Quote Originally Posted by finally View Post
I appreciate and respect, that you try and look into your fetish and want to keep it rational and reasonable.
Anyway, I don't need your advising reminder all the time, telling me that just insane people would want to cut or have cut off body parts. You understand?
I am open to you or anyone one else changing my opinion on the subject. I am stubborn, yes, but not closed-minded. If someone can give me a good argument that proves me wrong, I appreciate it, because someone has gone to the trouble of enlightening me.
As for what I post "all the time" you ought to read all of my posts. My last response to you was no such reminder. In fact I sincerely wished you luck in finding the woman of your dreams. And I mean it.

And actually my question was not who would or should, but WHY so many women seem to categoricaly disapprove of this act, even also IF they state to have fun in torturing men, men's balls etc.

I mean, ballbusters for example. To torture and thereby even maybe destroy a man's balls is probably a big rush. I can relate, but:

A man whose balls are taken is not punished but set free, set free from his desire as well as from the tortured parts. There are health issues regarding ********** but no serious sex issues. If you want you take testosterone, if not, well it's your choice. Your not a slave of your desire any more then.

A man who's dick is taken is caught. No health risks, He could just come with- and walk home without his dick. But he can be tortured even more than before from then on and even if he still will ejaculate from time to time his desire may even become so overhelming that only ********** could cure him...
I cannot personally relate. Sorry about that. I have a perfectly healthy set of male organs and I have never felt "enslaved" to them. It's like telling me one can be enslaved by his ears, always flooding him with all sorts of sound, and he can't (or won't) understand why no one will chop those off of him. Would you call that sane?

So No: I don't call the female world to cut off every cock they can get or so.
I just wonder why it is so uncommon for women to admit they like to fatasize about, for exaple, beeing reckless cock collectors and want your penis as their next trophy...
Well, I hope you get some female responses to your question. But until that happens, all you have is me. (Or any other male that chooses to respond, for that matter.)
For those women who generally don't fantasize that way, why should they admit to such a thing?
For those who do, it may be a private thing. Did you ever stop to consider that should a female admit to being turned on by torturing or destroying male organs, it could get her labelled a freak? And who needs that?

Worse, what if it gets her a whole horde of guys like you pestering her?

Can you imagine your mailbox getting flooded with messages like "TAKE MY BALLS!" and "TELL ME HOW YOU WOULD TORTURE MY COCK OFF!"

I wouldn't be surprised if this was the reason why Betty stopped posting here a long time ago. And I'll bet the guys that chased her away would happily do it again.