One word from Agnetha is worth a thousand of these lame pics in the other posts. "Look! A blonde AND a bunette!" "His balls are tied up in this one!" "What's she doing with that knife? (And the ridiculous outfit?)"

The side of, shall we say, smut that Agnetha understands which seems to elude so many is that eroticism happens in the brain (not in the eyes, although males are reportedly found to be more sensitive to visual input -- whatever, the eroticism still happens in the mind, not in the eyeballs). Her descriptionss are of actual events, and trying to get under the psychology of a guy (a guy who is probably the eny of many an hombre here). Makes one word from Aggie worth a thousand pics.

"Look! She's tied his nuts to a bulldozer!" "In this one, she's got him right where she wants him!" "Check this -- sucks head and balls!" Sheesh, who cares? I can see any of that stuff by looking down. (Well, okay, no woman has tied my balls to a bulldozer, and I am pretty lucky so far.)

Pants off to Aggie -- er, HATS, I mean! Hats off to Aggie! Yeah, that's what I meant.

Quote Originally Posted by agnetha

and after an evening clubbing with my man, he has gone to bed so I hope this post makes some sense...

and I must say that this thread has had me interested for a while. I've always focussed on the balls as a pair although each will have received a good amount of attention during a session. I had supposed that the pain has been to some degree divided between them and my man has not been aware that one or other testicle could be been the target of my affections, as I have not thought of things this way.

BUT,,, how the little things make a difference ! Following the recent kicks that I have done (see the competetive touch etc posts), he has had one ball (the left sometimes, the right the others) which is a bit more sore than the other. I have concentrated my ball busting on this sore ball with less force than usual but have made more use of teasing and aggression in my voice to let him know just what I could do to his (very slightly) damaged manhood. I'll whisper to him that even afterwards he'd still have one good ball left for me. It does make him flinch and squirm around when I hold or crush it and say that the (painful) ball is smaller than the other, so he won't need it so much, or that his pain free testicle looks so nice and full that I'd better leave it alone until I want his sperm.
His pain threshold seems lower and I can, through a good squeeze or 3 and a long slow suck and spit out, easily have him pleading for me to take the other one, which I find a huge turn on. Buy focussing on the one testicle I've found I can make him plead a lot more and thus make him open to this base side of himself, and I find this very sexual.
I don't know why, perhaps its just his thinking that "there's always the other one" or its just a temorary escape from the pain, but his sexual urge is very strong when I finish the ball busting and bring him to orgasm with my mouth or hands. When I tell him to come and that I want both balls when he ejecutates, and put my hands around them, he almost faints with the experience. I do find it so beautiful and often let him come on my breasts. That way we can both see his sperm and I always tell him how much there is and how good his balls must be.

Its late, time for bed, Agnetha xx