And have no less a right to my opinions on it than you do.
And no less a right to post it here than you do.

Quote Originally Posted by kenthastings View Post
Most everyone who has a legit penectomy has paid for it. So there is nothing unique about this. The guy wanted it done since a child, and he happily achieved his dream...and had three hot young girls do it. I feel pay would cheapen it for me, but the fact they enjoyed it made it hot. I could also add that he could have gotten out of it, but they were all enjoying it. He even went to the ward because he refused to give the names of the hotties that did it...wish he would at least give the names to me.
You weren't there.
You don't know any more of how it went down than the rest of us can glean from the story.
You are projecting yourself onto this story.
You can't or won't differentiate between fantasy and reality, either, it seems.
Like several others here, you just think with your little head. And don't care about the consequences that these people have brought on.

"Legit" penectomies are done after long extensive probings of the candidates mind by professionals. Then done properly and safely and painlessly in a medical environment. Not in hotel rooms by whores who have now discovered what they are capable of. And are probably bragging about it somewhere.
These "hotties" as you call them, still have the rest of their lives ahead of themselves to top this thrill. And they will.

Because they are monsters.