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Thread: BB Cartoons 2

  1. #1
    Big Supporter Richter's Avatar
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    BB Cartoons 2

    Sorry, but that other thread is ridiculous. It's a picture exchange with more dialogue than a Kevin Smith film and less pictures than War and Peace.

    Incidentally, the third pic in may not actually be BB. Ragdoll (the bloke getting raked) removed his own naughty bits because A) he's insane and B) they got in the way of his contortionist gimmick.
    Last edited by Richter; 11-14-2007 at 01:44 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    this will be much better, thank you

  3. #3
    Big Supporter silvia_lati's Avatar
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  4. #4
    Big Supporter cutponies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by silvia_lati View Post
    She doesn't think much of your starting a thread with the same name as another.

    Neither do I!

    My P.M.s are full of "What's going on?"

    Thanks for the confusion A** H***!

    P.S. We'll see who prospers and who withers!
    P.P.S. The reason there are few pictures is because I custom draw them! Like to see you try!

  5. #5
    Big Supporter try's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cutponies View Post
    She doesn't think much of your starting a thread with the same name as another.

    Neither do I!

    My P.M.s are full of "What's going on?"

    Thanks for the confusion A** H***!

    P.S. We'll see who prospers and who withers!
    P.P.S. The reason there are few pictures is because I custom draw them! Like to see you try!
    Hi CP, got your PM which alerted me to this thread, and nice bit of wordplay on my name! If Richter isn't impressed by the original cartoons thread, well thats his opinion but many seem pleased to use it. And if he's not an artist himself he won't be aware of the time and effort that goes into producing original pictures.

    Oh and who the heck is Kevin Smith?

  6. #6
    Big Supporter Richter's Avatar
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    Kevin Smith is a film maker whose films are very dialogue-based. They have a lot of talking. Chasing Amy, Mallrats, Clerks I & II.

    FYI, I don't claim to be an artist and I don't plan to have a flame war or extensive conversation on a fetish messageboard. I'm just dropping off some pics I like because I've gotten some pics I like from this board.
    Last edited by Richter; 11-14-2007 at 01:44 PM.

  7. #7
    Big Supporter Richter's Avatar
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    Also, keep in mind I'm not claiming anything original about these. In fact, most of these are already represented in the current thread. Sometimes a reader's digest version with a lot less talking is nice though. In case you notice some are different, a couple I recolored or tweaked to my liking. The kinderqueen pictures for instance creeped me out that it was a green skinned guy.
    Last edited by Richter; 11-14-2007 at 01:44 PM.

  8. #8
    Big Supporter Richter's Avatar
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    A few more.
    Last edited by Richter; 11-14-2007 at 01:44 PM.

  9. #9
    Big Supporter Richter's Avatar
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    A few more again.
    Last edited by Richter; 11-14-2007 at 01:44 PM.

  10. #10
    Big Supporter Richter's Avatar
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    I hope this isn't considered spamming. I just wanted to upload all the pictures at once in one thread so they were easy to find.
    Last edited by Richter; 11-14-2007 at 01:44 PM.

  11. #11
    Big Supporter Richter's Avatar
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    And the last one for right now.
    Last edited by Richter; 11-14-2007 at 01:44 PM.

  12. #12
    Big Supporter cutponies's Avatar
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    And I hope forever!

    Quote Originally Posted by Richter View Post
    And the last one for right now.
    If you didn't like the original Ballbusting cartoons, fine. You have that right. Have the courtesy to let this thread die. Start another if you must, but call it ballbusting cartoons 2.

    I don't think you realize how much confusion you've caused, and how much trouble you've caused me. I've had to re-assure fans who clicked on this thread thinking it was the other, and wondering what happened.

    If you did in the real world what you did here you'd be up on charges of copyright infringement and counterfeiting.

    Don't make me take this up with Sharon. Members have been banned for doing less than what you've done!

  13. #13
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    Richter, we already had and have an excellent thread called Ballbusting Cartoons. Other members here seem to like the other one very much and to also like cutponies cartoons.

    So why did you have to confuse things by starting another cartoon thread and even calling it Ballbusting Cartoons? If you didn't like the first one, you could have helped "improve" it by adding material to it you thought was better.

    I think you should have worked within the system and just added your material to the existing cartoons thread. To have two competing threads of the same name and subject seems rather stupid to me. The way it is now seems both stupid and confusing to me.

  14. #14
    Senior Member mgspecter's Avatar
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    ok i understand what he was doing here and i appreciate it. this thread is to simply put cartoons in for people to enjoy...the other thread is more of a cutponies request and posting thread that has alot of chitchat that goes on...this is more of a post pictures not talk thread. should it have been named something else? sure. but no use crying over spilled milk.

  15. #15
    Big Supporter Tamakeri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cutponies View Post
    If you didn't like the original Ballbusting cartoons, fine. You have that right. Have the courtesy to let this thread die. Start another if you must, but call it ballbusting cartoons 2.

    I don't think you realize how much confusion you've caused, and how much trouble you've caused me. I've had to re-assure fans who clicked on this thread thinking it was the other, and wondering what happened.

    If you did in the real world what you did here you'd be up on charges of copyright infringement and counterfeiting.

    Don't make me take this up with Sharon. Members have been banned for doing less than what you've done!
    This is total crap CP. This (that) isn't your thread, although certainly you have been a major poster here (there) for quite a few months. You didn't start it, and as I remember, you weren't even posting here for well over a year after the thread was started. What right do you have to threaten people to "take it up with Sharon" to get somebody banned? If there is actually a rule posted on Sharon's board about similarly named threads, then maybe he violated something. I remember that Sarah (back in the day) certainly wanted to keep things tight like that- but Sarah and Sharon parted ways over exactly that kind of regimentation if I'm not mistaken. I don't see any possible harm he could cause by doing what he did, whether it was intentional or not.

    And just where do you get off on the copyright infringement and counterfeiting claims. He didn't insult your artwork or your posting, he didn't copy it or misrepresent it- he didn't delete any of your posts and it isn't and never was "your thread". If you actually have "fans" that are in turmoil because they can't find the thread, I suggest you send them a link to it so they don't have that issue.

    This isn't about you, dude. I think you may be in a little deep. Just my opinion.

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