So, I'm pretty young for a sub... I'm only 20, but I've loved the idea of being dominated since, well... As long as I can remember... Anyways, this is my story...

My girlfriend loves to torture me. Even though she's only 115 lbs, and 5' 6, she can get the job done... From what I can tell there are three different types of days...
There are strictly pain days (these days often result when she is on her period). On these days, she'll usually give me nice kisses, all to be halted with a knee to the balls. Since it's summer she usually wears short cloth gym shorts, a tank top, and either flip flops or no shoes. So, while I'm down in pain, she'll have me clean the bottoms of her feet. After I've finished, she'll beat me for a while, put me flat on my back, hold my legs open and stomp on my exposed cock and balls. Once she feels as if I can't take anymore, she'll stop, help me up, and it's a movie for the night... Believe it or not, that's not the worst of the days...

The most common day is the teasing day. Here, I get blowjobs, and handjobs and footjobs, and tons of sex! But... She always stops, not letting me cum. And she knows if I masturbate too... I don't know how, but she calls it on me if I ever do... And if I masturbate... I get 25 whips, and lemon juice rubbed into the wounds. And, if I've been caught twice in the same month... She ties sewing needles into the whips. It's not fun... She usually repeats this teasing day every day, for 3 - 10 days, depending on how she feels. Now, what you've all been waiting for... Complete domination day.

On this day, I have release, for as many times as I want to, or can, in about an hour, maybe an hour and a half... She'll have sex with me a lot, but remind me... If I cum, I'm eating it all out. And since I've been through so many teasing days... The first time will be so nasty, so messy... But, from all that teasing, it's inevitable, I cum, and I cum hard. I cringe when I do, because I can feel it filling up in there, and I know not only will I be cleaning it, I'll be swallowing it... She sits on my face, her messy vagina Over my nose and lips and tells me to eat it all... Reluctantly, I get to work, as she pours KY lubricant on her hand, and gets to work on my cock, keeping it hard. I can't breath at all at this point, and she knows that I'm not done cleaning... She threatens that if I begin to go soft, she'll make my balls the same way, as she squeezes and slaps them... Finally, when I'm done, she'll make me go through a bit, as she usually has me continue to lie down, she'll sit on my chest and make me worship her feet, while using my fingers for her pleasure. After that, perhaps some oral sex for her (or me, depending on how she feels...) If I get oral sex, she'll usually suck me off until release... She transfers it to me all in one big kiss, puts a foot firmly on my mouth, and makes me finish. After this long routine, she'll just continue, until I've consumed 3 to a record amount (for us) of 7 of my loads... Don't get me wrong, it's great to have release, but... Such torture...