I was wondering if I started talking to a girl and asking her if she was interested in ballbusting me, would that be considered offensive and illegal? i know it sounds just impossible and wrong, but i was picturing a conversation that was honest and simple, as if picking up a girl without harassing, except the straight jump into asking if she wanna share a specific activity. Furthermore, it seems less threatening since asking for ballbusting is not asking for sex. For the lady, it's simple. Does she want to ballbust me, or not? Picture this conversation:

Man: "Hi, my name is XXX. I was wondering if you would be interested in something?"

If woman gives somewhat positive vibe, like she's not afraid of me or thinks i'm a creep, that is to say she's somewhat interested in at least conversing with me, then proceed to:

Man: "Would you be interested in ballbusting me? You can say no and this conversation will be over. I will walk away."

And then from there, i suspect her initial reaction will be shock or laughter. If it is a negative vibe, I will say "Sorry for bothering you" and walk away, just like that. If it is somewhat positive (basically if she laughs or if she definitely seems interested), I will wait for her response. If she doesn't know what to respond with, I proceed with:

Man: "Well, it may come as a shock to you. You need not give me a response right now, but I am interested in that. May I give you my number so you can text me if you are interested?"

Next, I was considering 2 options. One is obviously giving my number into her phone. But, she might not want to "admit" she's slightly interested by taking out her phone and recording it. So two, I have my number pre-written on a small sheet of paper that I can give to her, and then I walk away. From then on, it happens or not.

I was also considering just combining sentence 1 and 2 together so that right from the start when I talk to her until she gets a chance to respond, everything is in the open, and she is not misled into thinking I am hitting on her in the usual expected way. But then, that seems too much for her to handle?

I have this feeling that girls pretty much know a bit about ballbusting already. And I suspect many of them are interested in it, even if not in doing it but in talking about it, or hearing about it, and that they pretty much find it a funny topic.

Ladies here, this thread is mainly posed to you. What do you think?