything to offer but here's something I think you may all enjoy. A bit of Pokemon abuse via telekinesis and a baseball bat.
    Nice to see you still hanging around! You ever watch or post on your FA much anymore? I just posted up Dragon Tribe 2, hehe.

    Love that artwork! Poor lil poke-makers never stood a chance!

  15. #930
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alec Anaconda View Post
    Mythical Pain:

    Seriously, what's so slow about this place, and especially this thread lately? I swear half the folks who posted here regularly when I first joined don't even show up lately, unless they're just lurking, or no longer enjoy this thread.

    I can’t speak for others, but I find I’m just so busy.

    There seems to be fewer hours in a week than there were years ago, and so many ways to fill those hours.

    In addition, the user interface to this forum becomes less friendly as software moves on.

    I prefer to write in Word 7, but when I want exact formatting, I need to use Notepad as an intermediate stage and then format manually.

    Most times I either, edit each space to two spaces then paste in and tolerate this forum’s interpretation, or just type into the wretchedly tiny window.

    Alec Anaconda
    I'm still checking the thread every once in a while.

    Mostly I just re-read Snoodle's stories over on the EA, those stories are great! Especially the ones with the dog/wolves/horses.

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