Hello there I am into ballbusting and femdom cock biting, ballbiting, and have **********/penectomy fantasies also with consenting adults, but I hit a link on here which sent me to a russian page which was sick. THere were alot of off topics on the link of the site which made me sick to my stomach. I did not see too much, but the content was vile. I do not wish to be associated with any of the stuff on their, and have decided to pack it in. I do not want my fetishes to be mistaken with some truly evil stuff which are linked with some of the femdom content. so im going to stick with cumshots and other porn to get me off, I hope i can beat this fetish as i dont want to see that kind of twisted shit ever again, i mean u got to be disturbed man to harm another human being like that, it was more violent then erotic. this was just the homepage by the way. I wont tell you how i came accross it, in case curiosity got the better of you. but it was related to a recent link. I have decided to diassociate myself with this incase people think i was into that sick evil stuff. Im going off for a while i might come back to some of the lighter topics someday, but seriously be carefull what u click on the web, as ya might feel sick like i do now. theres a thin line between erotic porn and sadistic evil, and its too thin for me to enjoy anymore. Enjoy your porn but watch out for the twisted shit my friends!