Quote Originally Posted by tkm1 View Post
i had a keeper years ago.

the poor girl was tortured by an ex boyfriend and it really was sad but it twisted her mind sexually to quite an enjoyable effect.

i used to ask her to play with me while saying what she would like to do to my cock if it was the other guy's and she'd be very seductive then pull out a knife and slide it up and down my shaft and get very violent -you know when you put your bottom teeth out and bite down hard and growl angrily when you talk- yeah she'd do that and slam the knife into the base of my shaft from the bottom up and say things like "i want to cut his cock off right HERE!" and pull up really hard with the knife on it to the point that a few times i got cut and thought with just a little more effort, barely any, she'd have actually taken it off

a couple times she really hurt me where she would do random attacks on me.

once while i was doing the dishes she came in behind me and started very nice and then slid my pants down and pulled my cock across the rim of the basin holding it pointed into the sink with the head and then pulled out a serated steak knife and pushed it down against my shaft and the metal sink so hard that i had 9 holes in a straight line about a half inch from the very base.

she said "how would you feel if i just pulled the knife away really fast and this cock of your came off in my hand?"

i was surprised because i was still soft at this point and we only played like that in bed so i said i like playing but i dont want her to really cut it off and she pulled the knife away, pulled me cock toward her and placed the knife under it and said she wanted to cut if off and feel it in her hand and watch my expression while she did it.

i think that was what really ended the relationship for me. as much as i'm all for some really hard playing and threats, i dont want to lose my best friend
Wow, what an erotic girl friend. Can you get her back? Is she still around? She probably still has the same fantasy. The only thing not perfect is she is thinking about some ex's cock. Other than that she deserves to have her desires fulfilled.