Quote Originally Posted by SVD View Post
Actually, since I have them... Here's 2 different versions of the last Pic i made.

This one has more subdued skintones...

And this is how the image was originally, before I decided I didn't like her armor, and wanted to redo the eyes...
I actually kind of like the one with the armored one. I love images of fights between Amazons and male warriors, in the arena or in an actual battle. For some reason, I guess it's just part of the whole CFNM thing, I always picture the women well-armed and armored, though they often leave their breasts or pussies exposed to distract their male opponents. The men are usually naked and armed with only short spears or swords, either by the rules to make things "equal" or just because...

Of course the girls win and the boys must pay the price. I've written a story or two with that theme I'm re-editing and going to post in the Amazons section. One piece is up. (I didn't edit it so it's got typos and stuff, but the basic theme is there...)