I think I never read this thread before because I figured that it was about ball standing. And frankly, I really don't care for ball standing discussions because there's always someone who wants to hear that it's safe to let his girlfriend jump up and down on his testicles as if they were a trampoline or, worse yet, someone who claims that this is safe. Also, ball standing is so much tougher to measure the amount of force, so it seems tougher to do safely to me. So I hadn't read this thread until now. Sorry, i. quivy.

Yanking, pulling, and hanging weights on the balls: that I'm all about. I bought myself a parachute a few years back. I think I got mine for $15, but I might have spent $20. Parachutes are good. And really, for a torture toy, they're pretty cheap. I have heard from other CBT fora, that if you're really going for setting new maximum weight records, that you shouldn't use parachutes because with enough weight on them, they'll tend to stretch some and it can result in the testicles popping through, but distending severely enough to rupture in the process. They recommend steel collars of an appropriate size. However, I think as long as you're not going for any records, a parachute is just fine. I'm pretty sure that the problems with the parachute don't show up until at least 25 pounds of force. I think that the largest weight I've done was a gallon jug of water. A gallon jug of water weighs 8.33 pounds. So that's only a third of the way there. I've heard people say that 30 pounds of force is generally enough to pull the testicles off. I'm not sure if that's true. I know that people have done larger weights than that, but the process of working their way up may well have toughened up the muscle which comprises the scrotum such that it could bear more weight.

Essentially, what happens is that a parachute (or humbler, or steel collar, or pair of chipsticks rubberbanded together around the scrotum) gets pulled down by the weight until it's resting on the testicles which are resting on the bottom of the sack. Two painful things are then happening.
1) The testicles are being squished against the bottom of the sack. This feeling is very much like having your testicles in a vice or someone's grip.
2) The tubes which connect the testicles to the body inside the scrotum are getting stretched. So far as I know, these can stretch pretty well and I've never heard of them breaking, but the stretch of these alone seems to be painful. This second part, I theorize, is what makes the pain not precisely the same as having the balls just crushed.

The thing that I'm most curious about is how much additional force jumping up and down causes. There are some people who maintain that jumping up and down with weights attached to the testicles is always an enormous risk of injury and should never be done. I highly doubt this. Jumping and landing definitely adds a jerking factor, but the question is how much total force is this? The jerk is just extra force, nothing magical. So the question that I want answered is "how much extra force is it?" I have played Dance Dance Revolution with a fairly light weight hanging from my balls before (roughly two pounds), and landing from the jumps was like a kick in the balls. I would, however, guess that it was less than the pressure from the gallon jug of water (8.3 pounds), so I would guess that jumping one foot in the air and landing doesn't increase the force by more than a factor of four, but I'm not really sure.

Normally one measure force using spring-based measurers, but those will bounce back and forth some before they settle down, so there's no way to get an instantaneous measure of force. The only thing I can think to do is to find some way to build a series of things which break at different ****** and then see which of those break when attached between the weight and the parachute. That's sort of long and involved, though.

I think that the DDR thing would be a really good thing for a mistress who really enjoys ball torture but doesn't want to have to do a lot: just tell your sub to keep at it until he gets a score of B or better, choose a song for him with lots of jumps and sit back and watch the bouncing sub and the pained expression on his face.

For the person torturing themselves, hang an empty milk jug from a parachute, and go take a shower. See how long you can stand it. If it gets too much, just squat and unhook it. Suddenly not having weight on your balls is like having the world lifted off your shoulders. If it wasn't for the nagging feeling that you'd wimped out, you'd be on top of the world. At a full gallon, I generally find myself starting to feel nauseated. So it's definitely a lot of weight (unless you've trained up or just naturally have a very high threshold of pain), but it's quite certain not to do damage.

Smack (or pull or whatever)