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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #136
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    Sep 2005

    Troubled, please continue the pseudo nut cutting pics


    Please continue the pseudo nut cutting pics of women cutting out men's nuts.
    I'm really enjoying the pics you posted showing women ********** men. I would like to see any and all the pictures like this that you have. If you have any pseudo nut cutting videos or video clips showing women ********** men, would enjoy seeing them too. Would especially like to see pics and videos where the woman doing the ********** is wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.

  2. #137
    Supreme Poster chewbally's Avatar
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    The sleeves are long but they ain't rolled up.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails sleeves.jpg  

  3. #138
    Supreme Poster ilny2000's Avatar
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    Stumbled across this picture yesterday... enjoy!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails i-take-these-balls.jpg  

  4. #139
    Big Supporter Troubled's Avatar
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    Get the wallet out

    Dear Pet,
    I’m sure you could get what you want if you get yer wallet out. Ask Sharon to do a set for you. I’m sure they’d set it up for a few hundred bucks If our generous hosts here are not up 4 it then I believe might oblige. Dig deep. Make sure you share the wealth too.

    Here's 4 different ways of doing the job - which is best?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails ca2_10.jpg   ca2_1_11.jpg   ca2_15_3.jpg   14.jpg  
    Currently trying to be less Trouble than Trouble

  5. #140
    Supreme Poster Dualing Banjo's Avatar
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    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Troubled
    Here's 4 different ways of doing the job - which is best?
    Not the saw and not the hammer If I have to chose I'd go for the clean cut. While a knife could provide this OK something seems to pull me toward those snipper/crusher things. I guess I'm not alone in this, as at least 50% of ********** poses seem to involve these kinds of implements. I get rock hard when a girl puts my nads in such things, squeezes the handles so it hurts, looks me in the eye and threatens to destroy me. It is a very trusting thing to do. I get even hornier if I’m restrained in such a way as to be powerless to stop her. Methinks its a little like playing Russian Roulette tho’. If I manage to engineer this scenario with enough women sooner or later one might take it a little far. I have met a couple of girls who actually liked the idea of ********** me – maybe I shouldn’t have let them slip through my fingers. One used to tie my balls using piano wire and a slip not and tie it to a hook the ceiling while I stood on a stool in handcuffs. She’d then torment me and threaten to pull the stool away until I promised to give her a massage or lick her cunt and arse for an hour or wotever she fancied. Once she left the room and went to watch a film!! I was petrified that I might fall.

    Any girls in the UK interested in getting to know me while my balls are completely in their power please get in touch. The ball’s in your court… or snippers…. or mangle…. or wot-have-you. I really like the idea of a girl that likes this kind of stuff and I'd certainly make it worth her while
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails bs4.jpg  

  6. #141
    Supreme Poster chewbally's Avatar
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    She's nailed his nuts to a board!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails IM000319.jpg  

  7. #142
    Supreme Poster chewbally's Avatar
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    I'm not really sure wots going on here
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 917hms026-10.jpg  

  8. #143
    Supreme Poster chewbally's Avatar
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    If you shag the wrong woman in parts of the world they’ll cut your dick off. Movie of such at link below. Still shots attached.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 1.jpg   2.jpg   3.jpg  

  9. #144
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    Sep 2005

    seeks pics of femdom ********** surgery

    Seeking pics of femdom surgical ********** where the castratrix is surgically removing her male/eunuch victim's testicles the way a surgeon or veterinarian would perform the operation. Can be in an operating room setting or some other femdom scene setting. The male doesn't even have to be human it can be a male farm or ranch animal being ********* on the farm or ranch by a woman, but would prefer her victim to be human.

    Would really love to see some pics like this where the castratrix is wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.

    I know I keep asking about this. It's just that I have been looking for this for a really really long time. If anyone has anything like this please post it here even if you have to somehow make it up.


  10. #145
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    Handjob **********

    Another fantasy thought came to me.

    What about the idea of somehow a girl giving a guy a handjob/balljob till it destroys his balls cause they just can't take it any longer?

    Or maybe she has developed some new chemical that reacts with both a guy's male body chemistry and a girl's female body chemistry. The girl puts this chemical on her hands to use as a lubricant to give him a handjob and just as he's about to cum it turns his balls to a liquid and his balls flow out of him with his last cum?

    Ok, it's way out different and I know impossible, but it's a fantasy.

  11. #146
    Supreme Poster chewbally's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Castratrix's pet
    Would really love to see some pics like this where the castratrix is wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
    Like Troubled said, the only way you are really going to get exactly what you want is to pay for it. Have you tried this?

  12. #147
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    Will have to enjoy what pics and videos I can find

    On my income I really can't afford to have any pics or videos custom made like this. I'm sure it would cost lots and lots of money.

    Also I don't know where I would find the people, props, and so forth to make them anyway. I especially don't know where I would find a woman willing to be in such pictures or videos.

    So I guess I will just have to enjoy the femdom ********** pictures and videos or video clips I can find already made even if they don't have all the elements I'm looking for, like the castratrix wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows, or her doing the operation the way a surgeon or a veterinarian would do it.

    So if anyone has any more femdom ********** pics or videos at all please post them here so we can all enjoy them.

  13. #148
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    Where did these fantasies come from and what are we searching for here?

    This thread is about ********** fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.

    Where do femdom ********** fantasies come from, what causes them? What do these fantasies mean?

    In most cases, maybe in all cases, when someone has a fantasy or fantasies there is something they are searching for through those fantasies. What is it that people with femdom ********** fantasies are really searching for through these fantasies?

    Men who have fantasies about being ********* by a woman or by women and then even serving the castratrix as her eunuch slave, what is it these men are really searching for through these fantasies?

    Women who have fantasies about ********** a man where she herself performs the ********** and then even ******* him to serve her as her eunuch pet, or women who are turned on or find such fantasies interesting, what is it these women are really searching for through these fantasies?

    What is the best way to handle or deal with these fantasies?

    This is something I have been asking for a long time but have found no real answers. What does anyone here think, how would you answer these questions?

  14. #149
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    Are there any femdom ********** sites?

    Does anyone know of any femdom ********** sites? I'm looking for sites on the internet dedicated to femdom **********, to men being ********* by women with women performing the castrations.

    I know about and I know about some of the sites on Yahoo.

    Are there any other sites on the internet about dominant women ********** men or male slaves?

  15. #150
    Registered Member
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    Oct 2005


    Crazy way....))

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