Quote Originally Posted by David_B
Damn! In that case, may I suggest that Angelina should NOT be honoured by one of Try's drawings! How about Lucy Liu instead?
If I could draw worth a damn (I can draw, but my artwork is cartoon-y, not in any way photorealistic like I want it to be -- I guess they weren't kidding when they said to take lessons!), I think I'd try duplicating that Seven of Nine chick. Was she the only thing that made Voyager worth watching or what?

But crappy TV aside: Try, the male and female bodies you draw have a certain consistency to them. I'd suggest that you take advantage of that and make a strip out of four or five drawings. Doing comics is Da Bomb. Before I became whatever it is I am now, I worked at drawing comics -- one series on which I worked made it to issue 83 (but no bb in it; I wasn't comfortable about being a sicko back then). Now, my fans (sic) will tell you that they were 83 issues of CRAP, but they bought the thing. Your artwork is better than mine and it would not be too hard to make a storyline more interesting than the ones I used (mine were politically-oriented which interested some people but bored the piss out of lots more).

For other cartoonists in the same boat as Trouble (i.e., can't draw and have an uninteresting comic series): you do not need to draw well or have a plot that interests anyone. If it comes out on time every month, people will buy it and read it. I don't know WHY that is, but I know other cartoonists who can't draw and/or write and they can confirm this: what people want is to see a title on the shelf at regular intervals.

Actually, the same thing goes with people making bb videos and clips for sale: a good bust is best to sell the product, but what REALLY keeps people coming back is just having material show up consistently and timely. (I think they already know that, but...)