Quote Originally Posted by rowdy View Post
Why do I think your conscience limits you? Because your own writing reveals that. Because every normal being has to wrestle with fantasy versus ethics.

In any event, I hope that you are well. And I still wonder if you would enjoy a long, hard (but still safe) ball-kicking with a naked, bound and willing partner? Perhaps I misread you (?), but it seems that this is the easiest ethical way to approach your fantasies?

Hi Darthsidius,

It is good to hear from you, once more. Yes, I am well. Thank you, for the inquiry. Your question puzzled me. This is why I posed my query to you. My conscience does indeed, "
Limits ball-busting and ********** to fantasy or self defense.". The reason is; I have no desire to cause injury or pain to someone. That is, unless it is impossible to avoid doing so. Hence, the answer to your question is a resounding NO! BTW, there is no such thing as "A long, hard (but still safe) ball-kicking". The lightest of blows; even the ones that don't hurt (Although, I can not imagine there are any. Then again, I am not male) can cause, scar tissue to form inside a testicle. Over time, enough such tissue will render the little fellows less effective.

I am quite content, to enjoy ballbusting (and **********!) of the "deserving" vicariously, through film and the written word. Although, there is something to be said; for the "feeling of grim satisfaction" derived from, removing a serial sexual predator from the human "gene pool". AND (more often, than not) "retiring" him from his vile vocation! However, I much prefer the "unmanning" of fictional sexual predators. If for no other reason, they have fictional victims.

I hope you and yours, are well.
