Ballbusting Pics - Attached - (not for text-only posts)
Originally posted by doorm99 i love the picture4s here on the board. wel i to stuipid to oppload pics on the net , i dont have pictures from myself and i dont know with the copyright . can anybody help me ??
greetings dirk
To upload a pic: click on "post reply", then just go down the page that loads and click on the button "Manage Attachments". In the window that opens, click on "browse". Then, highlight the name of the pic you want to post from your hard drive and then "open" or whatever your operating system has as the equivalent. (Not "cancel".)
Please note that the system doesn't allow first-time posters to attach pics. That rule and others are explained in the thread at the top of all pages in this forum. The thread is called:
"Important Notices To All Members From Forum Administrators ~ ~ {Read Before Posting!}" You can also get to that thread by clicking on this link: As it says there, the rules apply to you whether you read them or not.
About copyrights, I'm no copyright attorney, so I claim ignorance! Besides, I'm not posting pics for profit. I tend to avoid pics with a URL on them. I just "find" pics in my collection, from newsgroups, emails from friends, etc., etc...
If I come across a posted pic that is obviously copyrighted, I may delete that post. So can the other moderators here. If the Webmistress gets a complaint, same thing.
Good luck!
Last edited by SadisticSara; 05-15-2005 at 09:13 PM.
Reason: (Updated instructions for attaching pics)