Hi everyone!

Well Im just getting everywhere today in these threads!
I cant help it, so many of these topics interest me!

Magnum, I have found that most guys Ive busted one way or another have always had one ball more tender than the other to some degree.
Not sure if its to do with whichever hangs lower or if its just some genetic thing or what...
Ive not had that much stomping experiences (so I hope Ill be forgiven for posting here) but when Ive added pressure to balls with my hands, fingers or teeth, there was alwayssome different reactions on some guys when I worked over their balls.
I dont think size is a factor....but I may be wrong...heh, Im not the smartest of people Ill be the first to admit. *g*

Ive enjoyed all your posts ppl here so far and look forward to more and hopefully joinig in on further posts.