Quote Originally Posted by Snoodle View Post
Hey Becki, have you ever done horses?

Hi Snoodle, yes, we gelded a few horses at the ranch but not nearly so many as bulls.

Unlike bulls, we gave the horses shots of anesthetic in each nut before we cut them out. That is quite the experience. You have to hold each nut very tightly when you stick the needle in the nut so it won't squirm around and get away from you. Also, the lady that showed us how to do it said that horses can often draw their nuts up into their body if you don't hold them tight. Then it is hard to get to the escaped nut.

The horse Association even has a form now for the castrator or castratrix to sign and swear as to which nut or nuts were cut out cause if you don't get both nuts and one is drawn up then when you sell the horse as a gelding it really is not a gelding but a cryptorchid (meaning it has one nut drawed up inside). Course, then instead if it being and acting like a gelding (nice and gentle) it will still act just like a stud and try to fuck everything in heat as well as being rowdy and uncontrollable just like a man.

All and all, what with the anesthetic and their propensity to draw their nuts up, the lady said horses are the most like ********** men.

But, you know, their is nothing quite comparable to the way bull balls hang low and swing back and forth, I just love that, they are so much easier to play with. Wish guys had such big, low hanging nuts !!!